I hope your school year is off to a great start and the beginning year exhaustion has gotten better!
Overall, I had a great time. I highly recommend getting a balcony room. That was the highlight for me, sitting out on the balcony and reading and just watching the sunrise and sunsets. The first day was rough. Right before we got on the boat, my sister decided to check in on the pets to see how they were doing and to see how Pugsley did with getting his shots from a stranger. He gets insulin twice a day. Well, this lady didn't bother reading directions and was giving Chloe the insulin! Which means Chloe got three doses of insulin and Pugsley didn't get any! Needless to say, we found this out literally an hour before we were to get on the boat. My sister almost didn't get on, but thankfully she did. We managed to find someone to take Pugsley to the Emergency Vet and they kept him for the entirety of the trip. So yeah, what we didn't want to do because it was hella expensive, we ended up doing anyway. We had no choice but to leave Chloe with her. Thankfully she came home in one piece although she was missing her favorite calming stuffie, some of her tee shirts and water bowls.
Then, after being on the boat for an hour, I'm on the balcony and decide to leave to go to the sail away party. There was a ramp that comes down when the door opens, for some reason the ramp didn't come down and I tripped and fell. So instead of going to the sail away party, I was on the floor and had to wait for Security to come and help me up. My left foot and leg were completely bruised!
Thankfully things got better after that, although my sister's mood never recovered from the whole Insulin thing.
I'm probably going to make a video about my cruise experience as a handicap person because as I've said before, I wish I had someone talk about this stuff when I was doing research. Sadly, it wasn't all that accessible. There were scooters everywhere, but we were all complaining about the same thing which is lack of help. For instance, at the buffet, there were designated handicap tables, but no one ever came over to help or anything. I did the main dining room once, but it was so crowded in there, I couldn't maneuver the scooter, and they asked me if I could walk to the table. Lots of stress like that. The doors to our staterooms were so heavy that I couldn't open it. etc...
It wasn't all bad though. The staff overall was incredible! And I met a lot of great people, and not once did anyone make me feel guilty about being on a scooter when it came to the elevators. We had spectacular weather every day. It didn't rain until we were disembarking on the final day. I enjoyed the ports of call although the gangways were friggin terrifying. I'd cruise again, but not on this particular ship and only if they were really completely handicap accessible. It's definitely something I can't do alone, and it made me realize that I absolutely can't do NY alone to see Kieran. I'm just not able bodied enough. The hotel room the night before the cruise, I couldn't get on the bed because it was too high up, so I ended up sleeping on the chair with my head on the dresser.