Hey Sheena, since you were around a long time ago, back in the day what was your pen name and some of the stories you have written? I bet a few of us have read them.
Oh my gosh what a through back! Haha
This may be dating myself but back when I used to frequent AC there wasn't a lot of people signed up, it was mostly Chaos posting Ground Zero, which is what first brought me to the site back in "the day". There were a few others posting but everyone seemed to have their own sites going on.
I was hosted on a site run by my friend Jennifer, we started it in 99 or 00 or so and it was on one of those Angelfire pages where it was like angelfire.com/Hollywood/SunsetStrip/6555/Index with the longest and most confusing address ever! Haha
I think it was called Fan Fiction Isle or Tropical Island Fan Fiction. We cowrote this story that was about gangs and all the different gangs were different boybands like 5ive was in it and Boyzone, all these British boybands we liked as well as BSB and NSync. Terrible! That was one of the ones I read recently - some of it was handwritten on scraps of binder paper! Haha
I also wrote this story called Quit Playing Games with My Mind and I guess I was foreshadowing because it was about Nick getting addicted to drugs. But in the end it was all Brian's dream that he'd had after getting hit by a car.
Seriously, I don't know how I came up with these things. I probably should have spent more time doing homework!