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Reviewer: MrsCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/12/10 01:07 am Title: Chapter 60

That's so cute this littlw girl is just a one of a kind. And backstreet olipics lol

Author's Response: LoL I'd be scared if there was another Shelby in the world! Only the guys would find some activity to do with a small trampoline and a bean bag :)

Reviewer: SweetDsPixie Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 10:33 pm Title: Chapter 60

lol Backstreet Olympics am sure that has happened once or twice in real life.
So they all have to wear kilts?lol
Aw Noah finally saying Dada
Shelby is meant to be on stage infront of people its her calling.

Author's Response: LoL I have a feeling Howies going to argue about that whole 'kilt' thing...we shall see!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 09:35 pm Title: Chapter 60

Oh! And YAY for Noah finally saying "Dada"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Author's Response: Can't forget that! :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 09:34 pm Title: Chapter 60

Yay for Shelby!!!!!! I was wondering when she'd want out on the stage-lol.

Roflmao!!!!!!! Dressing room Olympics - hilarious!

I've been by this computer off & on all day waiting for an update-lol.



Author's Response: LoL I got to work this morning and the first thing someone told me was - 'Internet's down!' I ran home from lunch and started this chapter, got back to work, Internet was up and ta-da! I'm sure I'll go back and read this later and want to change everything. Dressing Room Olympics was a last moment idea!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 09:04 pm Title: Chapter 60

Oh Nick...he's so special. :)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 08:47 pm Title: Chapter 60

YES!!!! I knew shelby would end up introducing the guys. she was born to do that! She is a star! I know that I am in love with her... Why the boys can and I don't? GO GIRL!

"I won't throw things like Mason did!" Shelby whined.
"Well, why can't she?" I asked.
Kevin and Howie looked at me like I had lost my mind. Shelby turned to me, smiled, and then turned back to AJ.
"See, Bob says I can! Please, please, pleasssse?"
This girl brings parenthood to another level! I'm sure even Richardson loves her by now...

"It's funny how some random things suddenly come up again later." Thank God the kilt is back.. now... which guy will show off the legs? hehe
Backstreet Olympics... Lord.... and think that they might do that in real life... poor cameras, walls and WIFES! hahah

P.S.: Noah finally said Dada!! How cute is that? Not cute Bob trying to pimp his son...


Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 60

I loved the Backstreet Olympics. That's something that would happen in real life. I'm also really happy that Noah finally said Dada, poor Nick sure had to wait for it long enough. And btw, we need to find a real Shelby and have her introduce the guys. :)

Author's Response: I agree! That would be so cute! Pair her with Baylee for now :)

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 03:21 pm Title: Chapter 59

Oh my lord woman you are an amazing writer. I can picture everything you are writing about. Going on tour with them would be the ultimate experience. Please keep up the great work and maybe consider write more than 5 books to this series. I will be very sad to see it end.

Author's Response: psst...I'm not planning to end it any time soon! well...sorta :)

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 06:51 am Title: Chapter 59

ohhh what is going to happen so cant wait for amazing job keep itup.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 04:24 am Title: Chapter 59

I wanna know what these Boys are up to now! Lol.

And God, I wish they would bring some of us fans up on stage & sing to us! I'd die if they sang ALAYLM to me - though, I think I've mentioned that once or twice already - lol. (THREE DAYS!!!!!!!!!)



Author's Response: LoL they used to bring fans up! Oh, you're going to have so much fun! I have sixteen days and counting before I see them again LoL

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 03:11 am Title: Chapter 59

Awww my sweetie, *grins* I'm feeling a queen! =D Thanks!

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 03:05 am Title: Chapter 59

At MY countdown you already hit the 2000th mark! Again! Congrats!

Author's Response: Holy moly! how did that happen? Yay!!! I was so busy writing I forgot to pay attention. Thanks Gabby :) I still know you hold the crown for doing it the first time haha

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 03:01 am Title: Chapter 59

Thanks for another chapter. :)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 02:45 am Title: Chapter 59

Of course I can! Bring Mason AND Shelby there.. just crazy ppl.. hahhah poor Richardson!
Now.. JUST tomorrow? Awwwwwww =DDD

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/11/10 02:43 am Title: Chapter 59

Btw... poor Dorough and the Water Park: FUN!!!!!! *giggles*