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Fic Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rose on May 01, 2008, 02:37:53 AM

Title: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: Rose on May 01, 2008, 02:37:53 AM
I've been debating this for a long time. I'm the type of writer to have a crapload of projects all at the same time lol. But for those who have read Just Another Day, I've been thinking about converting it into Original Fiction. Which is what it was supposed to be to begin with. But by converting it, I'd be taking out lyrics that I do think somewhat bog down the story (except on chapter where it might have a stanza), change ages and such. Some scenes would change up a bit, but the story would still be true to the fanfic version.

For those who read it, could you see it working? For those who read it and done it to their own fics (aka Kelly! lol) any advice? I can see it working for a teen audience if I tone down the language and all.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: Rose on May 01, 2008, 07:26:58 AM
I did start it, lol couldn't help myself.

So far it's easy, but I know the major scene changes are going to be more down the line.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: Purpura Lipstick on May 01, 2008, 10:35:15 PM
I started converting my story and thought it wouldn't be too hard... LOL I was wrong. The more I thought about it the more I had to change to distance it from the fanfic...
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: LenniluvsBrian on May 01, 2008, 11:16:40 PM
I'm going to be converting one of mine soon enough - soon as I finish it - if I ever finish it! Lol. I've made notes at the bottom along the way, so i'll know what I'm doing when the time comes. :)

Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: honey on May 02, 2008, 01:03:04 PM
Hey Rose! I'd say go for it! Except that you already did.  :D  As far as advice? I dunno? I can see it working with your story, just  take a good look at *Nick* in your story and make sure that you give him a personality and a background and all that. That's always my problem when converting because in fan fic I don't do it so much because we all know *Nick* already. But when he becomes *Joe* or whoever, all of that history and character disappears and for those reading that never saw him as *Nick* he becomes very one dimensional and flat. At least that's my experience.

As far as story goes though, I don't see you having a problem. And in original fic I wouldn't dwell on lyrics all that much. Maybe just a line or two in that one chapter where she hears the song... but anything more than that would probably seem silly or cheesy and you might get negative feedback for it. I don't know though? Good luck!
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: Rose on May 05, 2008, 01:23:05 AM
Hey Rose! I'd say go for it! Except that you already did.  :D  As far as advice? I dunno? I can see it working with your story, just  take a good look at *Nick* in your story and make sure that you give him a personality and a background and all that. That's always my problem when converting because in fan fic I don't do it so much because we all know *Nick* already. But when he becomes *Joe* or whoever, all of that history and character disappears and for those reading that never saw him as *Nick* he becomes very one dimensional and flat. At least that's my experience.

As far as story goes though, I don't see you having a problem. And in original fic I wouldn't dwell on lyrics all that much. Maybe just a line or two in that one chapter where she hears the song... but anything more than that would probably seem silly or cheesy and you might get negative feedback for it. I don't know though? Good luck!

Yeah lucky for me in Nick's first chapter where he tells the story, I explained a lot of his background cause he rants about it. But I do have to remember that I won't have the instant history I would with a fanfic. And yeah I'm nixing all the lyrics except for the HWSS chapter which will only have a couple lines when Nick himself sings it to her. I know it'd come off more cheesy if I left any other lyrics too.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: Rose on May 05, 2008, 01:24:17 AM
Oh my other thing is I'm trying to write Tracy in more and earlier, looking back on the story and notes I feel I didn't include her enough and she might have been more one dimensional as a character than I would like. So I'm trying to add in scenes too.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: honey on May 05, 2008, 10:00:47 PM
meh. Tracy's a bitch. I like her that way.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: Rose on May 05, 2008, 11:21:26 PM
meh. Tracy's a bitch. I like her that way.

So do I lol, and she still will remain an evil bitch, she just might have more scenes and a history now lol.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: honey on May 05, 2008, 11:22:32 PM
that could be cool.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: Rose on May 05, 2008, 11:29:59 PM
I just have a thing about making every character more than one dimensional *twitch* no matter how minor. But for my first evil psycho girlfriend as a "villian", she's not bad lol.
Title: Re: Question about converting a story to Original Fiction
Post by: honey on May 05, 2008, 11:32:23 PM
this is true. well she is "bad", but she's definitely not bad.