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Author Topic: The Writing Thread  (Read 364517 times)


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #555 on: January 17, 2021, 04:07:24 PM »

It's been a while since we had a questions recap for this thread, so here's one a little earlier than the start of the forties:

The questions:

1. How does whatever the Boys are up to affect your writing? Do you let it affect your writing?

2. Has anyone else either followed through with a story idea many years later, or had the same basic idea twice and didn't realize it until way after the fact?

3. Anyone else ever been like, "Okay, that ship has sailed.  I will never write that type of storyline/genre/whatever again"?

4. At what point is it better to give up and move on to a different project instead of persevering with one that's giving you all kinds of trouble?

5. Anyone else have a story they've struggled with and ultimately finished?  Or maybe one that's still a struggle?  What is it that tends to gives you the most trouble?

6. What's something you do in BSB fanfic that would never fly in an original novel? This can be something as big as a whole plot or something as small as "I often find myself not describing the Boys' appearances." Does anyone else do this or am I a lazy bum?

7. Does anyone feel like whatever you're listening to seeps into your writing? Do you ever pick specific things to listen to for that reason because you want it to seep into the feel of your writing?

8. If anyone watches the video I linked above ("Bad Fanfic Habits"), let us know your thoughts and if you're guilty of any of those "bad habits." Related: Anyone else watch any of her other videos?

9. What things does everyone think BSB fanfic writers are more guilty of and what things are they less guilty of? Like, I don't know that we have as many "monologue heavy villains," for instance.

10. Do songs ever remind you of your stories?

11. Related question, how long do you give a story [when you're reading it] before you go "nope"? Is the amount similar for fanfics and published works?

12. What decisions have you made to actively subvert a fanfic cliche [while writing]?

13. Who has a tendency to overwrite and who has a tendency to underwrite? Do you do one for certain things, but not others?

14. Does anyone feel like they're "known" for writing a certain genre and have you stepped out of your comfort zone? How was that for you?

15. What's everyone's fanfic guilty pleasure?  In other words, what kind of story will you always click on, even if you've read a dozen other stories like it?

16. Has the pandemic affected the plots of your current or future stories at all?  If it hasn't, do you see yourself writing something that takes place in this time period, or would you prefer to stick to the past or an unspecified time period for future projects?

17. Does this still happen to anyone [fighting with your characters, especially Nick]? Why is [Nick] so picky? Does this happen to anybody else? Do the boys ever make you second guess what you're working on? (If it does, there's a thread to complain about it now.)

18. Would you ever name a child after a character from one of your stories?  What about a character from someone else's story?  (This could also include published fiction.)  Would you name a kid after one of the Boys?

19. Anyone besides Julie and Dee have a long weekend that they're hoping to use for writing? Describe what you've got going on writing-wise in five words or less, but cryptically.

20. What are everyone's favorite tropes?

21. Do you all always know the exact end before you start writing or is it more vague ideas? If you write in order, what do you do when monumental things like that pop up? If you don't always write things in order, would you drop everything and write an end before you've finished a middle?

22. Did you ever accidentally Backstreet and lean into it or does your brain purposefully put the words in that order to intentionally Backstreet? Do you ever purposefully Backstreet? (Backstreet (v)- to add snips of song lyrics to your stories in the context of dialogue or action, but not as explicitly singing the song)

23. What's something small about writing that you love when it happens?

Questions originally from "The Question Archive":

1. #24. If you could pick two stories you have written as a before and after to show us how much you have grown as a writer, which two would you pick? (Suggested addition: How does the same story change after you edit? Give us a scene that isn't a spoiler!)

2. #18. Remember when people would write dialogue in Ebonics because that is how nick was speaking most of the time?

3. #20. Do you think there is any subject matter that should be off limits when it comes to writing a story? Is there anything you would never write about?

4. #32. Is there a storyline that you want to see covered that no one has really touched on?

5. #86. How far do you take your hatred of someone when it comes to fan fiction? (ie: Leighanne or even a BSB fan).

6. #92. Now I'm curious about the most random thing ever. What font do you guys write in? LOL

7. #128. Have you ever considered writing a story or a sequel to one of your existing stories and then decided against it and were later glad you decided not to write it?  Share the most ridiculous idea you came up with, but never wrote!

8. #130. Give us a random fact about something you've written that we might find surprising.

9. #162. What is the biggest motivator for you to write?  And on the other end of things what is the thing that makes your motivation go bye bye?

10. #185. What are some of the stories you've written because they were something you would want to read?

11. #186. Have you ever actually gone back and read those stories, and if so, do you think you enjoyed them as much as you would have if you hadn't been the one who wrote them?

12. #187. Are there any stories you've written that you don't think you would read if someone else had written them?

13. I think that was one of the questions? 1st or 3rd POV? (It was. #1. Do you write in first person or third person?) Related: So what is everyone's preferred point of view these days?  And if you write in different POVs depending on the story, how do you decide which to do?

14. #134. Is there any question you'd like to ask any of the authors who usually participate in this thread?

15. #140. What has been your favorite memory of writing?

Questions asked in the context of a conversation that can be answered by all:

1. Tracy, will you explain WattPad? It's confusing.

2. You also seem to like including music as an integral part of your writing. Do you think that comes from it being BSB fanfic and our "shared cannon" or is it more about the feeling of music compared to writing?

3. Re: Ebonics: Does everyone think it was an age thing or an early 00's thing? Do guys in their early twenties still do this?

4. What is it Mare always says? BSB fanfic should focus on the Boys?

5. To Dee: So tell us, why DOES everyone wear shoes except Nick??

6. You keep bringing up that ill-fated sequel in old questions. Do you perhaps still want to write it deep down?

7. I am guilty of making [Nick] sing made up songs in his head. Anyone else do this or only real songs?

8. To Rose about RMTW: How soon in the idea did you come up with [the last line of the story]?

9. To Julie: A Brian idea would be wild right now, how would all the current business affect your idea? (No major spoilers, obviously.)

10. To Dee: 3000 new/changed words?! Wow, that would be like every word in an average chapter of mine LOL.

11. Now, will anyone actually want to read a Brian story right now?

12. Re: hurt/comfort trope: Any reason in particular? Other than the squees of the hurt one being comforted?

13. You've been spying on me again, haven't you?  How else would you know I had herpes and flesh-eating bacteria on my Nick Wheel of Misfortune?

14. To Julie (about going back to things we wrote about in our first fanfics): A medical drama and a bus crash? How did it feel to go back to your roots?

15: To Dee: Do you ever have a hard time coming up with [chapter titles], or do they usually come easily to you?

Off Topic Questions:

1. Do you need a bachelor's degree to go to med school? Nick has his GED, yeah?

2. In what world does Nick Carter the Grammy nominated Backstreet Boy need a resume? Can't he just have his people call whoever and say "Nick Carter the Grammy nominated Backstreet Boys would like to do xyz"?

3. I wonder what Nick would get a bachelor's degree in?

4. Did you know that they're phosphorescent like diamonds?! Platypus(es?) are the best!

5. What did they think was happening instead of them getting kidnapped? A fun trip for ice cream? (Meanwhile, Julie and Dee write a little joke story about it over a few pages.)

6. Although looking back at all those "Brian is Nick's guardian angel," maybe Nick is Brian's guardian angel? (Meanwhile, Julie and Dee write jokes about this too.)

7. Ugh, just found a "Brian nodded his head." As opposed to what? His knee? His shoulder to shake off his unhelpful guardian angel Nick?

8. Also poor Nick. Can we get the poor guy a "Summer of Happiness"?

9. You bought a wheel and don't use it?

Possible Challenge: Take someone's joke fanfic and write an actual fanfic. (I think I've already claimed the combination of #2/#5/#6, maybe it starts with a bus crash. Maybe it's fate? --Now it's tied back to the questions.)

1. "There's a bomb on the bus and Howie winks excessively."

2. "Nick is a terrible guardian angel."

3. "Nick and Brian are kidnapped while they think they're getting ice cream."

4. "Nick and Howie Freaky Friday each other, but then Nick disappears for the whole story, so Howie can't switch back. haha."

5. "Also if Nick's become clairvoyant in addition to everything else he's got going on, I feel like there's a whole new fanfic there."

6. "Guys, I love you, but I do not have time to do real life, write, chat with you, and be your ghostly Messiah from the Heavens who helps you save fanfic, so you've gotta pick three, haha. (May I suggest the first three? I've got those down.) It's like The Neverending Story, but Nick is the childlike empress."

7. "Nick gets a disease based on spinning the 'Nick Wheel of Misfortune' to decide."

8. "Nick gets a 'Summer of Happiness' where all the other Boys are main characters and he gets a nice paid vacation to pull from some of their old fanfic habits like 'only sleeps,' 'wears several hats throughout,' 'gets to pop in to make silly jokes,' or 'shakes his head at *someone's* antics.' haha"
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 04:44:49 PM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #556 on: January 17, 2021, 04:11:18 PM »

It's been a while since we had a questions recap for this thread, so here's one a little earlier than the start of the forties:

Basically writing the perfectly acceptable "Nick hiccuped [while crying]," then remembering the time he yawned and hated it, and imagining him reacting to sneezing destroyed my focus. Time for a not computer break, I think.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #557 on: January 17, 2021, 07:02:36 PM »

The only writing goal I had for this weekend was to finish Chapter 39 of If I Knew Then, and I'm close to it but I'm probably going to end up finishing it tonight or tomorrow morning, I'm maybe half done with it. Depending on if Nick allows me to finish it without interruptions. So far he's been quiet because it's more of a Brian centric chapter anyway.

Yay!  I can't wait!

I have been on such a roll with the writing today.  I've been at it pretty much all day, except for showering and a few trips to Twitter and this forum.  I've drained my chromebook battery twice.  I think I'm gonna finish Chapter 20 tonight, and then I'll just have the epilogue left to write.

I'm rewriting a part right now where Nick's pretty darn sad and sobbing (the beginning of chapter 45 for anyone familiar). I started to write that he hiccuped (which Nick seems okay with, he's not being a dick about it or anything), but the sheer act of writing "he hiccuped" is making me laugh. Like he's a cute puppy with those huge puppy eyes, just hiccuping while he sobs. And while hiccuping would be a natural response for the body, it's just offsetting the sadness for me. I just want to give him a hug, but more for the "aww, cute, you hiccuped" feeling than the "aww, you're so sad, you look like you need a hug" feeling. I don't know that this is supposed to make me laugh, so I should probably just erase it.

Aww, Nick!  I agree, hiccuping is cute.  It makes me want to give him a glass of water and a pat on the back more than a hug, but it still gives me that "Awww!" feeling.  If Nick's not fighting you on hiccuping, you should keep it in.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #558 on: January 17, 2021, 07:03:52 PM »

Thanks for the recap, Dee!  If Mare unlocks the question archive thread, I can put them in there too.

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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #559 on: January 17, 2021, 07:41:28 PM »

The only writing goal I had for this weekend was to finish Chapter 39 of If I Knew Then, and I'm close to it

I have been on such a roll with the writing today.  I've been at it pretty much all day, except for showering and a few trips to Twitter and this forum.  I've drained my chromebook battery twice.  I think I'm gonna finish Chapter 20 tonight, and then I'll just have the epilogue left to write.

Yay, Julie! And yay, Tracy! (I missed saying earlier.) You're both champs! Charge your batteries (literally and figuratively)!

I've gotten through editing half of one chapter and then half of another one. Nick hiccuping really derailed my focus, but I'm feeling back in the groove a little. I just had to take a break after staring at three versions of the same part (since I'd edited it for a different chapter in PNecklace and then hadn't used a lot of it, but still had some edited bits that I didn't end up using, plus the original version I'm in the process of editing) to get the edit right.

Aww, Nick!  I agree, hiccuping is cute.  It makes me want to give him a glass of water and a pat on the back more than a hug, but it still gives me that "Awww!" feeling.  If Nick's not fighting you on hiccuping, you should keep it in.

He didn't fight at all, so I kept it. Glad everybody is thinking "Aww" over a hiccup. I just know he would hate it if he wasn't so distraught and distracted (which is most of what makes me laugh about it).

He did however have a lot to say a little later when he walked through a door. Mainly, "This is boring. I'm going to punch it and make it explode." Okay, Nick. Whatever you want.  :shrug:

Thanks for the recap, Dee!  If Mare unlocks the question archive thread, I can put them in there too.

Any time! I enjoy combing back through and putting in the joke questions and laughing again. I'm sure she would unlock it for you to post more questions in it.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 07:45:39 PM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #560 on: January 17, 2021, 07:54:41 PM »

Here's two fun questions for today inspired by Nick hiccuping:

What's something mundane the Boys do in fanfics that makes you go "aww"?

What's a weird character trait any of the Boys' have ended up with in a story your wrote? (e.g., absolutely hating when anyone sees them hiccup, yawn, sneeze, etcetera because they don't like the possible outcomes that arise from mundane, but vulnerable actions)

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #561 on: January 17, 2021, 08:20:41 PM »

I’ll unlock it now
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #562 on: January 17, 2021, 08:34:24 PM »

Thanks, Mare!

Dee, I like both of those questions, but they kinda have me stumped at the moment.  I'm gonna think more about them and try to answer later.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #563 on: January 17, 2021, 08:45:44 PM »

I’ll unlock it now

We summoned her! I think that seems fair. The thread can be unlocked when Julie needs to update the questions.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 09:58:28 PM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #564 on: January 17, 2021, 08:47:10 PM »

Dee, I like both of those questions, but they kinda have me stumped at the moment.  I'm gonna think more about them and try to answer later.

Take your time. I'm supposed to be editing, haha. And also haven't figured out my answer for the first one yet, because my first thought was "go fishing," but that's not really a general answer across fanfics.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #565 on: January 17, 2021, 09:56:15 PM »

Found more accidental Labyrinth soundtrack. I love that movie so much. I should go watch it tomorrow, haha.

OMG, Spotify has the soundtrack. It's going to feel like 2007 all over again.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 09:57:57 PM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #566 on: January 17, 2021, 10:53:13 PM »

So this felt appropriate because I know for sure that I was listening to "As The World Falls Down" the first time I wrote this chapter. Feels like 2007, aww. If you haven't seen Labyrinth, you should for sure go watch David Bowie acting with puppets and singing great songs, it's awesome. Anyway, the reason I think Nick's been so picky this whole time is that he's trying very hard to remind me that he's a hard core do-er. The way PBox was originally written was definitely very "omnipresent narrator in a dark and dreary world" if it wasn't something the characters were directly saying or doing. But it's really Nick's story and he gets things done regardless of consequences. So he gets frustrated with things like this from 2007, when it's supposed to be focused on him and he'd rather do something, even if he's just thinking about what he'd do.

An except if you'll allow (from 2007):

Why was the night sky so apparent within her eyes? They seemed to sparkle like small jeweled stars, crying out in his pain. A sad love… A pale jewel… They had been running together, through the darkness all this time. And up until then, they had been running through the darkness alone. They had spent their whole lives looking for something, for someone to hold closely. And in that instant, they had found their safety, they had found each other. And yet, in that one instant, the world shattered around them. They had lost their most precious thing in the world, across all worlds. They seemed to live in a glass ball, only for the amusement of God. And, when he felt their glass ball lives were unfit, he dropped their world, shattering it into a thousand pieces. Where does life continue from that moment? How does one combat the shattering of the world? Is it combatable? Or is it something that is merely accepted with existence?

An excerpt from the edits (now):

Your eyes are sparkling like small jeweled stars in the night sky. I want to run through them until we’re far away from here, until we’re somewhere warm and bright. If there’s anything I can do to keep the world from falling down, I’ll do it for you. I’ll switch off the sun, the stars, and the moon if that takes the sad and pained look out of them. Until you got here, we were both running through the darkness alone. This whole time, we’ve both been looking for the one thing that makes existing warm and bright. Then you came here and we both found that safety we’d been looking for. We found that light of being accepted by someone else in each other. But the longer we stay here, our world is shattering. We almost lost each other! It’s like we live encased in glass so God can watch us for amusement. And if we’re no longer amusing, he’ll drop our world and shatter it into a million pieces. Where would we go? How could we fight that? I promise, I’ll find a way to fight any malicious God for you. I won’t let your world shatter.

And it all still feels very "As The World Falls Down" while getting to add a purposeful "Who Needs The World." Pretty delighted.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 11:12:41 PM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #567 on: January 18, 2021, 10:24:18 AM »

Aww, I haven't seen The Labyrinth since I was a kid!  (Also, I can never seem to spell Labyrinth correctly on the first try LOL.)

So are you re-writing the story from third person into first person POV, or was the second version just Nick's inner thought?  It was interesting to see how it changed from one version to the next.  I smiled at the phrase "the sun, the stars, and the moon" - was that one intentional or accidental Backstreeting?  ;D

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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #568 on: January 18, 2021, 12:40:40 PM »

Aww, I haven't seen The Labyrinth since I was a kid!  (Also, I can never seem to spell Labyrinth correctly on the first try LOL.)

I never can either, which is abysmal. I think it's because the /y/ isn't really pronounced, but you know it's in there somewhere, but where is a mystery. I think it holds up, but it's also probably still my second favorite movie of all time (after Titanic, obviously).

So are you re-writing the story from third person into first person POV, or was the second version just Nick's inner thought?  It was interesting to see how it changed from one version to the next.

It's still third person POV, but a little more character centered. So yes, just Nick's thoughts. I feel like it would be a very difficult challenge to completely change it to first person and probably not my preference anyway. I think my limit on writing a first person POV is about 10,000 words.

I think what's been the most challenging is keeping the overall tone because it's easy to be like "everything here is pretty bleak" when you're the omnipresent narrator. But Nick's fairly... "sugar and fire" is probably the best way to describe him after he defrosts, so he's more like, "Yeah, everything is pretty bleak here, but we're still alive and we're gonna deal with it with a lotta gumption and zeal! Roar!!! Oh look, I'm bleeding again... Onward!!" So it feels a lot less bleak when he's around doing his Nick thing loudly, even when he has his heroic BSOD moments, haha.

I smiled at the phrase "the sun, the stars, and the moon" - was that one intentional or accidental Backstreeting?  ;D

I'd actually completely forgotten while writing it that it's in AFY in that order, which is surprising because the amount of times Nick says "Anything for you" in the story very intentionally is fairly high.

It was an intentional Cartering, I guess? Is that the verb for this? The phrase "switch off the sun, the stars, and the moon" was just me switching verb tense from "Who Needs The World" to match the narrative. So does that mean that Nick intentionally or accidentally Backstreeted in that song? New things to ponder...

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: The Writing Thread
« Reply #569 on: January 18, 2021, 01:05:31 PM »

Describe what you've got going on writing-wise in five words or less, but cryptically.

I couldn't decide! One's kind of a spoiler and the other one's not... as much...  :shrug:

"Now with more heart eating!" or "Sorry you [spoiler]died first, AJ.[/spoiler]"

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey
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