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Author Topic: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!  (Read 34952 times)


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2009, 08:43:59 AM »

1.  What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?

I started writing again.  Thanks to Reb and Sel I found out Fan Fics were still really popular.  I missed writing period so I figured what a better way to get back into it than BSB Fan Fics.

2.  What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year?  It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene.  Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.

My Breathless Mistress http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8953&warning=4

I love the concept of the story and how it turned out. Coming from the view of AJ and his diary. 

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

That would be Pixcadia - http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8878

it's an AU story and I'm really proud of the way it's turned out and the fact I've pulled in Non AU readers with it. Au's can be hard to write and you can get lost in the details.

4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

Pixcadia - http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8878

I think people see AU and turn away from it but I tried to keep my writing simple so people don't get caught in small details and get lost or confused. I put in many unexpected twists and turns. ;)

5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

Monkey_Abu's A Second Chance. http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8776&warning=5 

I love how this story is written, there's a lot of emotion in it, good, bad, hot n heavy. lol  I really like it and I think you will too.

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Obscure Smiles - http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8588

and its' sequels, they're about AJ and him becoming a Dad.  Very sad but very well written stories.

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

I would say Monkey Abu - http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewuser.php?uid=319

I love her writing, the detail and emotion she puts into her stories.  It keeps you wanting to read even when you have to stop and wait for updates. lol

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

I would say that I would like to try and write a horror story but I don't like scary movies and I've always had trouble scaring people through my writing. lol So it would be something new and interesting.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 11:03:59 AM by Scoobiegang »
The writer formally known as ScoobieGang. :D


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2009, 09:53:35 AM »

1.  What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?

Well, I'm still pretty new to fanfics and writing so I think to have written the few I've done is quite something for me.

2.  What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year?  It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene.  Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.

I think Never Gone is the best story I've written so far http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9381&warning=4

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

Patience, this is a Take That fic and is the first one I ever wrote and over on a Take That site the readers seemed to enjoy it.

4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

Never Gone.  I don't think it's under appreciated or anything, but I think it's not a bad story.


5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

I've not had a chance to read as much as I'd like yet, so I can't really answer this one.  I've loved everything I've read.

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Without a doubt it's Sinister Devotion by kevmylove.  What I like about it is the way that it's different to anything I've ever read before.  I love the way it's written, I love the main character Jack, the detail that's gone into writing it, and the way I'm always left wanting more!!


7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

Rachel (BSBSavedMyLife) because she seems to have a never ending supply of ideas for her fics and I like the way she writes about the boys.  Also because she introduced me to this place  :)

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

To carry on writing!


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2009, 12:43:32 PM »

Yay for more people answering this! I agree with both of you. Ashley(MonkeyAbu) is great with emotion, and Erika(kevmylove)'s Sinister Devotion is very unique. It's a good read!

If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


  • Innocent Bystander
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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2009, 04:48:57 PM »

So, I'm back. I was in an accident and broke two of my fingers. Of course I come back with a survey, because I'm love them... ha.

1.  What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?

Well, I only finished one story, which was Illusions of Deceit. I guess it was a pretty big accomplishment for me though, because I'd been playing with the idea for a while and because it was my first time writing in third person.

Here's the link to the story: http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9214&warning=4

I have one other story posted, but it isn't very good yet. I'm re-vamping now.

2.  What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year?  It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene.  Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.

Wow... I have to think... especially since I only finished one story.

My favorite chapter in Illusions is when Brian finally joins the group again, which is a spoiler, but it's an obvious one... the beginning of the chapter begins with my female lead (a Backstreet acquaintance, but not necessarily fan) listening to old Backstreet Boys songs because she's about to accompany Brian to the other four Boys' concert. Brian walks in and teasing ensues.

Here's the link: http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9214&chapter=20

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

I only wrote one that I'm proud of at all... well, that's not really true because I've had good ideas, but whatever. I'm just going to skip over this question instead of sounding repetitive.

4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

Once again, the link to Illusions. I guess taking the first half of this survey was kind of lame for me, but whatever. I think that it was a good, solid romance with a different kind of idea. It wasn't necessarily Boy-meets-girl and a whirlwind romance ensues. It had a different kind of direction.


5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon by Dani:

Casual By Cabybakes: (Which I have reviewed yet and I'm sorry!)

Both are well written stories that have kept me interested. I get obsessive over things, so if you can get me interested, I'll more or less read the whole thing in an entire day, which I did with both of these.

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Either of the above stories. I read them both this (well, now LAST) year.

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

I think that everyone that posts here regularly is definitely a good writer. I haven't really kept up with anything-- which I feel bad about, especially since my fingers were broken. I guess that I should have caught up on my fanfic reading, but instead I got caught up in Twilight, which I said I would never do. That, of course, is for another time.

I'm going to go with Caby. I think that she's an excellent writer with a new spin on a old idea. (Hopefully, that didn't sound insulting... if I did, I didn't mean it that way.)

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

Write more. Write better. Edit the second story that I have posted to make it better.


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2009, 05:56:18 PM »

I'm pretty new to writing but thought I'd give this a shot.

1.  What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?
Plus Size and Plus Size Part 2. It was the first story I ever posted online and a story that means a lot to me.
2.  What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year?  It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene.  Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.

Going to say Plus Size. I think for a first attempt it wasn't that bad.

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

Probably Plus Size. I sometimes feel my writing isn't as good as that story. But I'm still new to all this.


4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

Possibly SHMILY. http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9227

5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

Lenni's Christmas Challenge story. Her writing of the relationship between Tesia and AJ is amazing. She very good at showing the dynamic between the siblings and how AJ is more of a father figure to Tesia than a brother.

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Sinister Devotion and Ray of Hope both by kevmylove. Both are incredibly written with great detail and character development.

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

kevmylove. For reasons I wrote in #6

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

To write more, I have a lot of ideas swirling in my head. And to definetly write BETTER!! I want to be able to develope my characters more and to have more detail to things.


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2009, 10:36:47 PM »

5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.[/color]

Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon by Dani:

Casual By Cabybakes: (Which I have reviewed yet and I'm sorry!)

Both are well written stories that have kept me interested. I get obsessive over things, so if you can get me interested, I'll more or less read the whole thing in an entire day, which I did with both of these.

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Either of the above stories. I read them both this (well, now LAST) year.

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

I think that everyone that posts here regularly is definitely a good writer. I haven't really kept up with anything-- which I feel bad about, especially since my fingers were broken. I guess that I should have caught up on my fanfic reading, but instead I got caught up in Twilight, which I said I would never do. That, of course, is for another time.

I'm going to go with Caby. I think that she's an excellent writer with a new spin on a old idea. (Hopefully, that didn't sound insulting... if I did, I didn't mean it that way.)

Thank you so much for the amazing compliment!  And no offense/insult taken :)  My name is Darby, btw...


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2009, 10:45:44 PM »

I have been lurking in this thread and I am just now getting around to answering this survey.  Here goes...happy new year, everyone!

1.  What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?
The fact that I started writing again alone is a huge accomplishment .  Casual is the first thing I have written since 2002!!!

2.  What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year?  It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene.  Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.

I can't think of a particular part, but Casual in general, I guess...it is all I've written this year!

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

Probably Casual...I think I have grown quite a bit as a writer since I started writing again in 2008...

4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

The only story I will currently cop to is Casual, and it is the only one on AC. 


5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

I adore "All Hail the Heartbreaker" by TantalisinTeas er.  I'm not sure if it is under read or under appreciated, but it is one of my favorites currently being updated.


6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Probably "Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon" by DaniGiggles... love the premise and it is just so so so good...a must read...


7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

I think Mel...she worked so hard to show growth in Alyssa's character from UMS to ALTOS...I am really proud of her and I think she did a fantastic job handling delicate subject manner with class.

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

I would like to finish Casual...I am in the home stretch.  Of course, I think we all say we would like to write more.  Once I finish Casual I may start another one, not sure.  I am more of a reader by nature, and the reason I usually start writing is when I have ran out of things to read that peak my interest, so we shall see!



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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2009, 12:02:25 PM »

1. What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?
I started two new stories that I’m mostly proud of, and I’ve put a lot of work into. Ray of Hope and Sinister Devotion…which are getting good responses.

2. What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year? It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene. Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.
Wow, it’s a tie between the two mentioned in #1. Ray of Hope-I started due to personal experiences, it’s not always easy to be a big girl and sometimes you really underestimate yourself and ruin relationships with people, cause you don’t believe that others can like or love you just the way you are. http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9205&warning=5

Sinister Devotion-I decided to try something out of my element...Here is a paragraph: Since I have a odd feeling about this job, I will give you the details. Only because I have the oddest feeling about it. I think my fate is going to catch up with me. His name is Kevin Richardson, I don’t know why he’s been chosen, I just know that I have to give him a visit. I have special instructions, it’s something I’ve never done before, but I was highly recommended and I shouldn’t let down those that believe in what I can do. The special instructions are that on my mission I must include Mr. Richardson’s first born. http://www.absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9374&warning=4

3. Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why? (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008). Same answer as #2.

4. Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.
Hum...I would have to say 'All You Wanted' I don't think it's an awful story and if so I would like to know what I could do to make it better.

5. Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed. Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.
I haven't really read much lately, and the stories that I have read, seem to be well appreciated and discovered. *Shrug* I'll do more reading this year.

6. What was the best story you discovered in 2008? Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.
It's definately ‘Life According to Baylee’ by Kristal (alota_cookin) I just love that story and the concept of it. She makes Baylee as a teen so real (I mean we know he’s real, but we have no idea what he’ll be like at that age.) Plus she made Kevin so different than most of us make him in our stories, the one that causes most of the problems. She’s a great writer, and I’m so happy she got Featured Story of the Month. Yay!

7. Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.
I would have to say Kelly (Honey) cause even though she disappeared from updating her fan fiction, she has taken the plunge to write an original fiction AND it’s supernatural something a lot of us can’t pull off, I think. I just started reading it and it’s a great read. It’s really well written and I’m loving it…I’m hooked actually.

8. Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009? If so, what are they?
Oh yes, to finish one or two of my stories. To read more and hopefully also start an original fiction at some point before the year is over.

By the way thank you to Kelly, Steph and Krystal I have put a lot more time and effort to my new stories, I'm honored to be mentioned. Thank you once again. *Squee*


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #38 on: January 05, 2009, 01:18:43 PM »

1.  What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?

I honestly don't think there really was one.. I just couldn't seem to get myself to writing anymore

2.  What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year?  It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene.  Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.

I am proud though of "Fireflies". For me, it's been an awfully dificult story to write (hence the lack of updates), but still I'm proud of where (I know) it's going (cause hopefully a lot of you have no idea yet).  Below is an excerpt from chapter 3.

Great,’ I muttered. “Just the one place I planned on avoiding today.” I threw my hands up in the sky, and being the drama king I am, I yelled “Why?!” I decided that wasn’t working either (I knew it wouldn't, but hey, it felt good), so I turned around and ran in the opposite direction. 

I kept running like an idiot, not wanting to know if things would happen again if I stayed in that area. The surroundings changed a bit, which almost made me jump for joy. But five minutes later, I had absolutely NO reason to be happy about anything. Why? Because I ended up in the exact same spot AGAIN! Crazy, right? You can’t do that unless you run in circles. Well, I can tell you, I did NOT run in circles!! The path was couldn’t be any more straight if it wanted to. I did NOT turn around or took a wrong turn, because I only ran straight forward! 

I stood still for a moment, with my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. Then I lifted my head, kept my eyes closed and said to myself: “This is not happening. This is not happening. This is NOT real. THIS IS NOT REAL.” 

When I opened my eyes, I could only admit it was really happening. I WAS in the same spot, with the same rocks and the same carved tree. This time I just screamed out of frustration and a hint of fear as well. I felt like I had gone crazy, no, I was certain that I had. And there was nobody there to convince me I was not. I can tell you, I have never felt more lonely. But things were about to get even worse before they got better.

After a moment of feeling sorry for myself, I realized I had two options. One was to wallow in self-pity and stay put. The other was to try to get out of there. It didn’t feel like I had much of a choice, so off I ran. AGAIN.
I ran and I ran and I ran. Only to find myself in the goddamn same spot for another three times. By then, I was ready to dig myself a pity hole, crawl into it and wait for the unevitable, whatever that may be.

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

The story I'm definitely most proud of is (obviously?) "Prevailing Fate" (co-written with A-rok Obsession). Why? Because we finished it  :D and the story seemed to have touched a lot of readers.

I'm also very proud of "She's gone. And so am I." because I tried a very different writing style and I think I did okay.

4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

I'm not sure there is one that fits that category. I think I may have a group of readers or people just seem to evenly read all of them. But since I'm in love with "She's gone. And so am I.", I'd love it if more people would read (and review?) it.
: http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8566

5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

Sadly I haven't been reading a lot of fanfic either this year. But I really like Satan's Playground by Rebellious_One . http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8556
It's definitely worth reading because it's scary but you just can't stop reading even though a part of you doesn't want to know what's about to happen. And second, it's different from a lot of other fanfics which always is a big plus in my eyes.

I'm also in love with "In the shadows" by Honey and Starbeamz2. http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=8626 Partly because they tell a great story about a darker Brian, (and they make you understand why he's that way now)but also because of the cute way they portray Baylee  :D

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Can I choose two?

"It's your party, Howie, you can cry if you want to" by Honey. http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9211
It's just hilarious and she did an amazing job at writing a "Choose your own adventure"-story. I know it's very difficult, but she made it seem easy.

"A million little things" by Mare. http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9114
Because she again writes this story in such a way that I could easily believe all this happened in real life.

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

Sorry to say that I'm not that sure other than the authors who always impress me with their writing skills (Honey, Mare, Rebellious_One, etc etc).

Wait! I know! Sapphire impressed me because she chose to write about a subject that's been fairly untouched by BSB-fan fic writers (at least to my knowledge). The subject being a Backstreet Boy falling in love with a plus-sized girl. If I remember correctly she's new to writing, so I think it's brave to already think outside the fanfic-paths that lead to ' Mary-Sue-like-romance-stories'.

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

I wanna write more! (And try to improve my writing skills as well!)
Not every dream is supposed to come true
Some words are best unsaid
Some love is not really love at all
I keep everything I shared with you
And that's enough.. there's us..


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #39 on: January 05, 2009, 05:11:14 PM »

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

I wanna write more! (And try to improve my writing skills as well!)

I think you should post more too!  :P I feel like we never talk anymore. Where've you been all my life? (Or at least this year lol.)   

Oh, and as always, thanks for all the Honey love!  I love that you love In The Shadows! You're totally our biggest fan! And LMAO that you love "It's your party, Howie"!
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2009, 05:15:52 PM »

7. Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.
I would have to say Kelly (Honey) cause even though she disappeared from updating her fan fiction, she has taken the plunge to write an original fiction AND it’s supernatural something a lot of us can’t pull off, I think. I just started reading it and it’s a great read. It’s really well written and I’m loving it…I’m hooked actually.

By the way thank you to Kelly, Steph and Krystal I have put a lot more time and effort to my new stories, I'm honored to be mentioned. Thank you once again. *Squee*

Aww, thanks Erika! I got all giddy when I found your Jamie reviews! I always get so excited when people give my original stuff a chance. (And I'm sorry about dropping the ball on the fan fic, but like I said that's going to be something I'm going to work on this year.)

And, you're totally welcome. Like I said, I can tell that you've worked really hard on your writing this year. I love to see people making so much progress, and I'm glad that you're getting the recognition for it! You've earned it!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 05:17:56 PM by honey »
If Ryan looked at me the wrong way, I lost it. If Ryan looked at me the right way, I lost it. And whenever he tried to kiss me, something usually blew up. Someone ought to teach him a little control.


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2009, 07:50:37 PM »

I'm a little late here, but my work schedule's finally slowing so I'm hoping to be able to be around a whole lot more and get back into reading and writing  ;D

1.  What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008?

Wow... well probably finishing my first ever story (Unsaid Goodbyes) and following up with a whole bunch of others.  That's been really fun and exciting!
2.  What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did this year? 

Hmm... I think my best piece of writing from this year would have to be either "For the Rest of My Life" or "Someone's Miracle" -- my favorite quote from a story would be from SM;

"His words were soft, his voice not quite perfect, but the intent with which he sang his song was absolutely beautiful.  He held her hand and sang her soul right out of her body and up into the heavens, where he hoped she could hear his voice... where he hoped she knew he loved her."

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

Someone's Miracle -- because it was probably the most difficult story I've ever written and because there is so much meaning behind it.  It is emotional, sad and uplifting all at the same time... and I love the characters.

4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

For the Rest of My Life

The story is based upon stories I've been told by couples overcoming the struggle of living while their loved one dies from cancer.  I still can't read it without crying... and I wrote it...

5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

The World Will Know Your Name (RockofAges75) -- I have read this short story so many times and I absolutely LOVE it.  It's touching and beautiful and so worthy of praise.

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Children Like Me -- Mersey

I've gotta give her props for bringing the Winchesters into a BSB fanfic and I must say, even though I'm not typically a sci-fi fan, she had me hooked from the first sentence!

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

Mare -- of course I'm newer to the AC and therefore newer to the older stories but I have read and loved more stories of Mares than I count.  She's an amazing writer... the stories could be about anyone and I'd read them.

8.  Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2009?  If so, what are they?

Get back to writing.  Working 60-70 hours/week over the holidays really threw a wedge in the writing thing. I'm looking forward to having time off again to just relax and write.

-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2009, 01:07:26 PM »

I think you should post more too!  :P I feel like we never talk anymore. Where've you been all my life? (Or at least this year lol.)  

Oh, and as always, thanks for all the Honey love!  I love that you love In The Shadows! You're totally our biggest fan! And LMAO that you love "It's your party, Howie"!

Well yeah, I do! And that you should be proud of, cause I ain't that much of a Howie-kinda-girl lol..

About the posting thing, I knoooooooooooo w!
Not every dream is supposed to come true
Some words are best unsaid
Some love is not really love at all
I keep everything I shared with you
And that's enough.. there's us..


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2009, 02:05:48 PM »

6.  What was the best story you discovered in 2008?  Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.

Can I choose two?

"It's your party, Howie, you can cry if you want to" by Honey. http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9211
It's just hilarious and she did an amazing job at writing a "Choose your own adventure"-story. I know it's very difficult, but she made it seem easy.

"A million little things" by Mare. http://absolutechaos.net/viewstory.php?sid=9114
Because she again writes this story in such a way that I could easily believe all this happened in real life.

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

Sorry to say that I'm not that sure other than the authors who always impress me with their writing skills (Honey, Mare, Rebellious_One, etc etc).

7.  Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.

Mare -- of course I'm newer to the AC and therefore newer to the older stories but I have read and loved more stories of Mares than I count.  She's an amazing writer... the stories could be about anyone and I'd read them.

aw, thanks so much to the both of you! :) *hugs*
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let's ring in the new year with some praise!
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2009, 06:48:56 PM »

3.  Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why?  (This doesn't have to be one written in 2008).

Someone's Miracle -- because it was probably the most difficult story I've ever written and because there is so much meaning behind it.  It is emotional, sad and uplifting all at the same time... and I love the characters.

4.  Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.

For the Rest of My Life

The story is based upon stories I've been told by couples overcoming the struggle of living while their loved one dies from cancer.  I still can't read it without crying... and I wrote it...

5.  Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed.  Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.

The World Will Know Your Name (RockofAges75) -- I have read this short story so many times and I absolutely LOVE it.  It's touching and beautiful and so worthy of praise.

First off, both your stories I included in my quote piqued my interest from the description you gave, so I will definitely have to check them out!  This is why I love this thread... I'm not sure I've ever read anything by you, so I'm curious to read these stories I may not have found on my own!

Second, thanks! ;D  I remember the review you left for my story came as such an unexpected surprise to me!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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