LOL Yes, I know what you mean about the preachy bullshit, and that was the stuff I started skimming through, especially after he'd said the same thing one or twice or ten times before. It did jump around a bit and go in circles, but overall it was still better than what I was expecting. It was definitely better edited than what I was expecting, so props to his editor. He still does not have a firm grasp on the difference between "your" and "you're" on Twitter, so I was half-expecting his book to be an incoherent hot mess, and it wasn't.
You are right about the citations, or lack thereof, though. I wonder how many people have or will actually buy this book as a self help book, though... somehow, I'm guessing most people who read it will read it because they are fans, not because they are addicts or depressed or looking for psychological help. If so, I would suggest they go to a more reputable source than Nick Carter. But coming from the angle of "I've been there, and here's what worked for me," I do think he had some good advice. It wasn't anything new and unheard of, but he didn't pretend to have made it up himself, either. You're right that he should have cited his sources, though, besides listing a bunch of resources in the back.