Brian: We all have our favorite authors that we've followed for years. We've been with them through their early fics that they wish they could banish from our memories (but which we still loved!), and watched their writing grow over the years.
Kevin: Most of us met them through their Backstreet fics, but have followed them through forays into other fandoms.
Howie: Often reading stories we might not ever have read except that their name is attached to it.
Nick: Even stories that don't have pictures.
AJ: For an author whose work goes above and beyond...
Shawn: The Reader's Choice Felix for Best Author goes to:

With runner up:

Honey: This is the part where I get all blubbery and more dramatic than Halle Berry…Actually, um if I could be serious for just a minute, I really do want you all to know how flattered I am, and grateful I am for this award. I seriously love all of you and have learned so much from you. You guys here on AC ignited a passion in me that I never knew I had, and you basically taught me how to write. I owe so much to you guys and you've all become like a second family to me! I love you all! Thank you so much! *Muah*
Mare: Psst. Julilly...isn't this the part where Chaos is supposed to come out and wrap things up?
Julilly: I thought so. Where is he, anyway?
Mare: Dunno, but we better say something...
Julilly: Thank you everyone for coming out for these awards. On behalf of Chaos, thanks for your participation whether it be nominating, voting, getting interrogated on the Red Carpet, or preparing your speeches, the awards wouldn't be much fun without all of you!
Gus (to Shawn): How did you know all the winners, anyway?
Shawn: Psychic, remember?
*Gus rolls his eyes*
Shawn: Fine. I saw the winner list on Chaos' desk last night.
Abby Sciuto, forensic specialist of NCIS: Guys. I think we have a problem...
Tony: What is it, Abs?
Abby: It's these stories...Gott
aBeMimi's. They're not all written by the same person.
Tim: So he had an accomplice?
They all look at each other grimly.
*Cue Suspense Music*
Thanks for a wonderful Felix Awards 2009! Hope to see you again next time![/hide]