This is optional, so if you don't feel like being a part of it, that's okay... but if you do, I was thinking that we could set up some sort of beta buddies thing where people would pair up and beta read each other's works. So sort of like pen pals, but with beta reading. And over e-mail/IM, obviously. ^^;
Anyway, here's how it would work if you're interested... just fill out the application below and PM it to me, and then I'll try and match you up with another person who fits your needs as much as possible. Since I just started this idea, it may take a little while before there are enough people who are interested in order to pair up. But I thought that since most people like having a beta reader... well, here we go.

Keep in mind, however, that once you're hooked up with someone, it's up to you guys to make it work (and remember that it's a two-way street; both of you should be helping each other out). If for some reason things aren't working well for you, I'll see if I can get you set up with someone else. But otherwise, the ball is in your court once you're paired.
So if this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, go ahead and fill out the following application and PM it to me (for privacy reasons, please do not post it on the board):
Beta Buddy Application1. General info...
AIM s/n:
MSN s/n:
YIM s/n:
E-mail address:
Best way to contact you:
2. Of your own stories that you would like your partner to beta read...
What fandoms are they part of?
What genres are they classified as?
What characters do they center on?
3. Put an x in front of the areas you feel you need to work on as a writer and/or would like your beta reader to watch out for...
Mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuaton, etc.)
Conflict/plot development
Character development
Other (please explain)
4. Of the stories you would like to beta read...
What fandoms do you like?
What genres do you prefer?
What characters do you like to read about?
5. Put an x in front of the areas you feel comfortable helping your partner wth...
Mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuaton, etc.)
Conflict/plot development
Character development
Other (please explain)
Out of numbers 2, 3, 4 or 5, what is the most important thing that gets met?
Please list any content in your stories that may not be suitable for some readers (slash, graphic sex, violence, abuse, profanity, suicide, rape, etc.).
Is there any kind of subject matter you do not want to read?
Is there anyone that you would not like to be paired up with because they are already helping you with your writing or, alternatively, you can't get along with them?
Additional comments?