Absolute Chaos Discussion Boards

Fic Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: RokofAges75 on July 24, 2010, 12:42:45 PM

Title: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: RokofAges75 on July 24, 2010, 12:42:45 PM
Since we got on the topic of funny scenes in the other thread (favorite scenes/chapters), I thought I'd start a new one just for the funniest scenes you've ever written or read in a fanfic.

Post links or even short excerpts if you think they are parts that even people who haven't read the whole story would get a kick out of.
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 24, 2010, 02:12:36 PM
Ooo yay! There are quite a few I can think of...*says in Arnold voice* I"ll be back  :D
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: carterkid on July 24, 2010, 02:34:40 PM
I couldn't find the chapter on Mickey D's but I also like:

http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10059&chapter=6-dressing room

http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10059&textsize=0&chapter=8-bath tub

Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: mare on July 24, 2010, 02:44:11 PM
ooh this will be fun! LOL I'll have to go fishing for some.
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 24, 2010, 11:19:48 PM
Ok, it's gonna take me time to find them so I'll probably just post them as I remember. Here is a newer one so here you go. The link is from Cruise Control by evergreenwrite r83 from The Coaster Series.

The guys are on a cruise ship with some fans and something "interesting" happens. Written in the female's lead POV. It's funny because well, I can see this happening...
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: Rose on July 24, 2010, 11:32:58 PM
I have one in mind...*runs to go get it*
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: Rose on July 24, 2010, 11:36:37 PM
This is one I gush about cause it seriously stands out in my mind lmao.

It's from Mare's "Why I'd Do It All Again" http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=4981&chapter=48

They're supposed to be on diets, and of course Nick breaks it. LMAO. This is his reaction when he realizes he's about to be caught LOL
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 24, 2010, 11:40:44 PM
OMG Rose!!! That one cracks me up! I didn't even read it because I know what you're talking about. I can totally see it. Shit is hilarious.  :D :D

Ok here's another one from Mare but it's from Total Kaos 24/7...a look back in time with an interesting photographer (Fritz Afforblat).
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: Rose on July 24, 2010, 11:53:12 PM
OMG Sel I love that story! The angel photoshoot LMFAO
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 24, 2010, 11:55:55 PM
I know! I swear, I was crying I was laughing so hard at that. Same thing with the story you posted...like 90% of it I was laughing. Like when Nick got drunk by himself in the hotel room and then got yelled at by Kevin when he came back. Damn, now I'm gonna be rereading all of these now.
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: Rose on July 24, 2010, 11:57:07 PM
LOL or when he falls out of the window in Why, all cause he was trying to get his damn sandwich lmao
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 25, 2010, 12:00:27 AM
LOL or when he falls out of the window in Why, all cause he was trying to get his damn sandwich lmao

I know! OMG...I'm sitting at the computer now literally cracking up. Hubby's probably in the living room like WTF?   :crazy:
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: Rose on July 25, 2010, 12:01:50 AM
Have you read The Apartment? That one is also a classic LOL
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 25, 2010, 12:07:26 AM
Yes! I have. I found fanfic late but when I did, I totally had a field day. LOL. I'm trying to think of more...I'm looking through stories now.
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: Rose on July 25, 2010, 12:09:37 AM
I gotta go and paste this cause the dialogue still cracks me up LMAO.

“Oh yeah? Well you know what I got?”

“What did you get Bri?”

“I got a box! And not only did I get a box but I got an EMPTY box! So try topping that! HA!” He nodded and took a bite out of his slice.

“You’re never going to stop with the box thing are you smart ass?”

“You know Kevin I have to tell you that my butt is confused. Yes you are totally confusing my butt. One minute you call him smart, then dumb, sometimes lazy, sometimes wise. He doesn’t know what to do about it!”

“Is that right?”

“Yes he told me if you keep it up he’ll end up in therapy!”

“How often do you talk to your ass Brian?” AJ had to ask, playing along.

“We talk often…don’t worry he never says anything bad about you.”

“Well that’s good.”

“Brian this is the dumbest conversation I think I have ever heard.”

“Well obviously you have never listened in on one of Brian and Nick’s farting rules conversations.” Howie said shaking his head at even saying the word fart.

“Nope and I’m glad I have missed those!”

“I never talk to my wiener though so… no worries” AJ spit his soda out at that remark and of course it landed on Kevin. All of them burst into laughter, except for Kev, who calmly got up and grabbed a paper towel to dry himself off.

Nick finally came out of the bathroom and sat at the table, the laughter immediately dying down when he took a seat.

“My hands are all clean Kevin! You happy?”

“Positively giddy yes!”

“Would you like to smell them to make sure I’m not lying to you?”

“Nick I don’t want to smell your hands so NEVER ask me that again please.” Once again everyone cracked up.

“Why was everyone laughing before?”

“Brian was talking about his ass and what it tells him.”

“Oh.” He said as he grabbed a piece of pizza, folded it and stuck it in his mouth.

“He said oh like this is a conversation that you have had before.” Kevin said sounding oddly disturbed but yet not totally surprised.

“My ass is popular. He’s very friendly.”

Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 25, 2010, 12:20:09 AM
Ok, this is an excerpt from Reb's 4 Guys and 1 Bed. It was her response to the picture challenge of the guys sleeping in the bed together during the 100 hours tour. She had them fake sleeping to get out of a photoshoot. The whole thing is hilarious! http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9064&chapter=1

AJ grabbed one of the large pillows that were on the ground and had whacked Nick with it. “Shutup dude, just act like you’re sleeping.”

They all lounged back down on the bed, getting into their fake sleeping positions. Brian, who was lying next to AJ’s half naked self, glanced over at him and noticed the way he chose to sleep, which he had the large pillow situated in between his legs, his cycling shorts hiked up kind of high and his left hand near his groin area.

“Dude, you DO NOT sleep like that, you know good and well I wouldn't let you sleep like that next to me.” Brian whispered harshly, trying hard not to be heard by Kevin and ruin their plan.

“Then I guess you just don’t know me as well as I thought you did.” AJ whispered back.

Before any of them could get another word out, they heard someone right outside the door, causing them all to fall and remain silent, getting back into their sleeping positions and closing their eyes. They heard Kevin right outside the room, but heard his voice drift away.

Nick rose up and looked them over, “Dude, how believable is this, like seriously? Do ya’ll honestly think Kevin’s gonna walk up in here and be like ‘Wow, the guys are really sleeping, I think I’ll just let them sleep and cancel the photoshoot.’ I mean, look at us… AJ and I are the only ones that look like we’re really sleeping or whatever. Rok, since when the hell do you wear jeans to bed?”

“Since AJ decided to sleep the way he’s posing.” Brian grumbled.

Again, they all fell silent when they heard Kevin right outside the door of their room. Brian shot a look at AJ before he went down to the bed, “Damnit AJ, I swear you better move your hand before I…” he stops short of his sentence when he heard the doorknob jiggling, and they all pretended to be sleeping just as Kevin walked in.

“Guys… we…” Kevin slurred off when he found his four brothers passed out on the king sized bed. “Oh no guys… I am not falling for this… you guys can stop pretending because we’re gonna do this photo-”

Kevin was interrupted as their appointed photographer walked into the room, “Kevin, what’s going on?” he asked as stepped beside Kevin, seeing four of the five members crashed out on one bed, causing him to lightly gasp. “What is this?”

Kevin looked over to their photographer, “I’m sorry Richard, I was just coming in to get them up and ready.”

“This is brilliant!” Richard exclaimed as he brought his professional camera forward, “Don’t even bother waking them up, this is a perfect shot right here!”

Brian’s breathing hitched when he heard what the photographer said. “Move… your… hand… Alex.” he managed to get out in a whisper, near AJ’s ear.
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: mare on July 25, 2010, 08:13:02 AM
aww! You guys, I feel the love  :bighug: and i'm glad you think i'm funny! Rose is it sad that I read that and laughed and then clicked on it to see who wrote it. I didn't realize it was from The Apartment lmao I don't even remember writing that!

Those two scenes you both mentioned in Why were my two favorite ones to write as was that photographer scene in Total Kaos. lol

I also enjoyed writing Kevin not beiong able to put together things in the 5 Santas story lol

Also loved that Reb short story. LOL it was too cute and funny. There were a lot of really funny shorts that came from past challenges on here as well.
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: Pengi on July 25, 2010, 08:56:21 AM
*wheezing like incredible*  omg This thread is killing me... :D
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: luna610 on July 25, 2010, 11:53:14 AM
Yeah, a lot of the challenge stories are hilarious. The ones about HOwie's nickname Diesel. LOL.
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: evergreenwriter83 on July 25, 2010, 12:02:40 PM
I couldn't find the chapter on Mickey D's but I also like:

http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10059&chapter=6-dressing room

http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10059&textsize=0&chapter=8-bath tub

It's sad but I had to go re-read these.  Well, not the bath tub one because I just did a 'deja vu' chapter regarding that one...but the dressing room one :) I must have had too many Mt. Dews that day!
Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: evergreenwriter83 on July 25, 2010, 12:07:48 PM
I couldn't find the chapter on Mickey D's but I also like:

http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10059&chapter=6-dressing room

http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=10059&textsize=0&chapter=8-bath tub

By the way...there's two Mickey D chapters...lem me see if I can find them ::runs off::

.....Alright I'm back!

Chapter Five is the first time....

And then there's Chapter Sixty Five which I think I might like even more than Chapter 5...lol

Title: Re: Funniest scenes/chapters
Post by: carterkid on July 25, 2010, 02:11:08 PM
Both are hilarious.