Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:07 pm Title: Chapter 43

Lol oh man this made me laugh. To bad no one interrupted. But Breanna & Landon made my day. Looks like another BSB match up. The absolute best part was when they yelled "PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKe". Awesome update. Please keep them coming.

Author's Response: LoL yeah, I got a kick out of their puke chorus. I swear all the BSB kids could be regulars on 'Kids Say the Darndest Things'

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 06:07 pm Title: Chapter 1

Author's Response: I told you guys you'd see Shelster again! did you doubt me? :) I loved the wedding from Brooke's POV because it was hardly about the wedding, haha. Way more exciting what was going on AROUND her!


Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 05:39 pm Title: Chapter 43

Noah tugged at his tie. He always looked so much older when he got dressed up. It was a far cry from how he usually spent his days -- basketball shorts, t-shirts with holes in them, and underwear that probably hadn't been washed for years (okay, that might be an exaggeration).

Shelby, Brenna and Mason...SOOOOO HAPPY~~~~

GREAT CHAPTER JEN...I will wear a smile all day

Author's Response: I told you guys you'd see Shelster again! did you doubt me? :) I loved the wedding from Brooke's POV because it was hardly about the wedding, haha. Way more exciting what was going on AROUND her!

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 05:19 pm Title: Chapter 42

cant wait to read about the reception from both POVs !!

Author's Response: It should be interesting, I will say that!

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 04:59 pm Title: Chapter 38

so cute!

Reviewer: Howies Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 02:53 pm Title: Chapter 42

Trevors Dad and Mom need to be reported to child protective services ASAP! Can't wait to read more about Brooke and Trevors experience at the wedding.

Author's Response: I agree...bad situation right there especially with such a little one. Trevor can't protect them all. :(

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 05:24 am Title: Chapter 42

''It was pandemonium at the airport and it was only five a.m. Dad was doing the role call. Noah was slouched in a chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him listening to his IPod. Peyton was buying a magazine over at the kiosk. Landon was playing hide-and-go-seek admist the hard plastic chairs. ''
-- I'm thinking the kid Carter pulling his best Richardson side... he is a DAD!!! This is brilliant!

''That doesn't look like nothing," dad said lightly.
"I fell," Trevor said. It was a horrible lie. He didn't look at anyone directly.'' Oh boy!

"Could we have an ice pack?" dad asked.'' Carter IS A DAD!

"Was it your dad?" I whispered as we got our seatbelts secured. Trevor looked at me.
"You're not going to let it drop, are you?" he asked. I shook my head. He nodded.
"Yeah, mom and dad were drinking pretty heavily last night. He went after my little brother with a belt and I got in the middle of them," Trevor whispered.
My eyes widened. "A belt? That's...barbaric."
Trevor sighed. "I know."
-- Jesus, Trevor IS Carter.. but in a awful place! JESUS!

"Mommy I got to pee!" Landon announced. I'm sure all of the passengers in first class were dying to know that. Noah and Peyton were sitting in front of me. They both slid down as if trying to ignore the fact that they were with us.
"I'm going to make the pee go 'woosh' right out of the plane!" he said happily. He held up his hand for a high-five. I couldn't help but tap his little hand with mine.

"Landon Andrew Carter if I see you take one more bite of that crayon you're going to be in big trouble," mom warned behind me. I hadn't even heard them come back from the bathroom.
"I like colored poop," Landon said. ''
-- Oh the entire name thing! I remember this part.... Jesus. I LOVE this lill one! I love colored poop!! ahah

"Oh dear Lord," Noah muttered. Peyton turned around and giggled. Trevor started to laugh.'' OH DEAR LORD!!

"Remember when Brooke ate crayons?" dad asked. My eyes widened. I whirled around and looked at him. Mom laughed.
"She didn't know any better. She was only a year old," mom said. She was getting that sappy face she always got when she talked about us as babies.'' hahah parents!

Sweet Kay were a different girl already back in the day, she had a tendency and with the things happened to her she went full force. She is alone. I wanna hug her.

Author's Response: Nothing like a little guy excited about a restroom on the airplane! Total Nick right there. :) And you're right, lil' Kay was still different way back then, but growing up only made things worse!

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 05:11 am Title: Chapter 41

Awww Carter showing Brooke where her mom was born and where she lived, all those things.. awww I just remembered of everything, it's seams like yesterday! Miss the Carters!!
And daughter and father paying the respect to grandpa was so beautiful, I cried.
Trevor... IS CARTER!

Author's Response: I knew I was going to put a sappy chapter in here. This one totally lived up to that!

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 12:48 am Title: Chapter 42

amazing job. loved it. poor trevor, his dad needs a good beating. cant wait for more.

Author's Response: Yes his dad does. Poor Trevor growing up around that. It's amazing he turned out like he did.

Reviewer: bebybsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/04/10 12:47 am Title: Chapter 42

Someone Please Beat the S%^&^ out of that Man!!!!
On the other hand, I loved everything else, even being speechless for a few minutes after reading what happened to Trevor!!!
Cant wait for the reception!!!

Author's Response: I wanted to soften the blow about Trevor with Landon's cuteness. Did that work? Anyhow, wedding and reception will be good for Brooke and Trevor. :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 42

*curses & charges Trevor's good for nothing shit-headed parents with my pointy sticks* YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How DARE you beat your children & endanger the unborn one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, you're only 16 once....*sighs heavily*....Lol. (I was 16 TEN yrs ago!!!!)



Author's Response: I was 16 eleven years ago...oye. ::sigh:: I'd so go back and do things a lot crazier, haha. If it helps distract you, go back and read cutie Landon. That'll take the pressure off of poor Trevor's smashed eye. :/

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 11:06 pm Title: Chapter 42

--:::gasps in (slight) shock::: Oh, Trevor, honey.

--"But my feet are all kicky this morning!" he complained-- hehehe, Landon is such a cutie

--"A belt? That's...barbaric."-- OMG, i totally agree. Poor Trevor, cool that he was protecting his siblings tho.

--"Mommy I got to pee!" Landon announced. I'm sure all of the passengers in first class were dying to know that. Noah and Peyton were sitting in front of me. They both slid down as if trying to ignore the fact that they were with us.- priceless :)

--"I'm going to make the pee go 'woosh' right out of the plane!" he said happily. He held up his hand for a high-five. I couldn't help but tap his little hand with mine.-- Man, i'd high-five him, just for the cuteness factor :)

--Oh hellz, his mom's pregnant and drinking still. Okay, i used think she might be kinda sorta okay, but now, i've pretty much lost what little respect I had for her. Hoping she can redeem herself....

--I luv the video idea, so cool

--"Landon Andrew Carter if I see you take one more bite of that crayon you're going to be in big trouble," mom warned behind me. I hadn't even heard them come back from the bathroom.
"I like colored poop," Landon said. -- Oh Landon, you little scamp.

--"Remember when Brooke ate crayons?" dad asked. My eyes widened. I whirled around and looked at him. Mom laughed.-- LMAO, omg, i woulda died!

--i can see the wedding senarios being exactly the way they were when they were younger.

Author's Response: Landon SO owned this chapter...he was my comic relief in contrast to Trevor's black eye and family troubles. Now on to the wedding!!!!!

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 10:53 pm Title: Chapter 41

--"You ate while she was puking?" I asked.
"Well, I ate as much as I could."-- Gosh, i luvs my Nicky :)

--"I plan on living until at least two hundred," he declared. I laughed through my sniffles.-- hehehehe, would luv to see Nick at 200 years old!

--Dad smiled. "I used to worry about that," he admitted. "But she's always told me that home isn't a static place. It's wherever the ones you love are."-- So true. I luv it.

-- I was just about ready to head back towards my guitarist when the last hand I grabbed wouldn't let go.-- Oh crap, i'm smelling a big ol' heapin' pile o' trouble!

--"I will never be too busy for you," I promised.-- i just wish Kay had enough faith to see this is true

Author's Response: I luvs my Nicky too! I wish I could clone story Nick. :) Don't smell too much trouble..just a momentary glitch! lol

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 10:00 pm Title: Chapter 42

Who doesn't love colored poop? LMAO!!!! I love me some Noah, but Landon, is hands down a funny kid!

Author's Response: Landon rocks...Noah's got a lot of Liv's maturity...Landon's Nick all the way

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/03/10 09:55 pm Title: Chapter 41

Mom's like the mother-in-lawzilla
Best line of the chapter!!!! isn't it the truth! :)

Author's Response: LoL you've got to love Kayleigh! I loved when Brooke mentioned that, haha