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Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:36 am Title: Chapter 62

Oh snap, Matt's there! And Liv's possible morning sickness. Honestly, I'm hoping it's just a bug. They should just have two kids for awhile, but hey, it's not my story. :) Thanks for another chapter.

Author's Response: I was looking for a good opportunity to bring Matt back...I didn't want to wait too long!

Reviewer: dazzle_em55 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:35 am Title: Chapter 62

Oooo..I'v been wondering if Liv could be pregnant for the last few chapters.  I guess we'll find out soon.

Author's Response: :) Possibly!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:34 am Title: Chapter 62

What is THAT asshole up to now!?!?! Liv, I hope to God you're ready to put the pedal to the metal & drive like a bat outta Hell to get your kids & Angel outta there safely. I do NOT trust the asshole ONE bit!!!!

*waves my pointy stick as I jump in front of Nicky*



Author's Response: Haha I don't think Nicky needs protection...well maybe :) I'm not sure Liv's feeling quite up to doing a rapid drive-off!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:29 am Title: Chapter 61

Lmao. I loved the gay question & how they'd all pretty much go for Brian. Was Kevin trying to say he'd date Brian too, if he weren't his cousin? Lmao.



Author's Response: LOL! Kevin = AWKWARD!!! haha

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:11 am Title: Chapter 62

I think you got my point which hair he would end up losing..... oh Molls....

Reviewer: PaigesKaos Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:08 am Title: Chapter 1

Loved both chapters!! Yeahhhhh I know Livvy is prego...wee hooo Livvy. 

Lil Red is growing on me....or is it just the way Nick talks about her that I like.  I swear...sometimes I think its really Nick telling this story.  Awesome

Author's Response: LoL Oh Shelby might be annoying but she's a hoot! :)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:06 am Title: Chapter 62

Oh yes, I see your point here. I was thinking this tonight. This story is at 62 chapter already, lots to write. And I understand that at some point the author can be stock on it.
I'm sure you will make it perfectly!
I'm thinking in Shelby.. older... poor Alex, will loose more hair...

Author's Response: LoL at AJ losing more hair!!!!

Reviewer: MrsCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:05 am Title: Chapter 62

What the hell is matt doing back dose he want to end up in the morg? Great chapter I think liv is pregnant! Hehe they said they want 3 lol

Author's Response: LoL The next chapter is going to be fun :) I told ya Matt would show up again!

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 03:01 am Title: Chapter 62

I hope Liv is pregnant. Nick would be soooo happy.

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 02:59 am Title: Chapter 62

Okay.... LOTS of things going on... AND another update! YAY!
So sweet the BooBoo/NoNo love, poor Liv Brooke SURELY loves daddy! And the mini version of the robe.. awwww
The music store was crazy.. all those kids and the unmistakable sound of Shelby's voice! LORD!
AJ is such a cute daddy... high 5 with the princess!!! "Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the incwedible Backstreet Boys!" Shelby screamed. The crowd went wild." GO Lill Red!
Poor guys... only AJ and Kevin will stay with the Fam at road... Nick, Howie and maybe Brian family-less.... *pouts*
I love the kids, but poor Liv 1 more Carter? I feel for her!
And now this Matt guy...... o.0
Btw, an important Littrell date is coming... hehe

Author's Response: Of course, Bri's b-day! But I'm skipping some concert dates, etc. I just really want to start focusing on the important plot points. I was initially going to go over 100 chapters but I think I want to get that down some. I'm dying to move on to the next story soon!

Reviewer: MrsCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 01:54 am Title: Chapter 61

Lol he is good hehe that man knows how to turn a girl on. Cold showers anyone lol

Author's Response: phew he is the poster child for cold showers!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 01:53 am Title: Chapter 61

That was a great Q & A. lol Too bad that that 'gay' question will probably never get asked in real life because the fan club is lame and only lets the lame and the same boring questions in every time during every chat. :/ Great job once again. :)

Author's Response: LoL I know they need someone cool to run those Q&A things and the fanclub. I get tired of the same old questions!

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 01:37 am Title: Chapter 61

I still think the 3rd Carter kid is cookin as we speak!! 

The Q&A was precious!  The dating cousins!! How....redneck of them!  Nick was a weeee bit too happy to find out AJ would date him.



Author's Response: LoL Nick likes that he's datable I guess, haha. At least he didn't fist pump the air like Brian!

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 01:22 am Title: Chapter 61

How I wish a Q&A live.. I am still laughing! hahah Ohhh Briley... you are a charm!!!! hahahah I think Brian is so lovable that he would be THE choice!
Btw, I though it was so cute that you put AJ's question at Brazil! Now everybody knows about his love.. awww poor Molls...
I loved the entire chapter!
"And her daughter is like a mini-AJ," Brian added. "I think they're competing with their sunglass collections."

"After having to change his son's diaper about three times the other day, I would like to answer this question."

AWWWWW the Family love!

Liv is??

Author's Response: Lots of Family Love! :)

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 01:11 am Title: Chapter 61

Yes're ASS!!!!

Author's Response: LoL!