WELCOME! I'm also a newbie. I'm in my late 20s & live in the U.S. Midwest. I look forward to reading your stories, too. 
Do you read much? What kinds of books do you like to read?
Also, if you could be any vegetable, what would you be & why?
Thanks guys!

Nice to meet you all.
And welcome Ellebeth ! and yes I do read a lot, this past semester of College I've read mostly Shakespeare (fml) and Dracula, Dracula was a good read but Shakespeare just makes you wanna down a bottle of jack daniels as fast as you can so you can get it over with, in my opinion anyway.
I like to read something that keeps me turning the page, I was a big Twilight fan and I enjoy reading books by Kelley Armstrong (I don't know if any of you have read any of her work but she's written books like Bitten, Stolen and Dime Store Magic,) The House of Night series and of course, 50 Shades of Grey
HAHA, that question is deadly, if I could be a vegetable I'd prob be a brussle sprout because the nobody would really like me so I can live for a long time, MUHAHA!