I'm reading 00Carter and I decided to respond to each chapter with a story review, but to give my analysis on each episode arc here. So I just finished the first three chapters "Carter... Nick Carter."
So far this arc was basically an introduction to the characters and the agency as a whole. In it we have Nick creating a ridiculous mission for himself to solve. We later learn that is out of boredom as he's been suspended from any real missions for some reason that has not yet been explained.
I thought the character introductions were done well as Nick went around and interrogated each one I felt like I was able to remember who was who and what their role in the agency is. Sometimes when you have stories with 10+ characters it can get confusing, but so far I am good. I also feel like I have a good sense of Nick's character throughout his actions in these past few chapters. So far he strikes me as the kind of agent who may not be the most skillful, but somehow always comes out on top somehow, although I'm sure a lot of the times it is by accident.
As far as any real Con Crit goes the only minor nitpicky thing that I noticed was a continuity error between Chapters 2 and 3 about what Nick was wearing. In Chapter 2 when he is in the elevator with Diamond you mention he is wearing a tie, but in Chapter 3 he is wearing a "snug black shirt and casual jean attire." Not a huge deal I know but for some reason I notice those minor details.
I am intrigued to keep reading and find out about Nick's next mission as well as how his last one went wrong.