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Author Topic: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!  (Read 94645 times)


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #75 on: June 29, 2014, 06:29:48 PM »

Aww lol I'm not that scary!

LOL it was more or less because you are a big name writer on the site...and it did terrify me because I know my stories aren't popular and I am such a worry wart that no one will like them it happens every time I start a new story.


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #76 on: June 29, 2014, 06:31:07 PM »

^I feel the same way. I think we all do! It's really scary starting a new story. You never know if people are going to like it or not.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #77 on: June 29, 2014, 06:54:18 PM »

Name of story: Switch

1) What was the biggest challenge for you when reading this story?
Really just taking the time to sit down and get it read.  Between work and my three year old, and battling third trimester exhaustion, it was hard to find the time to actually sit and read something in a way that I needed to provide thoughtful feedback.  The reading challenge is a lot more "challenging" for me as a reader because I'm a leisure reader and don't always provide feedback after every chapter I read.

2) Did you find yourself looking forward to reading as you were going along or did it feel like homework?
A little of both, actually.  The story was written in a way that I wanted to know what happened next, but I had some trouble reading in a fashion that helped me provide good feedback, like I described in the last question.

3) What was your favorite scene/chapter in the story?
There is one scene that sticks out to me because I thought the description fit the situation so well.  Kevin was on Nick "like a bull in a China shop"  over Kristin.  I liked the twist in the story with the Kristin storyline.

4) Was your favorite character at the halfway point still your favorite at the end?
Yes- I think I said I liked Nick the best in the halfway there survey, and I still liked Nick at the end.

5) Who was your least favorite character and why?
Maybe AJ or Howie...simply because they had such roles you really didn't get to know them as characters.

6) If there was a sequel to this story would you be interested in reading it?
I'd like to see this story finished first.

7) Were you happy with the ending?
I can't answer this question because it's still in progress.

8) Name the biggest surprise in the story and did you see it coming? (If there was one)
Kristin's accident.  The pregnancy was enough, then BAM, another Kristin surprise.

9) What was this stories biggest strength?
The element of surprise that kept you wondering what would happen next.

10) What was it's biggest weakness?
I would say lack of development.  There were some very short chapters that had the potential to be so great if they had been elaborated upon and combined with scenes from subsequent chapters.

11) Did reading this story make you want to try another one from this author?
She has talked about the potential of a rewrite, and I would be interested in seeing how she improves.  I think the potential is there.

12) Give us one final review that sums up your experience reading this, maybe explain why you gave the kind of feedback you did or if you would have perhaps picked a different story from this one?
This story has great potential.  It is a general storyline that has been done a couple times before, but there is enough unique drama in the plotline to set it apart from other stories.  I struggled with feedback, because I feel like with a few tweaks (more plot and character development mainly), it could be a very good story.  There were some confusing points that I did point out, and I hope my concrit was taken okay.

13) Did you prefer the way we did the challenge this year or did you like the pairings better?
Mare says she's taking this question out.  I've only ever done the challenge like this anyway.

14) Did the author respond to your feedback?

15) Any final thoughts or questions for the author?
If you really want to do a rewrite (and aren't just thinking that because of some concrit you received as part of the challenge, you should do a rewrite).  If you really want to do it, I'd be happy to provide some feedback.  Like I said before, this has the potential to be a really great story.


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #78 on: June 29, 2014, 07:03:53 PM »

Name of story: Walked Out of My Dreams by Rose

1) Are you finding it easy to follow plot wise? Absolutely! It’s very easy to read and give flashbacks with enough description that it doesn’t make you try to remember who everyone is.

2) So far who is your favorite character and why? It’s surprisingly not Brian but Nick. I can understand how important his friendship is with Brian and I respect him for trying so hard to find his best friend and brother.

3) Are you getting a sense of how it will end and if so, any guesses? (Sometimes authors get a kick out of seeing what a reader thinks will happen and how predictable they may or may not be) I’m not sure LOL I keep flipping between endings such as Brian actually being deceased or in a mental institution under some delusion.

4) Do you feel like the summary the author gave accurately describes the story you are reading? Would there be anything you would include or omit? I think it’s the perfect description to the story, it gets right to the point and you know what you’re getting into.

5) Has there been any big surprises/plot twists or just overall observations? I just got to the part where Kevin has found something that may lead to Brian’s whereabouts so I’m hoping this is a big one!

6) If this wasn't a challenge story and you didn't have to continue reading, would you have stopped already? If so please explain why. No, once I start a story, I like to finish it. Also, I sometimes forget to check the site for previous stories unless I’ve read the author before or it shows up on the new pager. This story is a great reminder that I need to start searching for more stories!

7) Has there been any glaring errors that have stuck out? (I'm not talking about the occasional missed period, typo or spelling/grammar errors but huge mistakes that need to be pointed out that the author might not be aware of). Not so far

8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot? I’m curious about the location of the country where Brian is. I wasn’t sure if it was made up or a real place somewhere.
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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #79 on: June 29, 2014, 08:24:38 PM »

It's a real place.

I realized that to make this plot remotely possible I needed a place where he wouldn't be recognized. Which is hard because of how well known he is LOL. So I looked it up and it's one of the most remote places in the world. They're a little behind the times but still English speaking so I realized it'd be a perfect place for Brian to run to.
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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #80 on: June 29, 2014, 09:44:11 PM »

^I feel the same way. I think we all do! It's really scary starting a new story. You never know if people are going to like it or not.

I have a new story to post when i get home and i think it turned out ok well the prolgue anyway ;)


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #81 on: June 29, 2014, 11:57:59 PM »

Quick question.. can i continue to read even though the author hasnt responded? I tend to binge read and get a bit ahead but i also want to give her time to catch up on reviews as well.


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #82 on: June 30, 2014, 02:50:40 AM »

^ That's your call. If she's the type to give responses but just a 'tad' later? Because I know there are people who don't bother to respond to reviews until they are about to post a new chapter, then I would say yes, go for it. But if it's a habitual thing, then I would wait. But, that's what I would do though.

But I also get that the longer you wait to review, the less you might remember about what you read. That's why I  would just stop reading altogether, but again that's what I would do because that by far is my biggest fanfic pet peeve on the planet (besides banners and writers who do not bother to give feedback but complain when they don't get it lol)
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #83 on: June 30, 2014, 04:01:03 AM »

Not to go all off topic for a second but Emily, I completely forgot you were pregnant! When are you due? 
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #84 on: June 30, 2014, 05:26:03 AM »

August 19th, but it's looking like I'll have to have a repeat c-section about a week before. Therefore, I've got about 6 weeks or less to go. Freaking out just a little. Time got away from me. Thanks for asking!


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #85 on: June 30, 2014, 06:34:05 AM »

Yikes! Best of luck to you! I bet that is scary.
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #86 on: June 30, 2014, 11:40:29 AM »

^ That's your call. If she's the type to give responses but just a 'tad' later? Because I know there are people who don't bother to respond to reviews until they are about to post a new chapter, then I would say yes, go for it. But if it's a habitual thing, then I would wait. But, that's what I would do though.

But I also get that the longer you wait to review, the less you might remember about what you read. That's why I  would just stop reading altogether, but again that's what I would do because that by far is my biggest fanfic pet peeve on the planet (besides banners and writers who do not bother to give feedback but complain when they don't get it lol)

Looks like the story isnt completed and there hasn't been a new chapter posted in almost two months, she has responded to a few but that is about it. I think I will go ahead and keep reading cause I know I will usually forget something espeically if I haven't read it for a long period of time.


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #87 on: June 30, 2014, 02:37:59 PM »

Halfway There!

Name of story: First Impressions by Kyrie

1) Are you finding it easy to follow plot wise? Yup!

2) So far who is your favorite character and why?  I'm really enjoying AJ's character. Kyrie has gone away from the traditional AJ stereotype (the couldn't-care-less kinda bad-boy) and she has made him a little bit more sweet and sensitive. It's refreshing to see a different take on his character.

3) Are you getting a sense of how it will end and if so, any guesses? (Sometimes authors get a kick out of seeing what a reader thinks will happen and how predictable they may or may not be) At this point, I think that it's going to end badly for AJ and Kat.  :-[

4) Do you feel like the summary the author gave accurately describes the story you are reading? Would there be anything you would include or omit? The summary is good, no changes needed!

5) Has there been any big surprises/plot twists or just overall observations? Not as of yet, but I think that a twist is about to come.

These are the harder questions, but don't be afraid to answer them. Remember we all signed on to this knowing and expecting to get and give constructive criticism.

6) If this wasn't a challenge story and you didn't have to continue reading, would you have stopped already? If so please explain why. I would have kept going, but I probably would have blown through the whole thing in one shot and not left feedback after every chapter. The chapters are pretty short, so I often find myself clicking "next" automatically and then having to go back and leave a review.  :P

7) Has there been any glaring errors that have stuck out? (I'm not talking about the occasional missed period, typo or spelling/grammar errors but huge mistakes that need to be pointed out that the author might not be aware of) Nope!

8) Do you have any questions for the author in regard to the storyline, characters or plot? Not at this moment.


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #88 on: June 30, 2014, 09:45:18 PM »

Story: Switch

Person reading it:emily_michele

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts? I was happy, I have read her work before and was glad she was reading mine.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you? yes

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback? no

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story? nope

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one? good
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 04:25:16 PM by carterkid »


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Re: Let the 2014 Summer Reading Challenge Begin!
« Reply #89 on: June 30, 2014, 10:28:50 PM »

Readers survey (To be completed once the person reading your story is finished)

Story: Stockholm Syndrome

Person reading it: Tracy

1) When you found out this person was reading your story what were your initial thoughts?: I thought it might go either way because I wasn't really sure where her tastes lie but I was pretty certain she wasn't much of an AU person.

2) Did your reader leave you an adequate amount of feedback and was it helpful to you?: Yeah, she left feedback throughout. It was nice to just engage in conversation about the story and a couple points definitely left me thinking about how I could have done things differently.

3) Did you find yourself going back to read your story as a result of the feedback?: Nope

4) Do you have any questions for the person reading your story?: If this was your story, what's one thing you would have done differently?

5) Overall did you find the experience a good one or a bad one?: Good one, it was fun chatting about the story again!
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