Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: Howies Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 06:19 pm Title: Chapter 33

I bet i can tell what is wrong with Kay, I think it's both the thought of going on a family tip and being in a wedding she doesn't care about. I still find it amazing that Brian is completely oblivious to the fact that his own daughter doesn't like him anymore.

Author's Response: Yup you've hit the nail on both heads right there! I don't think Kayleigh dislikes's...hmmmm complicated?

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 05:14 pm Title: Chapter 33

Aww even in Brooke's story Kay doesn't get what she wants.haha
Yay the friends back together again and hanging out,best friends always make it better when your down or sad,this will be a great time for them and aww Love the nickname Kay-d bug.

Author's Response: Kay's middle name is Danielle so I thought that would be an adorable thing for him to call her. :) Best friends do make things better...even if Ms. Kay still isn't getting what she wants!

Reviewer: Howies Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 01:48 pm Title: Chapter 32

Super glad the media didn't hound her with questions about the assault. I really like Trevor and i hope things go better for him or that at least his mom acknowledges that he did the right thing. Please update and feed the addiction lol.

Author's Response: I'm working on the next chapter right now...but now I'm at work so it's on pause until lunchtime. Hopefully I can (alas, invisibly) post it up this afternoon!

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 02:37 am Title: Chapter 32

Aww love the line from Brooke to Kay you Behave now and nick thinking she does is funny. Yay for the Trevor date for Baylee's wedding and LOL @ the reference of Brooke hating Giraffes aww miss those

Author's Response: LoL I love bringing back stuff from the other stories...those will always be near and dear to my heart. I also enjoy that Nick thinks Kay's so good. :)

Reviewer: CarterFanUs Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/24/10 12:30 am Title: Chapter 32

R we goning 2 find more about Trevor and his family. Is just one update each with all your stories

Nick is so warming to Trevor i will be surpise he says not it will get him away for his good for northing father

Author's Response: I don't really have a set number of times I update a story each day. Some days are going to be better than others. Like tonight I'm stuck in school until nine o'clock at night. I haven't been home since seven this morning. You'll find out more about Trevor and his family. I'm not going to leave you hanging.

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 10:53 pm Title: Chapter 32

She was right about the circus thing, there's never a dull moment around those guys.
Awww, Trevor and Brooke are so cute! I can't wait for the wedding now. :)

Author's Response: We'll be waiting on Kay's story to get to the wedding..I've got to time this right :) And BSB is a circus...I love it though!

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 07:32 pm Title: Chapter 32

i love brooke and kay, they are the best best friends

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 06:20 pm Title: Chapter 32

Awwwwwww I love it they are do cute together.

Author's Response: They are kinda cute, aren't they?

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 05:57 pm Title: Chapter 32

I figured Trevor would call - hehe. I hope all goes well with him. Though, I bet you anything his Dad shows up at Baylee's wedding & tries to ruin it. That, or Kayleigh finally spazzes & ruins it - haha.



Author's Response: LoL anything can happen...we are talking about Backstreet families here! :)

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 05:32 pm Title: Chapter 32

I hope all of these performances, traveling, and interviews don't wear Brooke down too much. She needs to be on her A game for promoting her album and it seems like she is so far. Oh Kayleigh... *shakes head* Absolutely LOVING her spin-off already. YAY to Brooke having a date for Baylee's wedding!! Trevor! Can't wait for more!! :D

Author's Response: She's a Carter...when she works, she works. And when she doesn't...well we haven't really seen her when she's not working or at school. I think you'll get a hint of that when she goes stays with Ms. Kayleigh. I'm glad you're enjoying the spin-off! It's going to be fun doing cross-over stories again. I enjoyed working on 12 Steps and BATB together.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 05:07 pm Title: Chapter 32

Oh yes. they are going on a date. Finally. I hope it goes well. I really want them to have some happiness for once.
Plus I would love to see Trevor break away from his father. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: A date that's still overseen by Nick, but still a date :) I think it's going to be a pretty epic wedding.. lol

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 04:20 pm Title: Chapter 32

awwwww....I hope this thing with Trevor thing turns out to be a really great thing

Reviewer: kaiah Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 02:59 pm Title: Chapter 32

So happy she got herself a date.. I think Nick is gonna be fine with it to, I think he sees a lot of himelf in Trevor.. Wonder how much Brooke know about her dad's childhood..?
Bet she knows she has the granma from hell :)
And lol at her fear for giraffe, i understand her so well.. i'm still shit scared of frogs after my cousin tossed one at me 20 years ago :)

Author's Response: Well, Brooke knows all about her Uncle Aaron, that's for sure....if you hadn't guessed, Nick really only talks to Angel. It keeps the drama at a minimum. Aw, that sucks you're scared of frogs...I love them. But I'm terrified of spiders so I know where you're coming from!

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 12:49 pm Title: Chapter 32

good thing the press isn't harping on the Garrett thing (yet) But when they start, i'm grabbing some pointy sticks!
Ah, Nicky.. so naive-- "She's always well-behaved BooBoo."
I've said it before, i'll say it again- Kayleigh, Kayleigh, Kayleigh...
Aw, still scared of giraffes... hehehe
I'm glad Trevor called... hope all is well (or as 'well' as can be in Trevor's situation)

Author's Response: Lenni can pass them around...I'm sure she has a warehouse full of them somewhere. LoL I love that Nick's naive about Kayleigh...if he only knew! Brooke's never going to get over the giraffe thing...see what Nick caused? :)

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/23/10 12:30 pm Title: Chapter 32

Sam back :) lol and he still making fun of Nick so gr8.

I same thing tells me Nick will not hav problem it will be Trevor's nasty horrable dad will.

lol Nick thinks that Kay little good girl wow nice to know that Brian and Leighanne will not be the only once surpise when they find out.

I am sorry more i find out about Trevor more i like him but I really really do not like his dad he like the male Jane :(

Author's Response: Yup Sam's back. :) Carter's keep their friends close (and their enemies closer, haha) Yeah I love that Nick thinks Kay's a good girl too. She must have masked that alcohol on her breath pretty well on prom night. :)