Reviews For What If...
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Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/19/10 08:49 pm Title: Chapter 6

amazing job cant wait for more.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 07:26 pm Title: Chapter 5

ok that was a hot chapter. amazing job cant wait for more.

Reviewer: Xhex30 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 01:30 pm Title: Chapter 5

oh andy.. he is soooo in love with lindsay... his surprise, is so fantastic!!!

and she canīt reciprocate his love, because sheīs so bond to nick and paige... thatīs so sad...

i truly truly love when they are together (but i prefer nick and lindsay ;o) ^^ ), but i know, how that would end up, like it did before... and lindsay would be the one, whoīs left outside alone...

but like soooo often in our lifeīs we donīt choose that way, which is the "right" one... we choose, the other side, which feels so good and well known... already knowing, that itīs starts wonderful and ends in desaster....

iīm sorry for andy, but he already knew, how she feels...maybe he thought, she would change her mind... and maybe this will happen sometimes... but not yet...

paige and lindsay are sooo "bad" girls... they tease the "poor" boys... nick knows the game...but what about andy? how would he react?

in my opinion, itīs only a matter of time, when nick, join the girls... (iīve got my finger crossed)

please update...ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wait every day; for more....greetings from austria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Masquerade Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/18/10 08:46 am Title: Chapter 5

when this is only a phase, you told us... i wonder, when it will end... and HOW????
i think when the baby is here, everything will change and lindsay will be hurt again...
they can't have that kind of relationship they had once... if i'm honest, it seems linds is like a toy for them, which can be taken and put aside, as they need it :(

i'm really sad, that linds doesn't want to be together with andy... it would be better for all of them.... btw... what he will say when he gets this video???

thanks for this hot chapter ^^
and despite my doubts whether this is all right, I have enjoyed reading it... can't wait for more... MEL=)

Reviewer: vivi Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/17/10 09:36 pm Title: Chapter 4

nick and lindsay all the way!!!! now i'm loving the story again!!!good chapter.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/10 08:26 pm Title: Chapter 4

poor poor nick hehe

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/10 07:44 pm Title: Chapter 3

oh my

Reviewer: Masquerade Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/10 10:25 am Title: Chapter 4

i knew, this would happen... that linds and nick kiss each other... but i wonder, if nick really have had sex with her, without piage knows about???

i'm a little bit confused too... i know paige wants linds because her "hormones" ^^ but nick??? has he still feelings for her, more than he thought... or it's only, that he wants her, because she has a boyfriend now... ??? it's true... we always want, what we can't have... ;)

and andy is really okay, with what is happened between paige and her??? i'm not sure... i agree with xhex, and i think too, he has only said that, because he doesn't want to lose her...

please update.... i want more MEL=)

Reviewer: Xhex30 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/10 08:26 am Title: Chapter 4

i donīt know what to say... is it all about sex? or are there more feelings as they admit? i donīt know how paige is really feeling... sheīs horny, because of her hormones... she craves for sex with lindsay, and in a way they had sex... how would it be without the pregnancy?

but what about nick... is it, because he canīt have lindsay, that he wants her so bad? is it because she always shows him his limits or because sheīs with his friend and heīs SOOOO jealous????? he canīt blame it on hormones...

lindsay was a really "bad" girl...but in the end, she "only" kiss paige...and she also leaves nick without going to far...
must be hurting, for the two to know, that lindsay goes home and has sex with andy... :o))))))))

maybe this is a part of their attraction for linds... she donīt let them go to far, to near...
i donīt think, that this was their last sexual contact and i donīt know what to feel...

is andy really fine with those things that happend? or does he said so, because he donīt wanna lose lindsay? fact is that she stopped making out with nick, because of him...

PLEASE update soon!!!! canīt wait for more!!!!!

Reviewer: sbrown21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/16/10 02:46 am Title: Chapter 4

Mmmm. Half way there. Lol!

Reviewer: vivi Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/15/10 10:22 pm Title: Chapter 3

with paige? wtf?

Reviewer: Masquerade Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/15/10 07:35 pm Title: Chapter 3

i can't believe it!!!! why has lindsay done this???
i don't understand her... poor girl... she will be hurt again, if she lets the two back to close to her...and paige... she is a selfish person and always will be!!!

a few months before, she freaked out, and didn't want her to close anymore, and now linds is happy and has a boyfriend and suddenly nick and paige want her back??? sorry, but if paige is so horny... she has a fiance... or nick is not enough anymore???

i'm curios, what andy will say... hope he won't get mad, but if, i could understand it!!! and nick... i think it doesn't bother him... maybe he hopes, next time it's his turn... ^^

i don't like, how the story turns... hope something like that, won't happen again... between linds and paige i mean... otherwise i really like those scenes ;)

love your story and i'm still TEAM LINDSAY.. .hope you'll update soon... MEL=)

Reviewer: sbrown21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/15/10 03:25 pm Title: Chapter 3

Oh my! Hopefully Andy won't get mad. You know men...they love it when two women are together, but andy dosent like paige so we will see. This chapter was hot just add naked bodies and nick then that will be 100 times better!

Reviewer: Masquerade Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/10 10:30 pm Title: Chapter 2

this is only a phase??? good... a threesome would be a bad was weird enough, that they talked about linds during they had sex!!!

i don't know, what to think of nick's reaction... he is jealous but only because linds has sex with another man and because she will get over him... can't believe it... he should be happy for her without ifs and buts...and hey... it's andy, his friend, who really likes linds, and would never treat her badly...;)

for me it seems, nick loved the fact, that lindsay was still in love with him... maybe it was good for his ego... but it's okay, nick... you will see, you will soon get over her... ;)

i'm sooo curios, what comes next... so please update as soon as possible... MEL=)

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/12/10 10:15 pm Title: Chapter 2

ahhhhhh of course they want what they cant have now. stupid nick. cant wait for more!