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Author Topic: Exit Survey  (Read 21378 times)


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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2012, 07:35:33 AM »

Participation in all facets of the forum is a huge issue but Felix has seen a significant decline. We have considered not doing it anymore because it does generate a lot of sour grapes for some people but I get the impression they are the ones only submitting one story nominations and not voting.

Maybe if there was a better way for authors to get the word out about their nominations then voting may pick up but we need more nominees. You're right Julie in saying that the selection is limited because it's the same people nominating.

For the most part it was just the forum regulars who submitted nominations and perhaps that is because it's forum based? Part of the point obviously is to get members on the forum but maybe a different way not submitting nominations would help?

I definitely am keen to hear everyone's ideas. Having a suggestion is great but a solid way to implement it is even better because otherwise its something we've likely already tried.
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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2012, 07:37:19 AM »

Or maybe we need to go all P. Diddy and start a "Vote or Die" campaign LOL.

I will just start showing up at people's homes and stay until they vote lol
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.


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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2012, 07:45:13 AM »

Yeah, it does seem to be tied to forum participation.  It's the same core group of us who participate in everything.  It would be great to get more people posting here; it's been pretty dead lately.

You might have more luck in getting nominees if you just did it with a form on the site instead of asking people to register an account on the forum and PM their nominations.  You'd have to require an email address or trace IPs to prevent writers from trying to nominate themselves incognito, but I guess you could have the same problem if people register multiple accounts on the forum to try and get away with that.  But you may get a wider variety that way.

That said, there are 427 members of this forum.  That means 427 AC users have already created an account here.  Why didn't more of them nominate, given that they didn't even have to take that extra step to do it?

I'm not sure how else you could publicize the awards.  You posted about them in the site announcements, tweeted about them from the Twitter account, and many of us promoted them on Twitter and/or our own sites too.  You'd think that any reader who came to AC with any frequency would be aware they were happening.

Maybe it goes back to the same reason people read, but don't review.  They think, "Oh, what I think doesn't matter... other people will take care of it."  Hopefully knowing how few other people actually are taking care of it will motivate others to put in their two cents next year.

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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2012, 07:47:48 AM »

I would've thought more people would take the time to vote and nominate too.  It doesn't take long!  And if you have time to read/write then surely you can spare a few minutes to vote/nominate your favourites.

I like your idea Julie.


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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2012, 07:50:08 AM »

Yeah, it does seem to be tied to forum participation.  It's the same core group of us who participate in everything.  It would be great to get more people posting here; it's been pretty dead lately.

You might have more luck in getting nominees if you just did it with a form on the site instead of asking people to register an account on the forum and PM their nominations.  You'd have to require an email address or trace IPs to prevent writers from trying to nominate themselves incognito, but I guess you could have the same problem if people register multiple accounts on the forum to try and get away with that.  But you may get a wider variety that way.

That said, there are 427 members of this forum.  That means 427 AC users have already created an account here.  Why didn't more of them nominate, given that they didn't even have to take that extra step to do it?

I'm not sure how else you could publicize the awards.  You posted about them in the site announcements, tweeted about them from the Twitter account, and many of us promoted them on Twitter and/or our own sites too.  You'd think that any reader who came to AC with any frequency would be aware they were happening.

Maybe it goes back to the same reason people read, but don't review.  They think, "Oh, what I think doesn't matter... other people will take care of it."  Hopefully knowing how few other people actually are taking care of it will motivate others to put in their two cents next year.

I think if people knew they could get away with multiple voting and voting for themselves, then you would have dishonest people taking advantage.  Like the ones who set up loads of accounts to try and get around the rules :(


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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2012, 08:45:08 AM »

Wow pretty good suggestions and debates. I agree there are a lot of deserving people who should get awards and noms but did they actually take time to nominate anyone themselves?Most Likely, no, but when it comes to complaining about things though..

In the end, we're not going to Please everybody. No matter what we do someone will think we are being unfair or cheating or playing favorites etc... I think it should be simple, if you want to be nominated then participate yourself.

All awards shows have their good points and bad ones. In the end it always comes down to who voted. No matter if it's everyone or a specific kind of person.

Maybe we should get rid of the word award and just have an appreciation day where anyone can post an I appreciate this story because ...

I'm sure people would have a problem with that too!

I hate award shows!!!
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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2012, 09:20:48 AM »

I wonder if having nominations be site based instead of a forum based would help. Maybe if we could set up a nomination form on the site to fill out, where you would have to be logged in to be able to fill it out.

I mean, a while ago AC was changed so that you had to be logged in to review and people signed up. So we know the people reviewing these stories have accounts on the actual site, maybe the thought of having to join the forum to submit nominations turns them away. I don't know that this would help or not, or if it's something even possible within eFiction though.
~Saka ♥

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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2012, 09:30:47 AM »

If there was a way to require people to be logged in to fill out the form, that would definitely help.  Or even if you asked for their AC username, along with valid email address, on the form.  I doubt you'd have a big problem with people trying to pose as someone else in order to nominate themselves.  I think most of us are pretty honest here, and the people who stoop to those levels are usually trying to compensate for a lack of writing ability to begin with, so it's not like they're going to win anyway.

That might help with nominations, but it still doesn't explain why more people didn't vote.  Voting didn't require anyone to sign up or log in to anything.  Click, click, click, and you're done!  It required almost no effort.

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Re: Exit Survey
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2012, 04:05:01 PM »

I gotta say I like the site based awards idea. Maybe then it'll get more to participate? I have no idea why so many failed on voting though. It's like come on, really? It's simple! lol
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