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Author Topic: Even newer questions to ponder  (Read 142390 times)


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #195 on: July 29, 2017, 01:41:44 AM »

Yeah that is what I'm working on with my slash novel I've been trying around with. Want to make it believable but also it's set in the past for most of it.


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #196 on: July 29, 2017, 02:09:18 AM »

My most recent example is also slash.  I never used to be able to take slash seriously, but then I read one of Cinzia's short stories for the summer reading challenge back in 2013, and I enjoyed it.  It was well-written, and even though it was technically a slash, it wasn't overly sexual.  It was easy to overlook that aspect of it and appreciate a good Frick & Frack story.  That is actually what inspired me to seriously try writing a slash, which led to Unsuspecting Sunday and then Sick as My Secrets.  I read a few slash one-shots here and there while I was writing SAMS, mostly to get some inspiration for the sexy scenes LOL, but I can't say I read anything that stuck with me.  But now I'm reading Steph's new story Ever Since New York, which is the first slash novel I've ever read, and I have to say that I'm actually genuinely enjoying it.  In all honesty, I probably wouldn't have clicked on it if it wasn't written by a friend/favorite author, but I also wouldn't have stuck with it if I wasn't enjoying it.  The fact that it's an old-school Brian story helps!  Between reading these stories and writing my own, I've become a lot more open to slash and would read more in the future if the writing was good and the storyline appealed to me, just as with any story.

It was because of Cinzia for me too funny enough. And I remember you reading my one shot Secrets Of The Heart and I was surprised cause I know you don't like to read slash. I am the same way. If it's well written I enjoy reading it.

Wish Cinzia would come back here and see what a trendsetter she is! LOL

Thanks girls!!! *_*
But I just showed how good and amazing slash can be. lol Especially when it's Frick and Frack. lol


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #197 on: July 29, 2017, 02:39:56 AM »

Yay my Frick is here


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #198 on: July 29, 2017, 05:48:13 AM »

Sorry to always be the Debbie Downer of this group but it's also nice hearing from someone who has pretty much quit the fanfic part of the fandom too, right? lo

That being said, I'm pretty sure I haven't really read a story outside my comfort zone that I enjoyed enough to make me a convert. I have had to read out of my comfort zone for challenges and judging for awards and although the writing had been stellar on some, I wouldn't ever really have a desire to read those particular genres again.

You guys know me though and pretty much since day one, I've always said the same thing about fan fiction. I know what I like so that's what I read. Fan fiction has always been my fast food of reading. I don't eat fast food very often at all but when I decide to, I go with what I know I like. In my case,  a chalupa from Taco Bell...yum! To waste my fast food experience on a Big Mac would be terrible! So I stick to what I know I like.

I do venture outside my comfort zone often for non fanfic reading and tv watching, just to try it. But BSB fanfic has always been all about those five boys to me. I've never really cared about random girls or their real life wives and I've never wanted to see them romantically involved with each other. It's their bromance I love without the mance part lol

I'm glad to see slash making a comeback to the fandom though because hopefully it'll bring some more people who loved it back to reading again. I remember when it was all slash all the time in the fandom.
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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #199 on: July 29, 2017, 08:56:49 AM »

Aw thanks for the love, Julie :) I'm going to give it right back haha.

The story I read out of my comfort zone was Broken. I read that back in like 2007 or something when you'd already finished it. It was clear that Nick was going to end up with cancer but I figured I'd give it a try anyway just because at that time I'd just come back into the fic world and was basically reading everything I could get my hands on that was finished, and that one was really long, and there was a Nick romance as a sequel. Though reading about one of the boys being terminally ill was really not something I was into, I ended up really enjoying it and I now count medical dramas as a genre I really like.

Tracy, you wrote that story about Nick and Brian in college a while ago. Finding Carter, I think it was called? I really liked that one too and before that I was not a fan of AU. AU kind of struck me as "what's the point?" before that, if they weren't going to be in the band then I might as well be reading a regular novel. That story showed me that the boys can still be themselves even if their job is different. I definitely won't shy away from AU now!
~Saka ♥

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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #200 on: July 29, 2017, 12:18:33 PM »

Aww, thanks!  I'm glad I made a medical drama convert out of you! :)

AU was the other "outside my comfort zone" genre I was thinking of.  I think the first story that really opened my eyes to how good AU could be was Between the Lines.  I had tried and failed to get into that story before because so many people had recommended it, but something made me finally stick with it - it may have been Mare's old fanfic group or maybe an awards I was judging, I don't remember.  I wasn't that big of a baseball fan at the time, and I didn't like AUs because I missed the Backstreet vibe, but once I got into that story, I LOVED it, and it's one of my favorite fanfics now.  So well-written and full of bromance!  Since then, I've been much more open to AU.  I enjoyed Finding Carter and some of Julilly's AUs like Satin and Silk, and I got into writing AUs like Song for the Undead and 00Carter.  I still prefer canon to AU, but just like with slash, I won't pass by a story just because it's AU anymore.

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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #201 on: July 29, 2017, 02:25:21 PM »

Aw thanks ladies. Finding Carter was and still is one of my favorite stories I've ever written. These comments made my day.

I love writing AU because there's so much to play with. It's funny because I don't read a lot of it. I go for Canon stories more.



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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #202 on: August 02, 2017, 04:31:08 PM »

So here's a question I thought of, what got everyone into writing fanfiction in the first place?

I don't exactly know when it was, I just know that in high school I carried notebooks around and wrote a lot between classes, during lunch, before school... I still have my notebooks too.


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #203 on: August 02, 2017, 07:50:28 PM »

I think I've told this before, but I'll tell it again lol. I was on BSB websites in like 1998 or something, and I was cruising this one fansite that had a link called "Stories." I thought it was going to be stories about meeting the boys, so I clicked on it, but it was fanfic. Like, so many fanfic stories. Mostly Nick romance which was right up my alley LOL. After reading a whole bunch of them I decided to try writing my own.

I actually contacted the author of that site asking her to host my stuff (and she did!) but I didn't even know the concept of chapters or anything at that time. I was just writing in a word document and adding onto it as I went. So I asked her how people would know I'd updated and she was like "Just split it into chapters and send me new chapters as you write them!" And here we are.
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #204 on: August 03, 2017, 08:49:50 AM »

I was digging through some old threads on here and I came across a question I thought would be interesting to ask again. When you get inspiration from a movie, a book or even another fanfic, how do you go about twisting that idea to make it your own?
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #205 on: August 03, 2017, 04:47:38 PM »

Having done two stories that were inspired by movies, (When I Grow Up and Jizzle Of Oz) I can answer this lol. When I Grow Up was directly inspired by the movie 13 Going On 30. While it's not one of my best attempts at writing, I changed it up by making Nick the Jennifer Garner character and setting it in the This Is Us era. It was a bit challenging but I made sure to try and keep the comedy element while adding the drama with the Nick/Kevin storyline.

Jizzle Of Oz was a parody of The Wizard Of Oz. I took the boys and tried to fit them to the characters from the movie. Since Nick was Dorothy he needed a female enemy and the natural choice was Paris lol. I guess I just didn't put a lot of thought into it but I enjoyed Leighanne as Glinda with the munchkins wearing t shirts with her photo on them haha.


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #206 on: August 03, 2017, 05:30:28 PM »

So here's a question I thought of, what got everyone into writing fanfiction in the first place?

I don't exactly know when it was, I just know that in high school I carried notebooks around and wrote a lot between classes, during lunch, before school... I still have my notebooks too.

After reading "Ground Zero" I was yearning for more suspense and then just decided to try my own hand at it. That was Mizpah and the rest is history.

I was on ffnet for like a hot minute before it closed real life admissions. That's when I tried to find people who hosted and Julie was one of them. I was on Izzy's site as well before Chaos contacted me and offered to host on AC before it was actually AC. Good times!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #207 on: August 03, 2017, 05:34:40 PM »

I was digging through some old threads on here and I came across a question I thought would be interesting to ask again. When you get inspiration from a movie, a book or even another fanfic, how do you go about twisting that idea to make it your own?

Even though it's not really a specific fanfic or anything that I got my ideas from, it's more the genres in general. It's challenging to make a kidnapping story seem original when there are so many out there. I just tried my best to stick to my style which was first person from multi points of view. My favorite spin on suspense though was writing the story as the haunted house as the main character? I'm still patting myself on the back for that one! Lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #208 on: August 03, 2017, 05:59:36 PM »

That haunted house story was SO good. And I would have to say that's why I read a lot of your stuff, Mare. I love suspense and you were so creative. Each storyline just pulled me in. It's hard to do a kidnapping story in your own way with being original. Like I did with Figured You Out, there's so many psycho fan stories so I had to kind of do a twist on it. It's hard. Lol


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Re: Even newer questions to ponder
« Reply #209 on: August 03, 2017, 09:57:14 PM »

I loved your haunted house story too, Mare!  That was such a creative idea!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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