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Hey Mare,

Thanks for clarifying for me. I have to say I'm lucky because no one's summaries have taken half a page for me. None of the current summaries have been bothersome to me, including those who have used more than one paragraph. I think some stories might lead to having more than one paragraph or the use of say 10 sentences and not take half a page. Just my thought on the subject. Even for myself I can't not say that all my stories (in the future) would be able to have summaries of 4 to 6 sentences. One might need say 10 sentences to make it coherent for a possible reader.

Really when you think of it 5 to 6 sentences with maybe 10 words in it is only 50 to 60 words, would it possible to have say 100 to 125 words for a summary instead. That way if you need more words to describe a story you would have them. Personally, I can see the run-on sentences forming in people summaries to fulfill that 5 to 6 sentences rule....lol. Just a suggestion.

The people who post at least three chapters of a story throughout the day in my opinion are still monoplozing the Most Recent page. Why can't you post all three chapters at one time. I'm not asking you to change the rules, I am just explaining my thoughts. There will always be those who follow the rules and those who will not and do it repeatedly. It's just the way life is.  I know it would annoy everyone If I posted the same story 5 times in one day.


Yeah that is totally wrong. Though I think posting chapters of your story multiple times a day so that it is always on top is rude and unfair to those who follow the rules. They get away with it because as long as they are only posting two stories a day, they can post chapters of those 2 stories until their heart is content and knock people further down on the page to remain on top.

Sorry it's a pet peeve of mine.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on April 07, 2012, 10:42:13 PM ---I just wanna point out that I saw SakaSteph tweet about people on fanfic.net posting BLANK CHAPTERS just to bump their stories to the top - apparently that is a common occurrence over there.  Hearing about that makes me glad we have rules to prevent such douchery here... and also that most people on AC (you forum peeps, anyway :)) aren't douches and would never do that in the first place.

--- End quote ---

FanFiction.net makes me want to scream. I really hate that website. They have "rules" but no one ever enforces them. What's the point in bumping like that? They post notes at the end of their chapters too, saying "No new chapter until I get ten reviews!" It's almost like you won't get comments unless you do that. Not that I post a whole lot over there or anything, but still. What's the point in writing if you're just writing for reviews? What does a review mean if you aren't passionate about the material you wrote?

Many hugs for Mare and Julilly for being such awesome mods and making AC such a great community for writers.

LOL I wish I was productive enough to be able to post multiple chapters a day!  The only way I could do that is if I hoarded them, but I usually don't have the willpower to hang on to chapters very long once I'm done editing them, at least of stories that are already online.

Personally, that doesn't bother me half as much as people spamming up the whole Most Recent page by posting their whole collection of stories at once.  At the end of the day, even if they've updated one story ten times, it's still just taking up one spot on the page.  Who cares if it's the top story?  I'm willing to bet anyone who clicks on the Most Recent to browse will at least scroll down the first page.

How can they post their whole collection at once, lol. That's clearly breaking the rule of more than two stories.


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