Absolute Chaos Discussion Boards
Fic Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: kissesxoxo on August 23, 2010, 03:40:27 AM
I tried to see if there was thread on this somewhere, but I didnt find one, unless I missed it. Which then I apologize for starting another. But I'm trying to piece together a current story I am working on, and generally I jot down notes and follow them, but Im getting stuck half way through a chapter. Its like first half is written then middle is missing, and I know where it'll end possibly. Was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to piece something together to help get past the stuck points. Or if Its just normal to get stuck lool and its a sign.
~ Min
I usually do it away from the computer. For me, my scenes come visually as if I were watching a movie, so sometimes when i'm stuck, i'll lay down on the bed with my eyes closed and try to picture in my head what comes next. Once I see it, I come back to the computer and write it down. I know that sounds weird, but it's how i've written pretty much every story lol
I'm not an outline person. I know a lot of people are, but they have never worked for me so I don't usually write a story in pieces.
I think it's really normal to get stuck when you're writing. I mean, I think most of us know where we want out stories to go but sometimes it's easier said than done. LOL
good luck!
I'm the same way as mare,My storie all come to me when I'm not on the pc.
Thanks guys.
Lool man is it easier said than done, it all sounds good in my head then I get to the screen and its like okay . I wish I had a super impose button to get what's in my head on the screen. I will hopefully be able to get past the stuck point and keep my story going :)
~ Min
Aw ya it being gone when you get home kindda sucks especially if there is even some of it you can end up using or reworking to make fit your story.
Sometimes I do listen to music when writing,depends on what Im writing :)
I'm usually in my car with the music on. Get how lazy I am, I'm trying to get some speech recognition software going on my computer so I can lay in bed and talk out my story.
OMG if could get my hands on that type of program I think I would be in Heaven. Because me being able to talk to my computer would help me in so many ways!
Have to learn to mail ideas to yourself or write it all down.
Its more than just emailing myself stuff or writing it down, I don't work that way. I do jot down things, but I picture things a certain why which is why I get stuck, and there hasta be a flow, not just a jump to something.