Name: Rachel (Colorguard_div a)
Genres you most like to read: Drama, Romance, Dramedy
Genres you are willing to try: Action, Adventure, Historical, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Supernatural
Story of yours that you would like to submit: My Answer Is You Drama
Summary: Brian and Josie were best friends that had a falling out. Three years later, Josie's life is in shambles. Josie returns to Kentucky in order to regain the life she had before the fight. Brian, fresh out of a relationship goes to Kentucky to find what he is missing in his life. Josie and Brian need to realize what is missing was always there in the first place. They need to search their souls and realize what is important in life.
Chapter count: 26
Word count: 29110
Is it complete?: Yes
One question you'd like the person reading it to answer: Did you find the female lead to be multi-dimensional enough that she appeared realistic?