Absolute Chaos Discussion Boards
Fic Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sakabelle on March 01, 2011, 12:12:02 PM
I thought that we had this topic before but I couldn't find it. Also I figure there's enough new people now to make it worthwhile.
Basically how did you discover BSB (or other) fan fic?
I found it when I was searching online for BSB pictures in 1999. There was a section on this site called "stories" and I thought it was fan encounters, so I clicked on it. It turned out to be fan fiction and I was addicted right away. I started writing my own right away as well and that site hosted me. It was way cool.
I moved on to fanfiction.net when I discovered how easy it was to get feedback on that site. When they removed the music groups section I stopped writing BSB fic since I was moving on to anime in my high school days anyway.
I don't remember how I found AC, but I think it was through a message board. Either way I'd been off and on trying to find a new site similar to FF.net and also one with a way to chat with other members so this place was perfect for me :)
Anyway, how'd you guys get started?
Wow considering I have been writing for over ten years now....I have No idea how I started fanfic. All I know I used to be on Fanfiction.net and my screenname was supergirl64. I had written only one or two stories there...but when ff.net removed the music section all my stuff got lost and deleted. I went on a 5 year hiatus from writing, and then I was reading some fanfics randomly online when I joined AC. The first fanfic I read here was one of Mare's. I started reading more of other people's stuff and got hooked. I didn't post anything on here until maybe 2009 when my friends on twitter suggested I share my writing...and here I am LOL. 2 years later and over 12 stories to my name...I love it and I would not leave ac for anything.
Good question...wow I haven't been on here for a bit. ;D
Well ever since my friend introduced me to the BSB music, we started writing little stories and then we wrote a long one together. One day I was looking through the net for something (don't remember what) and I came across some type of BSB Fan Fiction Archive. I clicked and got all these stories, man I went nuts reading them, of course back then a lot of them were really corny BSB meets fan and falls in love with her instantly. I was a bit too infatuated with Kevin to care! lol. Then I (don't laugh) realized, oh wait, what I've been writing is fan fiction. I found AC and posted my first story. Which was terrible...no spaces, broken paragraphs...e tc. That's how I discovered fan fics. :shrug:
When I got my first computer for Christmas at 13, so...like 1999, I started surfing the net, visiting BSB sites and such. Like with Steph, I clicked on a section named "stories" once and realized people actually wrote fiction about them. In the links section of that same fansite I found fanfiction.net . I already wrote original fiction in my spare time then, and so I was like "well if these people can write stories about BSB, I can too!" So I went for it and posted my early works on ff.net and bluecloud/Stephanie's old site cause she hosted me back then.
When ff.net stopped allowing real person fanfic, I kept writing and having my stories hosted on Stephanie's site. Soon after my friend Jamelet, who I met on ff.net told me about AC and how we could post a story her, myself, and Anastacia were writing together there. That was like 2003 lol. Been here ever since. Thank god there's no surviving copies of my beginning stories from ff.net still on the internet LOL. It's definitely Mary Sue/cliche lmfao.
Luckily I've grown as a writer since I was 13 lol.
I don't quite remember how it all started, but I would sleep over at my cousin's house a lot when I was young, and they had internet (dialup!!!!). When I was in junior high she and I would surf the web for Nick Carter stuff, and somehow, around that time I stumbled across fanfiction and started printing it out for my friends at school. This was around '98-'99. I did try my hand at writing fanfic as a tween, but rather than posting it online my friends and I would write it in spiral notebooks and share it with each other that way.
In high school, I followed a lot of those fanfic mailing lists on yahoo groups, where people post their updates chapter by chapter and you get them in your e-mail. I did a lot of fic reading but never any writing, except for the first chapter of a story that I posted to the mailing list. The rest of the fic never got off the ground. ::)
I also had a small Nick fanfic archive site, and while looking for stories I liked to add to it, I came across Mare's work, which eventually led me to AC back in 2003.
I'm a late starter when it comes to fanfic!
It was 2007 and I was browsing the internet for Take That stuff when I came across the official Take That website which had a forum. I'd never even seen them before (I know, I'm slow, lol) and spent ages looking at the pictures on there. Then I noticed the story section and thought it was fans encounters with the band...I was soon proved wrong! I was hooked and spent hours reading, never in a million years thought I'd give it a go though. Then a few months later, I tried writing and found that I enjoyed it, although my first couple of attempts were awful and I'm glad that site has now closed and those stories have vanished off the face of the earth :)
I was looking for BSB stuff one day and eventually found AC in 2008. I was blown away by the stories here, so much better quality than a lot of the stuff I'd read elsewhere, so I joined up and have never looked back.
Hmmm this is like playing seven degrees of Mare ;) LOL
I started a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away ---
Wait, that's the story of my birth, not of the beginning of fan fiction writing. My bad. :P
Just kidding, of course.
I started writing fan fic because I was bored and lonely. LOL I was home schooled and I didn't have a lot of friends, and BSB had become my friends over the years so I just wrote stories about what I'd do and say with them. Then one day I started working on a story called Planet Backstreet. It took me almost 2 years to finish it, but it was so much fun I barely felt that time go by. Then in 2000, when it was completed, I realized it was over 500 type-written pages. (Dude, I just realized it was about the same length as Fix -- weird. Irrelevant, but weird. I dont know why it's weird either actually. I'll shut up now. LOL) So I spent all my allowance printing it pretty much. Well long story short, Planet Backstreet scored me backstage passes from the radio station here in NH (I went to the last meet & greet before AJ went to rehab - literally 3 days before he was admitted) and my mom and I got to go meet the Boys (I've shared this story a billion times so here's the condensed version: mom. purse. Kevin. crotch.).
At that point I didn't know other people wrote stories about BSB. I thought it was a weird thing I did. Then I heard about Oreos for Breakfast, and someone somewhere gave me a link and I started reading that story and spent the entire time thinking that I could totally do this. I'm not sure how I drew connection from Oreos' host site to AC, but probably from one of you guys on LD posting links to stories, I'd imagine... Next thing you know I'm over here.
I posted with a different name originally, I don't remember what it was though, and I deleted all those stories before I went on a hiatus. Then I came back and wrote the Saving the Day for Blondes stories a couple years ago. It wasn't until writing Something Beautiful this summer that I got back into it really seriously.
It was a warm summer day in 1999... wait. I'll give some back story first.
Before I actually posted fanfic online I always wrote it. When I was 6 or 7 I used to record to cassette (on a boombox) NKOTB fanfic with my sister and her friend. I stumbled upon those tapes years later but I don't know where they are now :(
Later on my friends and I used to act out stories that I would come up with (circa 1996-97). I lived in Germany then and BSB had just exploded. So we would all play different characters, we even made this scrapbook of who everyone was with models cut out of a catalog and the boys cut out of a Teen Beat mag.
Fast forward to 1999 I had just moved to Canada and had internet at home for the first time ever. Like many people I was looking up pictures and stumbled across some stories, (I don't remember what site) and was pretty much hooked. I joined a bunch of Yahoogroups at that point, met Karen, we started writing/chatting together and the rest is history. I've gone through several incarnations of websites, etc but a couple of years later when I was in college I was nominated for an award and one of the people in the same category as me was Chaos and that's what brought me to AC, which at that point only had Ground Zero posted on it.
Later on my friends and I used to act out stories that I would come up with (circa 1996-97). I lived in Germany then and BSB had just exploded. So we would all play different characters, we even made this scrapbook of who everyone was with models cut out of a catalog and the boys cut out of a Teen Beat mag.
OMFG!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't going to admit to it, but my nephew and I used to do that too! He was always Nick because he had blonde hair. LOL.... :D Plus I wasn't jealous of the role at that time cos I <3'd Brian anyways.
That's SOOOO funny.
I thought we were the only ones nuts enough to do that.
Nuts in a good way.
My best friend and I did that too. In high school I always carried around a big stack of notebooks and write fanfic during class. My first story was called lost in the jungle, I know that's lame but it had Nick and Brian in it....I still have the hand written copy.
I've gone through several incarnations of websites, etc but a couple of years later when I was in college I was nominated for an award and one of the people in the same category as me was Chaos and that's what brought me to AC, which at that point only had Ground Zero posted on it.
I remember reading Ground Zero back when AC had almost no stories on it! :o Nostalgia...
I started with role playing on stuff like live journal.After a while,I found ff.net When ff.net stopped allowing real person fanfic, I kept writing just for fun but never posted.Then I found ac.
I discovered it totally by accident. I had just really gotten into BSB and was looking up info on them and ended up clicking on a visual of all things lol I didn't get what it was at all. Later on I was surfing one of their fansites and saw a link to fanfiction and through that I found Jenna's site and started reading Swollen Issues and then she happened to have a link to Ground Zero. Between reading those two stories I was completely hooked! At that point AC didn't exist. The link that Jenna had on her site for GZ was through FFNet and the rest is history. It wasn't until almost a year later that I found Chaos and the finished story! lol
Hmmm this is like playing seven degrees of Mare ;) LOL
What makes you say that? lol
I don't quite remember how it all started, but I would sleep over at my cousin's house a lot when I was young, and they had internet (dialup!!!!). When I was in junior high she and I would surf the web for Nick Carter stuff, and somehow, around that time I stumbled across fanfiction and started printing it out for my friends at school. This was around '98-'99. I did try my hand at writing fanfic as a tween, but rather than posting it online my friends and I would write it in spiral notebooks and share it with each other that way.
In high school, I followed a lot of those fanfic mailing lists on yahoo groups, where people post their updates chapter by chapter and you get them in your e-mail. I did a lot of fic reading but never any writing, except for the first chapter of a story that I posted to the mailing list. The rest of the fic never got off the ground. ::)
I also had a small Nick fanfic archive site, and while looking for stories I liked to add to it, I came across Mare's work, which eventually led me to AC back in 2003.
aww thanks! I didn't even know you read my stuff! lol
Hmmm this is like playing seven degrees of Mare ;) LOL
I will say Mizpah was among one of the first stories I actively read here LOL.
aww lol
Now that I think about it the first fanfic I ever read was by Carrie. It was the Swollen Issues series. I then stumbled across AC and the first fanfic I read here was Mizpah. I also think its interesting how everybody here says they read mare's stuff first...almost everybody that is
Yeah, all the cool people! LOL :P
It's nice to know that later on some of the newer writers will be the answer to this question because of sites like AC where there's such a big variety of things to choose from.
Finally getting around to replying to this thread!
I discovered fanfic in the summer of '99. It was Millennium era, and I was obsessed with BSB and, like a lot of you, just surfing around for BSB sites one day when I found this one called JJ and JoJo's Bsb Page or something like that. It had a Brian story on it called "Blind Love." I clicked on it, not really knowing what it was, and thought it was so cool that someone had written a story about the Backstreet Boys. I had never heard of fan fiction before, for any fandom. I read this whole story in one sitting, and it made me cry, and I thought it was the best thing ever, even though it was this very unrealistic teenybopper romance written by a 13-year-old LOL. I printed the whole thing out (50 pages of computer paper - I got in trouble for that LOL) and put it in a binder so I could read it whenever I wanted, since we of course had dial-up at the time, so my internet time was limited. I actually still have that binder with that story in it. I showed it to my friends at a sleepover, and we all read it together, and they thought it was awesome too LOL.
Anyway, there was a sequel to that story and a different story on that site, and once I had read all those, I went looking for more, and the rest is history. I spent the entire summer of '99 completely OBSESSED with reading Bsb fanfic.
I never even considered writing my own until a few months later; I had clicked on a story that sounded really good, but it turned out to just be a short story, and I was left unsatisfied and wanting more, and that's what gave me the idea for the first fanfic I started writing. I just wrote it in a notebook at first, then transferred it to the computer, but never finished it or posted it anywhere. But that was enough to give me the writing bug, and then I got another story idea, and that one I did finish and eventually got brave enough to get hosted somewhere. I started my site a few months after that, in April 2000.
I don't remember exactly how I found AC, but I think it was also through reading Ground Zero here. And if we're playing six degrees of Mare, I hosted Mare's first story, I believe before she started her own site or was posting here. Mizpah. :) I remember reading the chapters she sent me at work, when I was supposed to be doing my summer job LOL.
What's also cool is that the author of the first fanfic I read, JJ/Jen, became a friend of mine. It just so happened that she writes the exact kind of stories I love, medical drama tearjerkers with a side of romance, and I continued to read her stories as she wrote them (and they got a lot better as she grew up), and then she started reading mine, and even though she doesn't write anymore, we're still friends on Twitter. I think it was fate that I found HER stories first because they were the perfect kind to turn me on to fanfic.
The first fan fic I ever read was actually by Mare, All I Wanted Was Some Cough Medicine! I still remember most of it too. Funny part is I didn't know Mare wrote it till about two years of being a member on AC. lol.
I think the first stories I started reading here were Ray of Hope, A Million Little Things and Life According to Baylee :)
My first meeting with fan fiction was totally accidental. I was doing some internet research on incest for a psychology class, and one of the searches had a link featuring the Backstreet Boys. Of course I was curious. This was back in '99 or 2000, and I had been "introduced" to the Backstreet Boys by my students. The story, "Get You Back," was slash; and I think I read the whole thing with my mouth open! But, I was hooked almost to the point of obsession. I read every slash story I could find, whether good or bad.....I just couldn't get enough. It was like I had gone to a foreign country, and wanted to "visit" every area. The first non-slash story I read was "Living In a Nightmare." I don't remember who the author was but the plot pulled me into the story. I'm not even sure what site the story was on, but I followed a link which lead me to "Ground Zero." It was incomplete at the time, however, that story inspired me to send feedback. Chaos was the first author I sent feedback to.
Ahhh.....the good old days.....I'm feeling so nostalgic.
I've gone on to read other fandoms; but, BSB fanfiction always feels like coming home!
Pammy Whammy
Am I the only one that didn't discover fanfic through BSB fanfic? BSB was my second 'fandom' (no, the first one wasn't NSync hehe). I'm not going to bore you with my first fandom which in a way helped me also to discover how 'cool' the Internet was and how many things you could find there (some of my friends were using it and although I had dial up at home at first I was reluctant to 'go online' lol)
I think I went looking for BSB fanfiction after becoming a fan of their music through the album that captivated me (Black & Blue, I wasn't a fan during Millennium and I just bought B&B because I went to the store looking for the Beatles 1 and it was next to it and thought 'why not, I like their single') Funny thing is that when I read my first fanfic I didn't even know the names of the boys and I had to kept looking for pictures to see who AJ was (by the way I remembered that I couldn't believe that AJ was the second youngest member lol) I did know BSB as a group from the beginning though because I was living in Germany when they were starting there so I had the We've Got it Going single. I really liked it no matter that I was more a rock fan.
I'm almost sure the first BSB fiction I read had Nick being chased by a bad guy (something about a key he got in a coffee shop) Oh wow, am I mixing stories or something like this really exist?... I even remember a scene with some glass in a kitchen and Kevin carrying Nick because he was barefoot... okay does this fanfic exist? now I'm going crazy LOL I remember it because I had to look for old pics to see who was who and if it was believable that one of them was carrying the other hehe
Okay maybe is something by Cecilia, J-Kat, Jennifer Stevens or Izzy...Izzy! Yes, I'm almost sure she was the author of the first fanfic I read. Anyone knows what could it be? I really liked the stories of these authors, I even remember exchanging emails with a couple of them... and then I found Mizpah ;D During that time Mare was doing some collaboration with Mersey and other authors. That's when the three of us began exchanging emails :) By then I had already bought every single album, single, video, etc. out there so I didn't have to look for pics to know who was whom in an story lol
My first meeting with fan fiction was totally accidental. I was doing some internet research on incest for a psychology class, and one of the searches had a link featuring the Backstreet Boys. Of course I was curious. This was back in '99 or 2000, and I had been "introduced" to the Backstreet Boys by my students. The story, "Get You Back," was slash; and I think I read the whole thing with my mouth open! But, I was hooked almost to the point of obsession. I read every slash story I could find, whether good or bad.....I just couldn't get enough. It was like I had gone to a foreign country, and wanted to "visit" every area. The first non-slash story I read was "Living In a Nightmare." I don't remember who the author was but the plot pulled me into the story. I'm not even sure what site the story was on, but I followed a link which lead me to "Ground Zero." It was incomplete at the time, however, that story inspired me to send feedback. Chaos was the first author I sent feedback to.
Ahhh.....the good old days.....I'm feeling so nostalgic.
I've gone on to read other fandoms; but, BSB fanfiction always feels like coming home!
Pammy Whammy
I just remembered how I 'discovered' slash (I'm not a slash reader, I really don't like it). After my experience finding great authors in this fandom I tried to find good stories in other fandoms I liked too, so I remember going to fanficnet and looking for Highlander fiction and every other story had the word 'slash' in the summary and for some reason (remember that English is not my first language) I thought it was a character hehe After a while I was 'okay who this Slash guy is and why is in so many stories?' so I clicked one of them and couldn't believe what I was reading ??? ??? LOL I think it was Mac/Methos hehe
Pammy, that is hilarious that you discovered Bsb fanfic by researching incest LMFAO.
I don't remember when I figured out what slash meant; none of the websites I went to in my early days even had slash, so that was later.
I do remember reading my first visual, though. It was that first year I discovered fanfic, when I was 14. We had still dial-up internet at home, of course, and it was so slow, and my mom limited my time online because it tied up the phone line. Luckily, she's a computer teacher, so she would let me come with her when she went to work in the computer lab at school, and I could get on the computers there and surf. So I would sit there and read fanfics while she worked.
One day, I came across a website full of visuals, but I had no idea what that term meant. I started reading this one Brian story, and I'm sure my eyes just got wider and wider as I realized what I was reading... in the same room as my mother, no less... and on a school computer (guess their online filters weren't that great back then?)... but I couldn't stop at that point, so I finished the thing and read a couple others on the same site just for kicks LOL. They weren't that dirty of visuals, thankfully; they were graphic, but pretty teenybopper still.
I had to laugh at you thinking Slash was a character! I had a similar experience. I thought Slash was horror. So I was reading this story and thinking "when are the murders going to happen?". I didn't dislike the story, but slash is not for me :)
I don't have a problem with the Slash genre per se, it's just that I wouldn't read BSB slash because that's not the way I see the guys and although fanfiction is 'fiction' at the end of the day, I think in my case in particular I enjoy the fic of some fandoms because they give me stories about real people (or even about characters created by others) and either if the image I have about these people is just that, 'an image', it's the way I've learnt to known them and that's part of what I like about these stories. Maybe there's a great Slash story about let's say NSync outhere (I don't know too much about them) that I would enjoy because for me it would be easier to picture them in a relationship since I really don't know what kind of relationships they have in real life (who's who's best friend, who can't stand the other, etc)
And to stay on topic, I think I have some of Cecilia's stories saved in a CD somewhere cause I remembered downloading them to my hard disc (several computers ago lol) It has to be fun to go back and read those stories to see if I still like them as much now.
I don't have anything against slash either, but it's just not something I usually read.
I'm quite tempted to go and read the first fanfic I ever read. Even though it wasn't a long time ago, I wonder if I'd enjoy it as much now that I've read quite a few.
Pammy, that is hilarious that you discovered Bsb fanfic by researching incest LMFAO.
It was just bizarre and totally unexpected! After reading the story, I kept thinking how does someone come up with this idea and post it to the web? And why....don't they realize it's about real people?!?! I was so niave!
I'm almost sure the first BSB fiction I read had Nick being chased by a bad guy (something about a key he got in a coffee shop) Oh wow, am I mixing stories or something like this really exist?... I even remember a scene with some glass in a kitchen and Kevin carrying Nick because he was barefoot... okay does this fanfic exist? now I'm going crazy LOL I remember it because I had to look for old pics to see who was who and if it was believable that one of them was carrying the other hehe
The story is "Under Pressure" by Izzy, I think. I was just re-reading it a couple of weeks ago.
Am I the only one that didn't discover fanfic through BSB fanfic?
No I think there's a few of us that integrated via NKOTB fanfic lol
The story is "Under Pressure" by Izzy, I think. I was just re-reading it a couple of weeks ago.
That title rings a bell and I was almost sure it was something by Izzy so yay and thank you. Is there a link? I would love to read it again :) Oh now I'm missing the years when I had time to read fanfic and I kept finding a good story after another.
No I think there's a few of us that integrated via NKOTB fanfic lol
That was Danielle, wasn't it? Grace series?
I don't think anyone here would believe what my first fandom was. Nothing boyband related (mostly rock before BSB) but a very old tv show that I used to love when I was a kid and nope I wasn't a kid when it originally aired hehe
And I don't think I have read the Grace series or anything by Danielle but now I'm curious to see if there are two fanfics out there with Kevin carrying Nick out of the kitchen so he wouldn't step on broken glass lol
It was the coffee shop clue that was the indicator that it was Izzy! lol http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9875 There you go.
And yes, I now believe there are at least two lol
OMG there's something called the old archive here? And you can find Leaving on a Jet plane, Pity for a Dime and Between the Lines in there? I was just trying to remember the names of those stories.
How am I supposed to wake up on time for the office tomorrow if I'm already planning to stay awake all night rereading these stories? LOL
Thank you for the link! I'm starting with Under Pressure :)