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Author Topic: Why can't the stars go away?  (Read 58343 times)


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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #180 on: June 23, 2007, 11:33:47 PM »

Oh I remember those sites. I sent a story to one and still have yet to hear back from them lmao that was a thousand years ago. I don't even remember what it was.

I think if we ever did go ahead with the awards thing on here, that should be a requirement from all the judges. They should have to give detailed feedback on the story and explain why they picked it or didn't. There was one award site that did that, I don't remember the name but by far they were the best one I ever won awards from because they took the time to explain exactly why they picked each and every story they did. Sorry that was an off topic tangent but still relevant lol

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #181 on: June 23, 2007, 11:34:19 PM »

Yeah, and if there was a critique/review thing connected to AC somehow, then eventually there could be a list of the top rated stories from THAT, and readers could kinda compare when looking for good stories to read.

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #182 on: June 23, 2007, 11:37:32 PM »

That would be fun. :)

If I had more time, I would definitely volunteer.

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #183 on: June 23, 2007, 11:45:07 PM »

I could do it over the summer, but I would probably regret volunteering once school started.

It would be interesting though.

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #184 on: June 23, 2007, 11:53:15 PM »

Same here...

What with everything else I need to learn and such.... Or if they gave me like a month and a half... Then I could totally review the stories...

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #185 on: June 23, 2007, 11:57:04 PM »

Well, the sites that used to do it took their sweet time (like a thousand years, right Mare? LOL), so I don't think that would be a problem.  But if course, if you allow a month per story, you'd get really backed up unless there were a lot of reviewers.  And if there were a lot of reviewers, it would be harder to compare stories to each other objectively based on reviews, cause everyone would rate a little different.

But maybe we could have one reviewer per genre (maybe two for the more popular genres on AC), and that way at least stories could be compared within their genre.  And also, reviewers could just read stories in a genre they like.  (So Mare, no romance for you!  LOL)

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #186 on: June 24, 2007, 12:09:05 AM »

I think that sounds like a great idea! If it happened, I would help out anywhere I could. Just don't ask me to proofread -lol  I SUCK at grammar!
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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #187 on: June 24, 2007, 12:13:13 AM »

Nah, it wouldn't be any kind of proofreading, but I think the grammar stuff should be an area of the review.  Like if you noticed that it was really bad, that would be an area for improvement.  Even if you're not a good proofreader, you can probably recognize when a story is not well-written in that aspect.

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #188 on: June 24, 2007, 04:35:28 AM »

Well, then a month is totally not a long tiem at all. :D

I like that per genere thing....

but I don't know if it should be the genre of the reviewer's expertise though... Because they might be biased... Or they would know how to better avoid the cliches... It's really a toss up there....

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #189 on: June 24, 2007, 07:19:11 AM »

I just noticed another very stupid use of the star system.

Why is it, that people who write clear, concise, thought out plots with chapters that have correct grammar and punctuation, either get flamed or have people tell them all the little flaws when people who write the biggest, pieces of shit (sorry, it's true) fics with horrible punctuation, and a complete lack of plot line, and SENSE... have perfect stars and a bajillion reviews. Obviously I won't mention what fic I'm talking about (because I value my life) but that really bugs me. I try to give fics like that constructive criticism and tell them that maybe they should spell check, or that commas and periods are their friends but they only pay attention to the 5 star UPDATE MOAR!!!!!!!11111!

...but I'm not bitter or anything.  :-\ Though it's very hard to have the power of delete and not use it sometimes!
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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #190 on: June 24, 2007, 08:11:08 AM »

I just noticed another very stupid use of the star system.

Why is it, that people who write clear, concise, thought out plots with chapters that have correct grammar and punctuation, either get flamed or have people tell them all the little flaws when people who write the biggest, pieces of shit (sorry, it's true) fics with horrible punctuation, and a complete lack of plot line, and SENSE... have perfect stars and a bajillion reviews. Obviously I won't mention what fic I'm talking about (because I value my life) but that really bugs me. I try to give fics like that constructive criticism and tell them that maybe they should spell check, or that commas and periods are their friends but they only pay attention to the 5 star UPDATE MOAR!!!!!!!11111!

...but I'm not bitter or anything.  :-\ Though it's very hard to have the power of delete and not use it sometimes!

lmao oh I know...soooo much power it's hard to not use it...*says in Mr. Burns voice* and honestly, I have no idea. I think that some stories are just popular because it's the same few people reviewing every chapter. And others that are popular get picked apart because they are popular if that makes any sense?

I know I hate hate HATE some of the stories that are popular and i'm not talking about the AC site even. Just stories everyone else loves I think are some of the stupidest things I have ever read with inconsistent plot points and horrible main characters but sometimes when you are one of the only people that hate a story you look like you're just jealous or something? I have no clue, it's a mystery to me.

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #191 on: June 24, 2007, 08:18:17 AM »

Well, the sites that used to do it took their sweet time (like a thousand years, right Mare? LOL), so I don't think that would be a problem.  But if course, if you allow a month per story, you'd get really backed up unless there were a lot of reviewers.  And if there were a lot of reviewers, it would be harder to compare stories to each other objectively based on reviews, cause everyone would rate a little different.

But maybe we could have one reviewer per genre (maybe two for the more popular genres on AC), and that way at least stories could be compared within their genre.  And also, reviewers could just read stories in a genre they like.  (So Mare, no romance for you!  LOL)

You know that's so funny you said that because as soon as I got myself into bed last night I ughed because I wanted to post that if this critique thing did come into play the people that did it should have a very open mind to all stories or just review in the genre they enjoy reading because in all honesty I know for a fact I couldn't give a romance or female character driven story a fair review because no matter how well written it is, I can't get past a chapter before becoming bored to death by them. That doesn't mean that they're horrible, but for me personally I wouldn't be able to give those a real honest read. lol

As far as reading your own genre I think there would actually be less bias because you would find it a more enjoyable experience overall except that everyone does have their own tastes and plus we would only be doing it for stories where the author recommended us to do it, so in that case it wouldn't really be fair to all the other stories on the board to say this one is the best...

There does need to be some kind of system in play or a less generic system I should say. lol
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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #192 on: June 24, 2007, 01:07:15 PM »

Well, maybe we could all write out a general list of critiria for the stories.... That way, people would at least know what's getting looked at.... And then obviously more specific genere things... I'd volunteer for my genre of expertise, but I have a feeling that the only person who would submit their story is me... And I can't very well critique my own.... So... I'd do it... Just stick me somewhere... :)

And the stories with bajillions of reviews and perfect stars... I say death to them. Let's burn them all! (Not anyone here of course... I know you all work hard. :))

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #193 on: June 24, 2007, 01:43:26 PM »

If I really don't like what I'm reading, I stop reading it. Mostly because I don't want to accidentally flame anyone, or hafta lower stars or anything. And I don't wanna seem like a bossy know-it-all if I point out a couples things that might make it a little better. Because really, I know nothing. Lol.

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Re: Why can't the stars go away?
« Reply #194 on: June 24, 2007, 04:32:35 PM »

but I don't know if it should be the genre of the reviewer's expertise though... Because they might be biased... Or they would know how to better avoid the cliches... It's really a toss up there....

I see your point.  But at the same time, I think it would help if you had read a lot of stories in that genre.  If I was reviewing the fantasy genre, I could think that a story was really amazing in terms of originality and creativity and all of that, and then you could read it and be like "I've seen this storyline in five other stories" and mark them down for the same things I would have marked them up for.  We'd have a totally different opinion just based on experience.

Also, if you hate the genre you're reviewing, you might be prone to rating a story harshly just because you don't like it.  Also, it's no fun for the reviewer if you have to read story after story in a genre you don't like.

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