Howie: And now it’s time to take a few moments to pay tribute to those we have lost. I’m afraid that the slide-show that was supposed to be here had some technical difficulties, and many of those lost have not yet been added to this presentation.
*images begin appearing on the screen*

Kevin in Fan Friction by Honey

Kevin in Evil Alien Conquerers by Honey

Kevin in When I Found You by Carter-Orange

Kevin in None The Wiser by Sakabelle

Kevin in Searching for Mercy by Honey

Kevin in Nightmare on Backstreet by Honey

Honey in the Felix Awards Ceremony 2009
Honey: Hey! News of my death has been greatly exaggerated!
(*note: feel free as comments to add your own to the “In Memorandum” tribute page. Sadly there truly was a slideshow that was supposed to happen here, but it really did get corrupt and wouldn’t load *d’oh!*)
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