For shame, Sarah. Don't you know you're not a TRUE fan if you can't recite trivial Bsb facts out of a book?
I have to say, I have a decent-sized collection of Bsb books LOL. And Leonardo DiCaprio books. Oh, the late nineties...
*hangs head in shame* I'm such a BAD BAD fan. I'm sure the BSB would hate me if they knew how bad a fan I was...
Dude, I loved the late nineties and still do, but, as much as I adored the Boys then, I was not going to spend my money on books about them. My best friend got that fan book thingy by Andre Csillag, so we spent HOURS going through it. The only thing I remember from it now is the picture of the As Long As You Love Me set. I think the caption was Brian: "the As Long As You Love Me set. Where I met the rest of my life." Or something cheesily, Brian-tastic like that.
Leonardo DiCaprio...bwa