Reviews For The Perfect Match
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Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/23/10 12:46 am Title: Chapter 23

Yeah their secret is out. I hope people take it well. Too bad if they don't. Keep up the amazing work. & Merry Christmas.

Author's Response: thanks for your review :D their secret is not really out but I have a feeling they can't hide it well at the BBQ ... glad you are still enjoying my story. Merry Christmas to you and enjoy the time with fam and friends. xoxo

Reviewer: x__shiningstar Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/23/10 12:25 am Title: Chapter 23

Haha, interesting start of the chapter, LOL. They are so cute together. Have a Merry Christmas too! :D

Author's Response: wow you are fast reader and reviewer ;) glad you liked it I wasn't sure if it was good :) Merry Christmas to you, too. xoxo

Reviewer: foreverebel7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/17/10 09:19 pm Title: Chapter 22

that was HOT HOT HOT...

did i mention that it was extremely hot??

Author's Response: awww thanks haha yeah it was and the next chapter will be.... hehe won't give away to much. thanks for your review. hope you keep reading and reviewing. xoxo

Reviewer: x__shiningstar Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/17/10 03:46 am Title: Chapter 22

Haha, I loved how Nee seduce him, and Nick goes crazy about it, haha. This chapter was so hoot! Update soon :D

Author's Response: thanks for your review so happy that you enjoying the story :D will try my best to update soon :D xoxo

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/17/10 02:20 am Title: Chapter 22

I'm so.... I'm speechless. First Alex being so Alex... my dear phone addicted. The way he knows Nick and tries to help.. well, with his mind and ways, but still... he wants to know things too. He IS the male version of Leighanne indeed!! haaha
Leighanne, oh yes, Leighanne and the girls... he isn't smoking!! hahaha
The butt talk... hahaha... hot!
Poor Carter, the pics, this talk.... Nee... Oh Nee, you're EVIL!
She was the one wanting to go slow!!!

“DOC ROOOOOOBERTS, uuuuuuuhhh'

Poor Nee WONT walk!!!!

Author's Response: haha god loooved your review made me smile and laugh. yeah she wanted and still wants to take things slow but they both didn't had sex 4 entire weeks so I guess they both were just to horny to control themselves. I love AJ in that chapter (thanks to a friend ;) ) and well Leigh is Leigh. HAHA I get the feeling too that the next morning will be interesting ... thanks foryour review . xoxo

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/17/10 02:05 am Title: Chapter 22

Yeah at least they can be honest with each other. And might I say DAMN that was hot. I'm surprised she didn't want to do the other thing with the conversations they were having. Very interesting. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: aww thanks :) well maybe she didn't trust him enough for that, we will see. thanks for letting me know what you think and glad you enjoyed it :) xoxo

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/13/10 09:02 am Title: Chapter 21

Loved the chapter! Those girls are fun! Poor Nicky...hehehe and wow Nee is preggo? Wow wow wow. MORE PLEASE!

Author's Response: Nee preggo ??? why ??? lol thanks for your review. you will get more :D it's so amazing to see you like it. it means a lot to me:) thanks for the review xoxo

Reviewer: x__shiningstar Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/13/10 03:19 am Title: Chapter 21

I just read all the chapters and it was amazing! Nick ruined what he had with Neela... And I'm glad they are taking steps together... Nick is so horny! LOL. Can't wait for more, next! :D

Author's Response: thanks for reading them :) glad you enjoyed it, i try to give my best. yeah tiny baby steps lol but they both have needs like you see and hell yes carter is horny as hell you will see in the next chapter ;) thanks for the review hope you will continue reviewing :) xoxo

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/12/10 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 21

Yeah they really need to "talk". I bet she jumps him as soon as he gets there. I would. Keep up the amazing work.

Author's Response: haha maybe you will definitely find out in the next chapter :D thanks for the review. xoxo

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/12/10 10:26 pm Title: Chapter 21

honey.. I must say... GENIUS! Congratulations!
These girls are amazing!!!! Oh poor Leighanne! hahaha She is that saint? We dont know..... hahahaha
I'm having a thing here with the laugh!
Carter DMing, those talks, the gym earlier.... poor Doctor Nee!

Carter is doing good? HAAHAHHAHA He IS good. I'm glad to see that he's growing, he's more mature and one of the reasons is Nee.

Alex wasn't kidding with his business *polishing nails*.... poor Carter! hhahha this is the word of this chapter: POOR! hahaha

Oh Giu and the bananas.... hahahahha love that girl!

Author's Response: haha thanks soooo much it was fun to write indeed. haha yeah the word of this chapter is POOR can't agree more :D thanks for your review always a pleasure to read them ;D xoxo

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/12/10 08:16 pm Title: Chapter 20

yay they're 'back' together!

Author's Response: thanks :D for you review

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/07/10 06:11 pm Title: Chapter 20

Well it seems they missed each other very much. I'm glad they are starting fresh. They both need it. Please update soon & keep up the wonderful work.

Author's Response: thanks for your review and glad that you still enjoys the story :D

Reviewer: Nikkix3BSB Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/07/10 01:50 am Title: Chapter 20

Finally.. Yaay

Author's Response: yay :) but will it last...... ? thanks for the review

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/06/10 09:51 pm Title: Chapter 20

Ooohhh.. so I see it..... you better do it fast!

Author's Response: I will try :) and give my best as usual :D

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/06/10 09:49 pm Title: Chapter 20

WOOWWWW. O.o OMG! Nick! I have no words but I loved this chapter! :D

Author's Response: haha thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks :) haha yeah I still have no words for him too :) glad you loved it :) thanks for you review my dear.