Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/26/10 04:20 pm Title: Chapter 34

Oh shit! It's Josh! This is not good!! Not good at ALL!!! YIKES!!!

Author's Response: Yup! That's one reason I included the flashback chapter. Perfect last line I left ya'all with :)

Reviewer: Howies Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/26/10 04:17 pm Title: Chapter 34

RUN BROOKE! OK i really hope Kay can Step in and take action cause brooke is in real trouble here. Now i really think Kay had a really bad idea going to this place.

Author's Response: Oh Kay has a lot of bad ideas...but this was a big one

Reviewer: BiLittrell Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/26/10 04:15 pm Title: Chapter 34

OMG NOOOO!!! I actually shouted at my computer when i read that last line.

I hope to GOD Kayleigh gets there before that evil bastard josh even attempts anything. Omg im like on the edge now. I need to know what happens next!!!!

Author's Response: I've gotten a chuckle out of your post for like the last two hours. :) Sorry to keep you on edge!

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/26/10 07:23 am Title: Chapter 33

Lots of funny stuff this chap :) lol at the Botox and hair plugs for the Littrells. Loved seeing the connections in this chap and the newest chap in Fallen Angel.

Aw at the "uncle howie" part. And poor Trevor for not having that relationship with the other guys like the bsb do. Can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: I love that Brooke calls everyone 'uncle' She's just so darn cute. :)

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/26/10 07:14 am Title: Chapter 32

I love how Nick is so involved in her work. They are so cute together. And yay for Sam being her PR guy!

Author's Response: Ah I got warm fuzzies when I bring back characters from past stories lol

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/25/10 10:29 pm Title: Chapter 33

Wind Beneath my wings.....great choice.....gotta love noah!!!

Author's Response: LoL I love that... :)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/25/10 05:28 am Title: Chapter 33

"If you need anything give us a call. We'll only be a half a world away," dad said with a smile.'' Carter's such a brilliant man.

''Mom had instilled in me the importance of keeping in contact with my fans. She had set me up with a little blog. The only rule was that I was never to divulge my location.
Like I would be stupid enough to do that.'' Aww your father is. That's why Livvy set up this rule.

'Did you ever know that you're my hero' on a loop until I answered.'' Aww leave to NoNo!

''I smiled at Uncle Brian. Like dad, he was aging well. Dad told me once that's because Carters have good genes. Littrells, on the other hand, had hair plugs and Botox. I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, but either way, it worked.'' Hair plugs and Botox, Carter! BAD CARTER! lol

''Even though she was my best friend, sometimes Kayleigh Littrell could be hard to read.'' She is a hurt lill bird. I keep thinking the day Brian and Leigh knows the true... Lord.

Author's Response: Haha I love Nick's comments about the Botox and Hair Plugs! I love my Carter :) and Kayleigh IS a hurt little bird...the truth is hard :(

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/25/10 05:18 am Title: Chapter 32

"You still need some work."
''I laughed. Dad was always fun to watch when he got interviewed. If he wasn't goofing off, he was making up words. Between dad's poor attempt at sounding grown up and Uncle Brian's tendency to start telling a completely unrelated story, it was always a circus.'' hahhah just laughing!

''Dad laughed. "She's always well-behaved BooBoo."
I bit the inside of my cheek. She sure put on a good act.'' Oh Lord... just because of Baylee and how Littrells are, Kay doesn't HAVE to be like that. Plus, they must have known this better than anyone... image isn't everything.

''Now all I had to do was tell dad about my surprise guest. I figured I'd wait until he got back from the trip. He'd be happy and relaxed; there was no way he'd say no.'' A kid knows her daddy!

Lord.... so many things!!

Author's Response: Oh, Brooke knows Nick well...she has him wrapped around her little finger. Not that she manipulates him. She really is a good kid. I enjoy that Nick's as blind about Kay as everyone else. The girl's smart...almost too smart for her own good.

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/25/10 03:27 am Title: Chapter 33

I'm really starting to love Trevor. :) Almost as much as I love Mas.
I feel bad for Kay though, poor thing her life is being ruined by Claudia!

Author's Response: Woah it takes a lot to get into Mason territory! I feel bad for KayKay too

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/25/10 01:48 am Title: Chapter 33


Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 10:56 pm Title: Chapter 33

Well, I can see Katleigh's point. When you're not the one getting married, you get a little tired of hearing about wedings. Especially when you're the older one listening to the younger one ramble on. ;)



Author's Response: LoL yup I've experienced the daily obsession over the wedding from the bride's view and outside...even when I was the bride I didn't want to go on and on...there's only so much I can hear. Of course I'm not a totally girly girl either :p

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 10:02 pm Title: Chapter 33

"If you need anything give us a call. We'll only be a half a world away," dad said with a smile.-- heheheh, classic!
Ooh, ooh, ooh! Are we gonna be seeing a few BooBoo blogs? hehehe
OMG, NoNo cracks me up, setting 'Wind Beneath My wings' as trevor's ringtone! Luvs it!
Glad trevor called, hope he can get to her show...
"I smiled at Uncle Brian. Like dad, he was aging well. Dad told me once that's because Carters have good genes. Littrells, on the other hand, had hair plugs and Botox. I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, but either way, it worked."-- OMG! Gotta luv Mr Carter!
Watch that tongue, Miss Kayleigh... :::wagging my finger all parental-like:::
Oh, joy... a 'family' trip... >insert sarcasm here

Author's Response: Nick's such a goober...I <3 him. Lol Noah rocks..he's so annoying but that's what brother's are supposed to do. You're like the third one to chastise Kayleigh for her dirty mouth, haha

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 09:47 pm Title: Chapter 33

Love Nick and Brooke time even its just like 5mins so sweeet, Really lookin forward to see more Trevor.

Cant believe that she almost said that to Brian wow, i am sorry but they do not even realy talk to her when she there

Author's Response: Nick should get father of the year...seriously for waiting so long to have those babies he rocks :) Kayleigh pushes things...but then again she's frustrated...who wouldn't be?

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 08:35 pm Title: Chapter 33

I can't wait for more Brooke and Trevor time together. Amazing job can't wait for more.

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 07:54 pm Title: Chapter 33

I love that Kayleigh's over dramatic sometimes. lol But there's two sides to every trait. I can't believe that word was going to come out of her mouth in front of Brian!

Side note: Whenever Brooke gets called BooBoo I get warm fuzzies. :) Nicknames are so cute sometimes.

Anyway, thanks for another chapter. :D

Author's Response: Kayleigh's censor dial doesn't always work...haha :) LoL BooBoo and NoNo have some great nicknames :) I also get the warm fuzzies!