Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 11:30 pm Title: Chapter 43

--A date that I hoped Noah wasn't telling any deep dark secrets to about yours truly.-- OoOoOoh... i wonder what secrets NoNo is spilling...

--Pey waved a hand in front of her nose. "All you need is a comb."-- I share those sentiments, Ms. Pey :)

"You look amazing," he kept saying. "And you smell really good."

"It's the hair produts," Pey said, mimicking me from earlier. I shot her a look.-- Oh, Pey... :)

--It was a far cry from how he usually spent his days -- basketball shorts, t-shirts with holes in them, and underwear that probably hadn't been washed for years (okay, that might be an exaggeration).-- hehehehe

--Woohoo! Bout time Shelby, Mason, & Brenna made an appearance! :)

--hehehehehe, luvs Brenna & Landon together.... do I smell a couple in the making? hehehehe j/k

--The third highlight came while I was crying. Trevor reached over and brushed a tear from my cheek. I turned to look at him and he kissed me. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was nice.-- aw, Trevor is so sweet... really gotta get him away from that soul-killing family of his.

--"If we stand far enough away," Noah whispered to Trevor and me. "we can pretend that we're not with them."

I laughed. "One look at us and everyone knows we're Carters, NoNo."-- So true, NoNo, you'd be spotted a mile away :)

--Noah sighed, but not for long. He broke into a smile as we neared Kay.-- Kay so needs to open her eyes and give my lil NoNo a shot... seriously....

--"Kay's dress is puke!" Landon declared as mom and dad talked to Baylee and Claudia.-- Gotta luv Landon!

---Again, luv Brenna & Landon together :)

As if on cue, Peyton, Noah, Trevor, and I all took three huge steps away.

"I don't know them, do you?" Peyton asked. Noah and I shook our heads.

"Not at all."-- Family, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em! (except for Trevor's... he can definately live without them!)

--"I like your family," he said with a smile. I laughed.

"We're kind of a package deal," I explained. His smile widened.

"I like that."

And I liked that he liked that. Between my crazy little brother, Peyton who was already swapping her flats for sneakers, and Noah who seemed in a daze after talking to Kay, we were a mess. And the evening was still young.

I had a feeling that it was going to be an interesting night.-- Oh, BooBoo, I'm guessing you have no idea of just how interesting it's gonna be...

Author's Response: lol at everyone loving Landon and Brenna. The series will be done long before these two turn sixteen :) but their puke conversatin was classic. I love that all the kids are so individualized but they all get along so well together. I'm so proud of my Carters!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 09:49 pm Title: Chapter 43

Hehe. Gotta love kids! Lol.



Author's Response: LoL I do! That's why I couldn't NOT write about those two. :)

Reviewer: Howies Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 09:09 pm Title: Chapter 43

Sooooo can't wait for the reception chapter in both stories, can't wait.

Author's Response: that's my homework tonight. I only have outlines for both so it's going to take a little work. :)

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 08:49 pm Title: Chapter 43


Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 43

Yay! Love the Shelby cameo :) Brenna seems like quite the character although I'm not surprised. Another great chap!

Author's Response: like mother, like daughter. :)

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 07:34 pm Title: Chapter 43

Another great chapter. Thanks for the Shelby/Mason appearance. What about Addy and Daniel though? lol Man, Landon and Brenna were cracking me up! :D Can't wait to read about the reception!

Author's Response: haha that's what receptions are for. Every single Backstreet extended family member is going to be mentioned. Either in Kay's POV or Brooke's POV. I'm expecting the reception to take a few chapters for each girl. I'm having an issue ending Brooke's story even though I have Pey's story coming up to keep me in the Carter realm. You'll have to forgive me on that!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 07:24 pm Title: Chapter 42

Poor Trevor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And his mom's drinking while pregnant? Oh boy. I'm sure his home life bothers him more than he lets on. But I did like this Carter family-oriented chapter, Landon is too cute. :)

Author's Response: Oh Trevor's got a lot of stress where his family is concerned. But miraculously he has a maturity level far above even his parents obviously. Plus he's not going to ruin the time with Brooke. Those times are few and far between!

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 07:04 pm Title: Chapter 43

Shelby!! Girl I missed you, great to read something about her and Brenna...If this little girl doesn't end up with Landon haha...they're like a mini version of Shelby and Mason lol.

Can't wait to read about the 'interesting' night ;)

Author's Response: I've been going through Shelby withdrawals. This isn't the last you'll see of her either. I hope you guys realize you're match-making three year olds!

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 07:01 pm Title: Chapter 43

lol two crazy kids loves it, three of them forget that they where that age once

Trevor is diff a Carter at heart and also spendin time and getting to now the other Carters the more what Garrett did (well he only cared about one thing)

Author's Response: LoL Liv and Nick lived through those three goobers being that age, even though I've got to say that Landon's a lot worse. Comes with being the baby after a HUGE gap in between siblings. :) Trevor is hanging with the family and loving it! He's not in it for just one thing. Gleem!

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:59 pm Title: Chapter 42

Lol at this chap. I love fun chaps with the entire family. Very sad about Trevor though. That was sweet of Nick to be concerned.

Author's Response: Nick's the best dad ever. His concern is genuine. Got to love Landon though!

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:54 pm Title: Chapter 41

Another great chap! Loved the moment at the cemetery with Brooke and Nick. Very sweet.

Author's Response: Yeah, I was feeling reminiscent the day I wrote that. I'm way too attached to my characters!

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:50 pm Title: Chapter 40

Yay! I loved this little twist :) So glad that Noah was able to do this. Looks like there's another family member in the music industry.

Author's Response: Nick's spawn can't help but be talented. It's in their blood!

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:21 pm Title: Chapter 1

And we have a new "Coaster-super-couple", Brenna and Landon :)

Jen will be writing new series for the rest of her life with the children of children of children~~~
No one would complain, Guaranteed

Author's Response: Nope...this saga is ending with Peyton. You guys will just have to fill in more pieces in your imaginations! :)

Reviewer: bebybsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:15 pm Title: Chapter 43

Oh my God!! Landon and Brenna!!
I loved it! Lol!
Trevor makes me sigh like I'm 16 instead of 25!

Author's Response: haha you KNEW I had to put those two crazy kids in the same vicinity as each other, right? :) Trevor's kind of like a Mason. There should be more guys like those two.

Reviewer: kaiah Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:12 pm Title: Chapter 43

And we have a new "Coaster-super-couple", Brenna and Landon :)
Love the Carter siblings, and I feel so bad for Trevor, glad he's having a good time with the crazy Carters, they are crazy in a good way :)

Author's Response: They are crazy in a super good way! I enjoyed how all the older ones totally slid way during the 'puke' chorus. Haha. Two crazy little personalities are destined to meet-up. That's the rule of the universe.