Reviews For The Perfect Match
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Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/08/10 01:32 am Title: Chapter 9

WOW! That dinner was unbelievable indeed!
Jesus... I'm thud with Baylee! That young man will pay for his hero moment, but it was good for his ego.
Plus, OH MY Carter had the pleasure of the cake. Thank God he's nice to joke around.. now it's wait for see what else Leyla pulls off... crazy bitch!
Poor Neela, had a bad day and that dinner.. well, she was between her two men! And Giu going insane... oh boy! Alex getting fat... SHHHHHH
Can't wait for more, sweetie!!!

Author's Response: thanks :D yeah it was a crazy evening for all of them but the night is coming and let's see what's going to happen ;)

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/06/10 05:48 pm Title: Chapter 8

Oh man Nick you need therapy. Don't we all. I seriously hope you can get Neela back. You both still love each other. And I hope he doesn't bring his so called girlfriend to the party. Excellent work.

Author's Response: thanks for your review :D mhmmm we will see but I get the feeling Leyla will be part of the dinner ;)

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 10:56 pm Title: Chapter 8

I know I keep saying this but NICK DUMP LEYLA!!! He is an idiot, I want to slap him lol! Hope the dinner goes well, awesome story I love it

Author's Response: awww he is not ready to do it :( it's sad I know; thanks :D

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/05/10 07:37 pm Title: Chapter 8

Is L this stupid OR she tries to pull the poor victim?
Okay, Carter needs to realize what he wants, Lord! OR he pays the price to say bye bye love, OR he stays with her! Everyone saw the pics and he says that he didn't do a thing for L? She was almost gone.... he doesn't wanat to stay alone, so he keeps with her. Maybe if he knows that Neeyla would back, he would break up with L.... but he must make a choice and pay the price. Shame Carter. Shame.

Author's Response: HAHA i love it "Shame Carter. Shame." yes shame on you mr carter ... guess he doesn't want to be alone .... thanks love your reviews :)

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 05:30 pm Title: Chapter 7

Oh Nick will you ever learn. If you still love her then you need to change your ways. She won't accept you how you used to be. I hope they can work things out. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: we hope he will learn it ;) thanks :)

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 09:35 am Title: Chapter 7

Nick did a very stupid thing, but its obvious that he still has feelings for Neela. Hopefully he will realize she was the one for him all along, he was just too stupid to notice. Awesome job again!

Author's Response: awww we all hope he will realize this :) thanks :)))))

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 09:29 am Title: Chapter 7

''God I was replaced by Paris Hilton.'' Now THAT is sick!
Okay, Neela has grown up, she could see that he wasn't drunk at those pics. It's something after all.
Oh Carter.. you will get yours!!!
Giu seams to be a nice and fun woman, loved the Monkey!
Now dinners at Littrells aren't just Family thing, it's a happening! lol
Bring the DINNER ON!!
Can't wait to Neela meet up with Alex, Howie, Leigh and lill James!!!!

Author's Response: oh how I loooove your reviews :D thanks :) and yes it will be a happening and i am kinda scared to write it lol

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/01/10 05:28 am Title: Chapter 6

WOW lol....just wow. Awesome update, Nick is something else. He needs to dump Leyla and get back with Neela!

Author's Response: hehe maybe at some point he sees the truth ... thanks :D

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/30/10 11:00 pm Title: Chapter 6

Good Lord... oh boy!
Carter have issues... deep issues..
Honey, if she suck like a pro, that's because she IS a pro.. wake up!
Now Carter... you messed with Neela in the past, have jealous of a kid and of your friend's relationship... man, you just need to grow up and face your actions!
Btw, this Giulia seams to be a lovely lady! A second Leighanne! heheh
Now the next morning... The L Crazy will kill Carter and AJ....

Author's Response: haha true that :) maybe she was a pro who knows :P yeah guila has a heart made of gold and cares for carter as much as leigh do :) and yes he has issues maybe someone can heal him and help him to be a better man ... we will see ;P

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/30/10 09:56 pm Title: Chapter 6

Oh Nick will you ever learn? That's what lose you Neela. However you will have a nasty girlfriend to deal with in the morning. And a disappointed Neela who will think you haven't changed at all. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: haha who knows if he changes ;) thanks :)

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 07:01 am Title: Chapter 5

Aw that is sweet. Brian and Leighanne want the best for Nick and I like how they look out for him, but are looking out for Neela as well. I hope their plan to get those two together works out, I would love to see them talking again. Awesome job again, really enjoying this story!

Author's Response: thanks, happy that you enjoy it i'll give my very best :) you will see if it works ....

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 05:53 am Title: Chapter 5

Btw, so lovely how Leighanne and Brian love each other... Lovely Littrells!

Author's Response: hehe yes they do, my fave backstreet family ;)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 05:50 am Title: Chapter 5

"They need to meet. Soon." Ooohhh Leigh and her BIG ideas and plans... I see trouble, laughs and fun on the way! Oh and the hubbies going CRAZY!
Poor guys. Hehhe
Now this Giulia... :)

Author's Response: they will :) but there will be drama ;) thanks

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/10 09:40 pm Title: Chapter 5

cant wait for more

Author's Response: thanks =)) hehe will try my best :))

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/18/10 09:28 pm Title: Chapter 5

Oh I think Nick has the best friends in the world. Now for him and Neela to reconnect. He needs to dump dial a ho and realize what he needs is back. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: yes he has and they care a lot bout him .... =))