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Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 10:45 am Title: Chapter 67

awwww loved it amazing job, cant wait for more.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 05:07 am Title: Chapter 67

At least he got to see his baby girl on her birthday and got some sexy time with Liv. Think revenge on Howie Nick. Awesome update.

Author's Response: Yeah Liv so totally needed to give him sexy time for coming home :) big brownie points there!

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 05:02 am Title: Chapter 67

Nicky boy is so sweet, flying home for Brooke's birthday. :) It's really cute how Brooke says everything in sets of twos, I wonder what she'll call the new baby when it comes.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 04:58 am Title: Chapter 66

Oh Liv will be in trouble. And I have a feeling a very nasty revenge will be enacted by Nick and AJ. Keep up the great work.

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 03:30 am Title: Chapter 67

Awww...they are the perfect family.

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 03:30 am Title: Chapter 67

Awww!! I'm so happy Nick made it home for Brooke's birthday!!!  Baby cute!! I love Brooke!

Author's Response: I love Brooke too lol she's my mini-Nick :)

Reviewer: MrsCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 03:15 am Title: Chapter 67

Those kids crack me up beebee nono lolol. Ur to funny brookie.

Hey I got 3 storys up check them out

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 02:39 am Title: Chapter 67

12 Steps tmr... I will have to wait... *pouts*

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 02:35 am Title: Chapter 67

I like pregnant Liv!
Aww Carter u are a great hubby and dadda! Brooke loves Nono! haha
Nothing like a Fam love! *winks*

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/14/10 02:30 am Title: Chapter 67

I'm happy to read that Nick made it back for Brooklyn's birthday. :) And poor AJ, maybe Howie went a little bit too far. Thanks for yet another chapter, what is this, the third update for today? ;)

Author's Response: Yup 3rd chapter today...tomorrow i'm updating 12 steps...I just want to keep the order going so I don't confuse myself :) Nick gets more chapters than AJ, haha.

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/13/10 10:11 pm Title: Chapter 66

OK...Howie's revenge ranks up there with the girls prank! Loved it!!!  I'd lick THAT Nickcicle!! hehe

Wow...I detest the Barbie Girl song only cuz when my daughter was little she played it over and over and over and over again but I did NOT know that Lene was in that group!  She sings that It's Your Duty song that goes great to a few Nikck montages!  I love that song.  Cool the facts you find out reading a fanfic..hehe...

Great, funny chapter once again!

Author's Response: LoL glad you enjoyed Howe's prank...kudos to him and Liv :) Barbie Girl is one of those annoying songs I love to hate...and I would also lick a Nicksicle!

Reviewer: MrsCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/13/10 09:57 pm Title: Chapter 66

A human nick popsicle hehe I take one please hahaha can that girl send me the photo she took please hehehe

Author's Response: LoL i would take a that dirty? haha

Reviewer: fracksgirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/13/10 09:14 pm Title: Chapter 66

Just to make Howie suffer you should make Nick gets sick so he has to deal with all the whinning.

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/13/10 08:34 pm Title: Chapter 66

'human popsicle any day of the year.' hhahahaha
LOVED! Now.... you better be aware of the quiet one.. ALWAYS! Lord.. that was ingenious! Howard....the master!
Poor Ally. Joe, Shelby, Molls, Livvy (you are good, girl!), NoNo, BooBoo and the new one.... almost without Mclean and Carter!
That was THE prank! Poor guys... hahah Littrell you are bad!

Reviewer: cookies Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/13/10 08:23 pm Title: Chapter 66

Good one, Mr. D! Although, if Nick gets sick because of it, Howie best get some earplugs from all the whining that he'll for sure hear on that bus! I get the feeling the pranks are not over, not by a longshot. :)

Author's Response: LoL oh a sick Nick is not a good thought at ALL :)