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The Writing Thread: Orlando Passaggio (aka The Writing Thread 3)

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I had some stuff written in that notebook that I told you about. There was an original handwritten draft of the first few chapters of Take Me Home, and two paragraphs of something that I was playing with. I keep going back to this idea with aliens or something.

In the notebook that I hadn't looked at in about three years I found it was interesting I was playing with a hunger games type of thing, but there were a lot of references to other stuff Iike that Malaysia airlines flight that went missing and some other conspiracy theories. I had an idea for a story to be centered around NYC during a blackout too. I don't know where I was going with any of it, I guess at the time I wrote it down anyway.

I keep meaning to catch up on your story, Julie. I might do that tonight on my lunch at work. Sorry about that!

I've been disappointed by feedback on something before. There were a few times where this has happened for whatever and since I overthink a lot I tend to think it means that it sucked. Which I used to be in that mind set a lot, but thankfully I don't think that way for the most part anymore. It's perfectly fine to be disappointed though especially since you worked so hard on it.

Ooh, all those ideas sound intriguing.  You could probably combine some of them, too.  An alien invasion could be the cause of a plane disappearing and a widescale blackout.  A Hunger Games type fic could be interesting, too.

No worries!  I wasn't fishing for feedback, just commenting on how it can vary chapter to chapter.  I don't assume that a chapter or story that doesn't get any feedback sucks, just that maybe it doesn't resonate with readers as much as it did with me.  That, or people are just busy and haven't gotten around to reading yet or can't think of what to comment on.  It is a little disappointing when you work hard on something and don't get any kind of feedback on it, but it happens.  As long as I'm happy with what I wrote, I don't let it bother me.  I have also gotten better at not overthinking or worrying about what other people think.

Another thing to remember is that there are a lot of "silent readers" out there - people who read every chapter and never say a word.  Some people, especially those who don't write themselves, just don't feel comfortable leaving reviews.  I don't remember ever really emailing writers with feedback until I started writing and posting stories myself.  Then I realized how much people appreciate hearing that someone enjoyed their story, so I started saying so.  Major kudos to the readers who don't write themselves and still take the time to leave comments.

I really do love the alien invasion one lol. I think I'm gonna see if I can finish Take Me Home or something before I work on anything new yet, because I kind of want to go and complete it. There's that Brian story that I was playing with that's a spin off of Nick and Amanda. I also have that storm chasing one that I was going to redo as well. Lots of ideas floating around. Nothing fully formed yet. There's the unfinished one shot too.

I actually was googling writing prompts the other night to see if anything interested me. There was a time travel one I found interesting too.

Ooh, time travel.  That always intrigues me, but it seems like it would be tough to write.  It makes my head hurt.  But I like the concept.  What kind of time travel would you be most interested in writing?  Like, would they go far back in time or into the future?  Or into the recent past to try to change something from their own history, like in The Butterfly Effect?  That is one of my favorite time travel movies.

Has anyone else used writing prompts to get an idea?  I don't think I have, other than the monthly challenges here.


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