Absolute Chaos Discussion Boards
Fic Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: mare on February 17, 2009, 09:04:01 PM
What genres of BSB fanfic do you enjoy reading most?
Which ones do you find the most over-rated?
Which ones are rarely if ever represented anymore and why do you think that is?
If you could do away with one genre which would it be and why?
1. My favorite genres are drama, angst, and suspense, with a hint of romance! :)
2. The only genre I find overrated is visuals. To me, a visual isn't a story any more than porno can be considered a movie. Most of them are the written equivalent of porn... sex, without any real plot or character development, or a cheesy plot at best. I'm not saying visual writers aren't talented... but I like to see the ones who are use that talent for novels (with sex scenes)!
3. There's not a whole lot of sci-fi and very few fantasy, aside from the more supernatural/horror stuff, in the Bsb fandom. To be honest, those aren't my genres of choice, and unfortunately, that seems to be a fairly common opinion among Bsb fanfic readers, which could be why those genres are underrepresent ed. But, some of the most creative, unique ideas can be found in those genres, so I do think there should be more sci-fis and fantasies!
4. Visuals? I'm not a big fan of slash in the Bsb fandom either. Visuals I've already gotten into, and as for slash, I prefer the Boys to be portrayed true to themselves, or as close as we can come to that, anyway.
Another good topic!
I really like reading AUs or fantasies... But I'll read practically anything if it's written well. I've enjoyed a lot of suspenses and tear jerkers lately...
Hmmmm... romances. Sorry, I know this one always causes hurt feelings, but it just feels like 90% of them are the same story and it just drags on a lot when nothing happens. One of my favorite fluffy romances was "Whitmore Lake" by Kelly, and it has external drama, that it's not entirely focused on the breaking up and getting back together thirty times thing. I know she based it off the movie Sabrina, but I think it would have been enjoyable even if she hadn't.
AU, fantasy, sci-fi... Probably because everyone who doesn't write them or read them thinks they'll be too confusing to understand, or they think that in order to write them, you have to wade through a bunch of confusing words or know a lot about fantastical things, like telekinesis or something... A really great AU I can think of off the top of my head is 00Carter... I know I write it, but I only write 1/7th of it! I can honestly say that it's not confusing at all, it's more funny than anything else.
Slash or Visuals. I'm sorry, I just hate them both! Too much sex... and it's usually not written believably, so I just end up laughing. lol
My feelings are so hurt now! :'( LOL fluffy, cute warm and fuzzy romantic comedies are the BEST! Seriously. THe lighter and cuter the better! Haha.
I Love romantic comedies the best and I also love AU's! My next favorite would have to be supernatural/suspense/horror.
I guess I would have to say sci-fi fantasy is an under-appreciated genre because there aren't that many. I would love to see more sci-fi stories out there. I would probably love those as much as fluffy romance!
Oh, and thanks for the Whitmore Lake love! Yeah, that one is based off a movie, but I feel like (excluding some of my earliest stories, *gag*) most of my stories flow that same way. I always have to have an outside story in them as well, because as much as I love romance, I HATE stories where they are on again off again a million times, More than anything!
Yeah, I mean those type more than fluffy ones..... I should change mine. lol I just forgot what to call the ones that keep going and going and going... Dramatic romances, maybe?
What genres of BSB fanfic do you enjoy reading most?
I'd say drama. But I also like suspense. Not necessarily graphic horror, but scary and intense is good.
Which ones do you find the most over-rated?
I think romance might be a little over rated. I mean I enjoy it when it's good, but there are other things to life than just falling in love.
Which ones are rarely if ever represented anymore and why do you think that is?
Like everyone has mentioned, I don't see much sci-fi/fantasy.
If you could do away with one genre which would it be and why? I agree about the visuals being basically porn. I love the boys and all, but I don't ned all the gory details.
What genres of BSB fanfic do you enjoy reading most?
Sci-fi, Horror, Supernatural, AU, and Fantasy. Those are my faves. I adore them.
Which ones do you find the most over-rated?
Sorry guys, but romance. There are exceptions (Like Julie, and Kelly, whose stories are fantastic and I read despite how they're romance lol) but most of the time it's the same thing. It's very hard to do romance because there are so many limits, so I don't understand the appeal. And most of the time it's the same story cause there's only so much you can do without adding in another genre.
Which ones are rarely if ever represented anymore and why do you think that is?
Fantasy and Science Fiction. That's a real pet peeve of mine too since I love both reading and writing both genres. I wish I knew why people don't write either in the BSB fandom seeing that romance is overly represented.
If you could do away with one genre which would it be and why?
Visuals. Can't stand them. At all.
What genres of BSB fanfic do you enjoy reading most? For me, I'm a huge suspense and mystery fan.
Which ones do you find the most over-rated? I'm just not that into Romances. Not to say there aren't some good ones, but...usually just not my cup o' tea.
Which ones are rarely if ever represented anymore and why do you think that is? Sci-fi is a rarity. It's just not a genre that comes to mind when thinking of the characters (unless thinking way back to a couple of the earlier vids...)
If you could do away with one genre which would it be and why? I wouldn't, really. There are genres I will not likely ever read, but I'm sure I'm probably going to miss out on some good stories in those genres because of my own bias against them. But I wouldn't want those who actually like those genres to miss out on those stories.
What genres of BSB fanfic do you enjoy reading most? Romance, Drama, Suspense, Action
Which ones do you find the most over-rated? None of them
Which ones are rarely if ever represented anymore and why do you think that is? I have to agree that there don't seem to be many sci-fi ones. Not sure why that is though, I quite like sci-fi!
If you could do away with one genre which would it be and why? I wouldn't do away with any, it's all a matter of taste. What one person hates may be someone elses favourite. I'll read any genre and give anything a chance.
1. My favorite genres are drama, angst, and suspense, with a hint of romance! :)
2. The only genre I find overrated is visuals. To me, a visual isn't a story any more than porno can be considered a movie. Most of them are the written equivalent of porn... sex, without any real plot or character development, or a cheesy plot at best. I'm not saying visual writers aren't talented... but I like to see the ones who are use that talent for novels (with sex scenes)!
3. There's not a whole lot of sci-fi and very few fantasy, aside from the more supernatural/horror stuff, in the Bsb fandom. To be honest, those aren't my genres of choice, and unfortunately, that seems to be a fairly common opinion among Bsb fanfic readers, which could be why those genres are underrepresent ed. But, some of the most creative, unique ideas can be found in those genres, so I do think there should be more sci-fis and fantasies!
4. Visuals? I'm not a big fan of slash in the Bsb fandom either. Visuals I've already gotten into, and as for slash, I prefer the Boys to be portrayed true to themselves, or as close as we can come to that, anyway.
In reply to #3, i have an idea for a sci-fi/fantasy story i conjured up featuring the Boys, but i'm still trying to figure out how to start it. I hope to work on it soon and put it up here. i have been so busy with other things it's like i don't have time to even read fanfic, much less write in mine...and i'm having a bit of a writer's block with my current story i'm working on >:(
1. i like all types of genres but the ones i most enjoy are comedy, adventure, romance, alternate universe, action and suspense.
2. i think the typical fan fic where Boy meets girl, girl falls in love with Boy, Boy and girl start to have a relationship, they break up/have conflict, they get back together because they realized how much they really loved each , etc etc. :plugears: that kind of romance i try to skip. those kind of stories are a little cliche. no offense to anyone, but for the record, none of the stories i've read here fall into this "category" :)
3. i think the genres that are rarely represented are fantasy or sci-fi. i think it's preference thing, though. i mean, most people like reading about romance, action, adventure, and all, not very many people don't really like sci-fi. i for one like sci-fi. for me, i try to write in different genres. i like to keep it interesting and i'd think it would get boring writing in the same genre, it's good to have variety.
4. i like all types of genres of stories, so i don't think i'd like any to do away with. LOL
Yay for sci-fi love! lol
Or least the possibility of a new sci-fi being added to the slim pickings in the BSB fanfic world. ;D :blues: <--- I plan to use all the random smileys at least once around here lol.
well, it's more of a fantasy type thing with a little sci-fi; it doesn't really have anything to do with aliens or anything. the premise of the story is about the Boys as guardians (essentially gods) who have the ability to control the elements on Earth: water (Brian), fire (Nick), air (AJ), earth (Howie). Kevin used to have the ability to control metals, but to parallel it to "our" universe i decided he not be a guardian anymore. the story is an alternate universe, but i'm still debating on it though on what direction i want to go in. anywayz, someone is after the Boys' powers; he comes from outer space (there's your sci fi for ya LOL) and can control dark energy. yeah, so, i guess i have a lot of work to do on that. that's what i have so far.
when the Boys published that comic book in 2000, i wrote some stories for that too. so i could put it up here. i've written about 3 or 4 stories.
Nice premise, sometimes SciFi and Fantasy blend. I've seen it in one of my own stories.
I like the idea, though I'd change the elements thing. It tends to be overdone in fantasy fanfics these days and I myself learned to try to avoid it in my own stories.
^ I was just thinking the opposite. I kind of like the elements idea. I would also love to read this story. Sounds interesting!
^ I was just thinking the opposite. I kind of like the elements idea. I would also love to read this story. Sounds interesting!
I like the idea of powers, but elements tend to appear quite a bit in fantasy fiction is all LOL
The elements idea reminds me of Captain Planet (which was an awesome show, so not slamming the idea at all!) LOL, but it also reminds me of the album art for Millennium, which is still one of my favorite Bsb photoshoots. Though when I looked back at which element you chose for which guy, it made me think more of the Incomplete video... Brian with water, Nick with fire, etc., as opposed to Brian = air, Nick = water, Howie = fire, etc. Is that where you got the idea?
The elements have been connected to fantasy since ancient Greek and Roman times, when they believed there was a god who controlled each of them, so it makes sense. It's a classic idea. I wouldn't throw it out just because it's been done before. You can always take an old idea and make it new again, especially in this fandom when so few stories like that are being written currently.
I have a fantasy story where the Boys control the elements, if that's any proof that it's over used. lol
I have an only partially written BSB story that the elements played a big part, too. (It was a supernatural-related fic in that a couple of the characters were dead (but were still the main characters), the element thing had absolutely nothing to do with powers or sci-fi/fantasy or anything, though...)
Okay, mine had magical powers. lol
The elements idea reminds me of Captain Planet (which was an awesome show, so not slamming the idea at all!) LOL, but it also reminds me of the album art for Millennium, which is still one of my favorite Bsb photoshoots. Though when I looked back at which element you chose for which guy, it made me think more of the Incomplete video... Brian with water, Nick with fire, etc., as opposed to Brian = air, Nick = water, Howie = fire, etc. Is that where you got the idea?
The elements have been connected to fantasy since ancient Greek and Roman times, when they believed there was a god who controlled each of them, so it makes sense. It's a classic idea. I wouldn't throw it out just because it's been done before. You can always take an old idea and make it new again, especially in this fandom when so few stories like that are being written currently.
yup, i based their powers on the elements they were paired with from the Incomplete video. i just thought it fit better than the Millennium one. But the story itself actually came from a dream i had with AJ and Nick. In my dream, they had these special powers and me and this girl, who was my best friend in my dream, were running away from some evil dude LOL and the two of them ended up helping us. HAHA Captain Planet rocks! (but seriously, if i wrote my story in that way it would be totally corny and cheesy and i'd rather not have the cheese :D) Exactly on the Greek and Roman fantasy thing. i've always loved Greek mythology so i sort of wanted to incorporate that in my story, so thanks. :)
I have a fantasy story where the Boys control the elements, if that's any proof that it's over used. lol
is that the one where their "father" drugged his wife and when she had the Boys they had powers, as part of an experiment? if it is, i loved that story :) or is it the Pixcadia one? i like that one too :)
No, it's called Gobosei. My pen name is the same as my forum name. lol
oh okay, i haven't read that one...i'll check it out. :)
It probably needs updating.... :-[
Yes it does. Though it did help me get semi inspired with Born To Be and caused that story to be born, so yay for Dee lol.
I'll update it when I want, betch. :P
At least I finished PBox. lol