Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 11:11 pm Title: Chapter 38

"Do you know anything?"
"Mommy knows lots!" Landon piped up. "She knows ciwcles, and twiangles, and squawes!"
Dad laughed. Then he looked at mom.'' That was so cute and random!

''I realized after two days at home that I might have decided to start the tour too soon. I was having too much fun. Since mom and dad missed the Fourth of July, dad did a fireworks show for us my first night back. Landon almost blew himself up when he tried to shove a lit sparkler up his nose. Mom' got a big burn on her hand from yanking it away from him.'' WHAT A DAY!

''I didn't know what it was about Landon. Peyton, Noah, and I were all born in rapid-fire order. Mom didn't have any battle scars from us (well, except Noah since he was a C-section). But, I was pretty sure that Landon was hazardous to her health.'' Landon is THE Carter with sugar!

Who would guess that the Carters would be the perfect Fam! They are so cute and free together. Pey kissed!!!! LORD!
I say that Noah sold a song......
Livvy and Nick deserved those days in Australia....

Author's Response: Well Landon is Nick's son. And Nick IS the king of cute and random! The family is the epitamy of warm fuzzies. :)

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 08:46 pm Title: Chapter 38

Amazing job can't wait for more.

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 06:10 pm Title: Chapter 38

Liv is sneaky, knowing stuff they don't about Noah's paycheck...poor her with another wound from Landon. LOL at Peyton and Brooke. Good advice, big sister! Can't wait for more.

Author's Response: Liv is sneaky...of course after sixteen years with Mr. Carter who wouldn't be? :)

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 04:35 pm Title: Chapter 38

Aww the Sister to sister moment between Brooke and Peyton is great,keep those coming and aww at Landon he sure is a headache for liv,he is a mini version of
I think NoNo is the drummer for her band or going on tour with her. can't wait for more.

Author's Response: We will see what's going on with NoNo. I totally enjoyed writing the moment between Pey and Brooke

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 04:14 pm Title: Chapter 38

Not even Nick knows? Wow...I thought for sure he'd be in the thick of the whole Noah thing. Good for Livy~
So sad about the updates!!! Will look forward to Saturday!

Author's Response: Nope Livvy's keeping her mouth shut...good for her, right? :) At least I will have access to a notepad to by Saturday you'll have updates!

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 02:48 pm Title: Chapter 38

I bet Noah got the money writing songs. I also want to know why Liv won't say anything. Peyton kissed a guy. Oh I bet Nick the dragon would love to meet him, maybe take him hunting. I really want Trevor & Brooke end up together with babies. What? I am a sucker for happy endings.

Author's Response: Well a guy kissed Peyton - that's the way she's going with it. haha Nick would probably want to hunt him. :) Brooke's not getting preggers ANY time soon!

Reviewer: Howies Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 02:12 pm Title: Chapter 38

LOL at Landon i mean wow i hope if i do have a son (my first pregnancy i'm on month 4) He won't do that lol. I love the sister moment i think Payton needs more of it.

Author's Response: LoL you HOPE your son wouldn't do that. I'm sure a few ornery girls would try it too :) Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 01:40 pm Title: Chapter 38

Lmao. Ah, Peyton is amusing when she wants to be. Hell ALL the Carters are rather amusing -lol.



Author's Response: LoL if you're a Carter you can't be dull. I think that's just the rules! :)

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 01:22 pm Title: Chapter 38

btw-- sorry to hear you'll be without internet. :( that sux.

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 01:09 pm Title: Chapter 38

So sweet that Pey getting herself her 1st boyfriend hehe can not wait when Nick finds out bad with his sixteen year old now his 13 year old.

Landon what can i say missed him for couple chapter but he so little cutie.

Going maybe not the single is it about the tour. Liv knows but Nick does not wonder why he never told his dad mmm lookin forward seein what it is. Well mind you Nick not very good keeping things to himself esp if Brooke puts on the puppy dog eyes

Author's Response: LoL as Peyton would say---"he's not my boyfriend!" haha. Landon is adorable. I love my little male Carters running around...even if Noah's not so little anymore :)

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 12:51 pm Title: Chapter 38

--Landon almost blew himself up when he tried to shove a lit sparkler up his nose. Mom got a big burn on her hand from yanking it away from him.-- OMG! My fave part! Gotta luvs the Landon... total Carter move!
--"No, boobs are stupid."-- i totally agree!

---"Well, Robbie watched me surf and he said that the best female surfers have flat chests."
"That's stupid," I said.
Peyton lowered her leg.
"No, boobs are stupid."
I laughed. "Agreed. So what did you say to him?"
Peyton looked flustered. "What do you say to that? I didn't know whether he was calling me flat or too boob-y or--" --seriously, wth do you say to that? lmao

"How was it?" I asked.

Peyton smiled. "Nice. He had just downed a Sunny Delight and it tasted very..." she paused and tilted her head. "citrus-y."-- "citrus-y" luved it!
"I'll give you some advice Pey," I said. "If a guy kisses you, I wouldn't worry too much about what he says about your boobs." I paused. "But don't let him touch them."

Her eyes widened. "Ew, gross!"

We both got up and continued to pack. I smiled. I hoped Peyton would think that was gross for at least a few more years.

Because after that, it all started to become confusing.-- yeah, confusing...

Author's Response: I love Landon too...the boy should have yellow caution tape wrapped around him at all imes. :) I love how Peyton ends a lot of words in -y...reminds me of her daddy :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/29/10 04:46 am Title: Chapter 37

Trevor. :)

Glad she had an Awesome time in Atlanta!! Roflmao @ Kayleigh when Brooke was leaving. Hehe.



Author's Response: Brooke had a good time if you drop the events of the first night. :) I thought Kay hugging Brooke's leg would be something Brian/Nick would do!

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/28/10 10:58 pm Title: Chapter 37

Oh, Kay-- "Can it be my birthday again?"
OMG, i laughed at these two lines-- ""I'm not so sure I'm going to live through your twenty-first birthday," I said. Kay laughed.

"We're going to have to hire people just to drag us out of the clubs," she said.
I LUVS Kay, clinging to Brookes legs! (and yeah, i could so imagine Brian & Nick doing the same thing!)

Bestest line EVER-- "Your parents have three other kids. You can stay here."

I thought about Garrett. I thought about Josh. Both of them turned my stomach.
Then I thought about Trevor.
One of those guys didn't belong with the others.
I'm sure you can guess which one I mean.
--I'm so glad she knows Trevor DOES NOT belong with those other two butt-monkey's!

Author's Response: LoL Kay was so cute and innocent when she asked if it could be her birthday again. I love it :)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/28/10 10:20 pm Title: Chapter 37

''Chaotic was number one. I loved being number one.
It was a Carter trait.'' We all love these Carter things!

''I secretly hoped that this party was going to tame her a little bit. Her parents did care. We all cared. She had to see that now.'' I wish it too.

''Don't get me wrong. I loved fun-loving Kay.
But I also didn't want all that fun to backfire on her.'' She will suffer till she sees the light.

''I have to admit, I was a little jealous. Why couldn't the big goober have gotten me a gold necklace with a diamond 'B'? I was so going to talk to mom and dad when they got home.'' haha I would be too!

''Kay's blood...
Well, who knew?'' Only Lord and you, Jen!

''I couldn't wait to see them. And Landon. And Peyton. And even sneaky NoNo.
I missed my family.'' I miss the Carters too. Kay will have to be without her Fam to see how she IS part of it!

Author's Response: I liked your last statement. Being without your family DOES make you realize how much you miss it! :)

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/28/10 07:15 pm Title: Chapter 37

Awwwww can't wait for them to c each other again. Amazing job update again please hehe