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Reviewer: PaigesKaos Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/06/10 03:00 am Title: Chapter 1

Hey! Im new on here and I have to just drop a quick note to tell you that I absolutely love your fan fic!  Babies and the Band makes me laugh out loud while making me love each and every character.  I wake up hoping for another chapter and going to sleep at night checking for the same!.  Great writing.!

Author's Response: Hi Paige! I just saw your name as the newest member. I'm glad you signed up. I really appreciate your review :) I try my hardest to get a couple updates per day. With that said, I'm not so sure about an update tomorrow morning. I had a 'planning' day today. :) Hope to hear more from you!

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/06/10 12:13 am Title: Chapter 46

YES!!! Addy is easy, indeed.. a HOT cowgirl! Now Molls.... uh lala.. AJ will get lucky later!

Reviewer: MrsCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 11:49 pm Title: Chapter 46

I love this chapter hehehe they are so perfict togather

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 10:13 pm Title: Chapter 46

As Shelby said: nineteen!!
Lord, lot of bodies to put clothes, indeed! But tell me, Molls was wearing what? And Addy?

Author's Response: Addy's easy...she'd go as a cowgirl, haha. Molls I have a feeling might have punked up her hair and done a flashback to the 80's or maybe an early 90's grunge Nirvana look.

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 46

AJ as Cap'n Jack Sparrow? I've NEVER thought about it! hahah PERFECT!
Liv.. uh lala!!! No comments about your lill outfit!
What Molls was wearing?
Oh I see the Enya thing.. ( Ilike Enya too! shhh)
The entire Halloween Party was so cool, and the kids running for candy! Awww Brooke IS a Carter! And NoNo saying Mama!!! aWWWWW!!!
Leighanne is the perfect Alice! Poor Brian.... *shaking head*
Addy is Kevin with a 'white dress" *winks*
P.S.: I think AJ will have more to think about that the weeding... but now, he will think about her with tenderness...

Author's Response: LoL yeah I skipped over a couple people's costumes, haha. The larger this group goes the more that's gotta happen! And I knew I wanted Noah to say mama first. Nick can't get ALL the love. :)

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 08:45 pm Title: Chapter 46

Aw, what a cool night of Halloween fun - Backstreet style! :D Thanks for another chapter!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 08:45 pm Title: Chapter 46

Aw, what a cool night of Halloween fun - Backstreet style! :D Thanks for another chapter!

Author's Response: You're welcome! :)

Reviewer: BiLittrell Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 08:44 pm Title: Chapter 46

Ok so i just caught up! I dont know what was more funnier in the previous chapter... Shelby yelling about that womans butt or Nick getting stuck in a kids ride. Pure genius!

And i loved this chapter too! love the bantering and the antics they all get up to.

Author's Response: LoL I think my votes on Nick getting stuck in the ride. Just saying :)

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 06:57 pm Title: Chapter 46

Finally a BSB party that ends well. No drama. I like how they all wanted to keep AJ happy. Now I personally think you should have posted pics of them in their costumes. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: Haha, BSB in costume is just a cute image. Especially Brian as the White Rabbit :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 06:57 am Title: Chapter 45

Roflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, leave it ot Nicky to get stuck in Barney along with Kevin's hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!



P.S. Do these managers have no sense of humour or what? Yeesh!

Author's Response: LoL I'm guessing that between Shelby calling people names, Nick getting stuck, the women that were sneaking around on Backstreet patrol...probably not a good day to be a manager! Haha

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 05:31 am Title: Chapter 45

omg that was just way too funny. so cant wait for more. amazing job.

Reviewer: MrsCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 04:38 am Title: Chapter 45

Hahaha in my head when he says he ad a battle with barney I can see barney and nick fighting then barney sits on him in voctory lolololol I never been to chuckie cheese

Author's Response: LoL I HATE Chuck E. Cheese...that place is a nightmare. The worst is the huge electronic puppets. They freak me out. Like every sixty seconds they're programmed to blink...

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 04:34 am Title: Chapter 45

I LOVE SHELBY!!! She is THE ADHD poster girl, indeed, a ADHD Diva Girl! And ONLY Molls and Alex can handle her craziness!
"Shelby was right at the door asking them their name, age, and if they had any good music." Seriously, if she doesn't want the detective job, she can run for advertiser AND some at the fashion world! That kid has future!
AJ is a DAD now!!!! *singing like FlapJack*
"Shelby looked at me as if I had just interrupted a private conversation. Then she shrugged and jumped up and down." Telling ya... this kid is THE type of daughter that Alex would have... saying.. this kid will be a TROUBLE for the husband...
"That's nineteen!" Shelby yelled from somewhere in the back of the group. " I LOVE this kid, she is smart ass!
About the 69 number.. *grin* Oh boy!
All those kids at that poor place.. man... THAT was a pandemonium!
Baylee and the puberty.. hahaha poor Littrells!
"MOUSE!" James yelled excitedly." GO JAMES!
I'm with you Noah! That thing was BLAH!
Kayleigh is a Diva like her beautiful mommy.. just saying.
That Daddy Play Time was AMAZING and Shell telling the lady that she had a big butt: PRICELESS MOMENT! She is like a Mclean, indeed! I see Alex so proud! ("HEY LADY!" she yelled. "YOU'VE GOT A BIG BUTT!")
We are stuck on the dinosaur... ONLY Nick would do that.... ONLY Kevin would try to be the rescue gentleman to save him.. the result? Moi having a laugh thing!
I'm thinking now... all the REAL places that they CAN'T go anymore... hahah
Go crazy pics! Go kids! Go mommies and daddies! Go Going Strong!

Reviewer: Lynzer4 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 03:55 am Title: Chapter 45

I love Shelby. She cracks me up. I was so happy when you said someone had copied the story so you didn't have to start over.

Cant wait for more.  I love this story... as well as your AJ story. Can't wait fo find out about him and molly.

 Both are writen really really well. Thanks

Author's Response: Yeah there was NO way I could have rewritten all of the Shelby stuff either. LoL that's pure spur-of-the moment stuff right there.

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/05/10 03:46 am Title: Chapter 45

it's never boring in BSB land that's for sure and I think it's funny the sticky situations not only Nick gets into but Liv seems to get into them too,if it's not one its the that Nick he can't stop betting and being better than the others,fun chapter and Shelby is Hilarious in this chapter.

Author's Response: Yeah Nick couldn't have found anyone better matched for him then Liv. They are both walking disasters. :)