“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Kevin shook his head a few times but then smiled, “Yes Nick…for the ten thousandth time, I think this is a good idea.”
“Because we haven’t done this in a long time…I mean a really long time…in fact, have we ever done this?”
Kevin pulled his backpack up on his shoulder, “I don’t think so, not just the two of us anyway.”
“Have we ever done it as a group?”
“You are supposed to have the better memory Nick, not me.”
“Well Kevin, my memory is sucking lately.”
“I can tell.” He said as he reached over and pat his younger friend on the back. It was a very last minute decision, to go on a camping trip. Since Kristin had the baby, he never let his new family too far out of his reach. One would think that would be a good thing but supposedly it was Kristin who was yearning for some free time with just the baby.
Kevin smiled to himself; the Backstreet Kevin would have not taken that well at all. If Backstreet Kevin was told to go play in the woods with some of his friends, he would have just about had ten cows after thinking his wife was trying to get rid of him so she could have her lover come over or something even worse than that. Backstreet Kevin was a real asshole sometimes.
Being out of the limelight was probably the best thing he ever did for himself. It felt like a huge weight being lifted off of his shoulders. Not to imply that Backstreet was nothing but a huge weight, but the fame part of it was too much. He was scared that he had made the wrong decision at first. Maybe it was too impulsive and later when he’d end up doing regional theater in the tenth revival of Chicago; he’d look back on the days when he had it all and feel a huge sense of regret. Luckily, the regret hasn’t come, only the satisfaction of feeling free to do whatever he wants.
He was very naive, thinking the fans would be sad but would quickly get over it and understand why he had to leave. He was wrong about that. At first it stung like a bee. Hearing how outraged the fans were. How downright hateful they were about his departure. They really resented him for everything and even went so far as to blame him if the new album flopped.