Fic Talk > Writer's Circle
New Year, so lets see what we accomplished Last Year!
So, I stumbled on Julie's old new year thread, from last year. Looked through, cause I was uberbored (and procrastinatin g), and realized I didn't really accomplish any resolution except one LOL.,1580.0.html
Did you actually do what you had wanted to do last year?
Also, I'm pasting Julie's old survey, to do now that a year's passed. See if any answers change.
1. What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008 2009?
2. What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did in 2009? It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene. Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.
3. Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why? (This doesn't have to be one written in 20082009).
4. Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.
5. Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed. Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.
6. What was the best story you discovered in 20082009? Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.
7. Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.
8. Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 20092010? If so, what are they?
Add on Question: Has anything changed since the last time you answered this? Why?
Wow... that thread seems a lot older than just a year LOL. I guess a lot has changed since then. Thanks for putting up my survey again; I forgot all about that! LOL
1. What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2008 2009?
Song For The Undead, that definitely is it. It's been a challenge, especially with the updating consistency we've kept with it, and some issues. But I am so proud of that story.
2. What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did in 2009? It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene. Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.
Song For The Undead, no lie.
3. Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why? (This doesn't have to be one written in 20082009).
Obviously, Undead, and you know, 00Carter is still on that list as well. I'm also proud of Just Another Day, if you can believe it. It's a piece of overdone fluff, but it's mine and it stuck with people I suppose, which I just realized last year. That's something to be proud of. It's not perfect, but it's mine.
4. Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.
Born To Be is still that story LOL. Though now it's partly my own fault for not updating lately.
5. Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed. Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.
This is now harder, as I don't read like I used to LOL. Um....
6. What was the best story you discovered in 20082009? Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.
And here's where I go um....again
7. Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.
Julie, again, actually. Writing with her, she amazes me all the time with what she comes up with and all the ways she makes sure something as crazy as zombies is as accurate as possible. She makes me work so hard at being the best writer I can be so I can match up.
8. Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 20092010? If so, what are they?
Rehab, I'd like to finish it LOL. Same with Divisions of Reality. Finish Season One of 00Carter (NOT gonna happen lmao, but I can dream)
Add on Question: Has anything changed since the last time you answered this? Why?
Definitely the fact I have no answers to the questions about other stories. I just haven't had the time to read like I used to, and the stories that would get me to aren't updated much anymore.
--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on January 17, 2010, 01:04:44 AM ---Wow... that thread seems a lot older than just a year LOL. I guess a lot has changed since then. Thanks for putting up my survey again; I forgot all about that! LOL
--- End quote ---
Which I'm demanding you fill out LOL.
It does feel older, doesn't it? Feels weird.
LOL, I'm on it!
1. What was your biggest writing- or fanfic-related accomplishment of 2009?
Finally posting Song for the Undead and managing to update it consistently throughout the year.
2. What do you feel was the best piece of writing you did in 2009? It can be a whole story or just a certain chapter or scene. Give us a link or, if it's a really short excerpt (like a paragraph), post it here.
This is one of the most twisted chapters I've ever written. I love it.
3. Which of your own stories are you most proud of, and why? (This doesn't have to be one written in 2009).
I'm proud of Undead because it went from a joke to a "serious" story, and it's the first collaboration I've done in like 9 years that actually gets updated frequently and will be finished someday in the next year or two.
4. Give us a link to one of your own stories that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed, and tell us why you think it's worthy of being read.
I don't have anything different to post here; the only stories I really care about are the ones I've talked about enough that they're not "undiscovered."
5. Switching over to praise for other writers, give us a link to someone ELSE'S story that you feel is undiscovered or underappreciat ed. Again, tell us why you think this story is worthy of being read.
I can't think of one that is really undiscovered or underappreciat ed. The stories I like are mostly classics or those that have already done well on AC.
6. What was the best story you discovered in 20082009? Provide a link, and tell why you liked it.
"Brian Potter and the Malevolent Musician":
I love it because it combines my two favorite fandoms, Bsb and Harry Potter, in a way that is funny and clever. I wish it would get updated more often!
7. Name an AC author who impressed you this year (with their writing, their updating, whatever it may be LOL), and tell us why.
Tracy (DelphinaCarter) impresses me with how often she updates - on several different stories she has in the works, too. I wish I could be that way again! Looking at her profile on AC, she's only been a member for a year, and she's already racked up quite a few stories. As someone who takes years to finish a story and has only really worked on two of them the last year, I admire that kind of productivity and prolificness!
8. Do you have any writing- or fanfic-related resolutions for 2010? If so, what are they?
About the same goals I had last year: 1) get back into Secrets of the Heart or another story of my own so I can write the way I did with Broken and BMS (which probably won't happen till summer), 2) write more than 3 episodes of 00Carter this year, and I'll add a new one, 3) continue updating Undead at least once a fortnight (LOL I got to use the word "fortnight"!).
Add on Question: Has anything changed since the last time you answered this? Why?
Pretty much just the addition of Undead. Undead was in the works at this time last year, but we hadn't started posting it yet, so I think I left it off last year's survey.
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