Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 04:01 pm Title: Chapter 30

Oh I like Trevor already. He can survive dinner with the Carters than he is superhuman. I think he needs to get away from his alimeball, asshat father and get another manager. I bet his dad is robbing him blind. Keep up the awesome work. Will Garrett be making anymore appearances?

Author's Response: LoL if I told you if Garrett was going to reappear that would ruin the fun of surprise wouldn't it? :) I like Trevor too..he just has some baggage...

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 03:04 pm Title: Chapter 31

Thanks for another chapter.

Reviewer: bebybsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 01:41 pm Title: Chapter 31

Love Trevor!!! Really hate his dad. I really think Trevor needs to ask Nick for some help, or Brooke offer it, she really cares about what's happening to him!
I don't think Brooke is adoting anyones attitud, that's something in her blood she had all along! Hahaha

Author's Response: LoL you hit the nail on her head...she has an attiitude due to her genes...her inner toddler is coming back out :) 'my veevee' - :sighs: those were the days...

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 01:35 pm Title: Chapter 31

*rams a pointy sticks up Trevor's Dad's butt* There...are you happy NOW, asshole????

I agree with Nick - she shouldn't have to wear a skanky top for videos.



Author's Response: LoL your fellow reviewers will be happy to know the pointy sticks are still on the job! I agree with Nick too, but it's the nature of the 'beast'...

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 01:11 pm Title: Chapter 31

Thank god for no 'wardrobe malfubctions' hehehehe
So funny that Nick disagreed with the wardrobe choices, such a 'dad' move :)
Have a mentioned how much a REALLY don't like Trevor's dad? cuz i don't... i mean, really, really don't... did i mention i don't like the man? hehehehe

Author's Response: Yeah like Liv said - she'd be wearing a turtleneck if there was a m.w. :) I think you might have told me that you don't like Trevor's dad, lol.

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 12:27 pm Title: Chapter 31

love the fact that Liv and Nick got differet views on outfits.

no more Carter kids from Nick n Liv :(

I think Trevor only did that to save Brooke from his dad b/c we all know Trevor dad hits woman i do not think Brooke be any different. I think LenniluvsBrian needs to hand out pointy sticks to everyone if she got any more that is.

Any father should be prond in what Trevor done but I take it Trevor's father is not other father wonder what is mom like.

PS what ur twitter a/c

Author's Response: No more Carter kids...but the four they have are pretty awesome. :) LoL Lenni does hold the stock of pointy sticks, haha. She's given them out before so never fear. :) I don't have a Twitter a/c but I just started a live journal. I think I might post some one-shot offshoots from the series on there so I don't clog up AC. My LJ is

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 08:09 am Title: Chapter 30

Awwww I love them together. Can't wait for more.

Author's Response: :)

Reviewer: kaiah Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 07:38 am Title: Chapter 30

Landon is just too cute :) and Trevor had taken one step into Nicks good books with the love for the precious Bucs..!
And it must be kinda cool for you that people still find and read your story even if it's not on the MRpage.. Proves some points, but hope it get fixed soon :)

Author's Response: Oh Trevor couldn't have picked a better team to root if he also loved the Celts I think Nick would marry him! :) Y'know I was thinking the same review numbers haven't dropped (my view numbes have, but just a little) at all during this whole thing. For everyone complaining about the issue with the MRpage, it does kind of prove a point. Even so, I hope it does get fixed soon. . :)

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 05:37 am Title: Chapter 30

OMG! I luv Landon "BOOBIES!"
Trevor's parents sound like douches (well, his dad, at least. Not sure about his mom yet....)
Hehehehehe, Pey's awesome too. Gotta screen the (potential) boyfriends
:::groans quietly @ sports talk:::
glad the boys all got along tho
ROTFLMAO- "A second later regurgitated cake was all over Trevor’s face. Landon burst into hysterical tears. Noah farted. Peyton spilled her soda. Dad yelled at Noah. I handed Trevor a napkin. So much for the perfect dinner"
Aww, luv that trevor had a good time, it seems like he could use a few more good times.

Author's Response: Oh Landon...if Nick and Liv didn't have their hands full I'd throw another little Carter into the mix because I love their kids so much, lol. I hate sports talk too but it seems like that's he glue that binds American guys's sad and pathetic but so true :) And you've GOT to love the end to the 'perfect', you're right - I think Trevor had so much fun because he doesn't get a lot of those happy family times

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 05:14 am Title: Chapter 30

Aww Trevors dad beats his mom that's sad but glad we got to know more about him and Yay he survived dinner always a good

Author's Response: LoL he not only survived but he had fun...major kudos to him!

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 05:09 am Title: Chapter 29

Aww nice to see the family get away and be with each other for a day,Nick had a good Idea to go,should be interesting to see Dinner with the Carters when Trevor comes

Author's Response: I would love to spend a day with Nick in Chi-town! And oh, dinner is

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 05:05 am Title: Chapter 28

Glad the girls came forward and Garrett is in Jail for a year,should of been longer but I guess it's something.

Author's Response: Well, that's the bad thing about teenage crimes..if they're under 18 they most likely go to Juvie and they can only be held until they're of age. :(

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 05:02 am Title: Chapter 27

Love the convo between Liv and Peyton,I am glad Nick and Liv are Honest with their children. Liv wasn't as shocked or mad at them as I thought she would be but it's a good thing she wasn't,they are a family that sticks together and I like it!

Author's Response: I think after living with Nick for 15+ years, Liv's learned just to go with the flow. And I like that they're open and honest with the kids too...that's really important especially dealing with three teenagers at the same time. They didn't think about having to deal with that when they were popping them out one after another, haha

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 04:56 am Title: Chapter 30

I was thinking: Why Jen haven't posted anything today? Then I remembered that AC's acting up....
So here I'm to comment 29 AND 30.
''I crawled into bed that night feeling a little like a Christmas tree but alsoinsanely happy. We had all spent the evening camped out in mom and dad's suite to watch some corny movie. I braided Peyton's hair and dad turned off all the lights and we watched Landon run around like an idiot.'' that's the best thing, be with mom and dad at their room! AMAZING! And lill Carter is THE BOMB!
Livvy and Nick are the best!

''Pey laughed. “Don’t tell dad.” She looked up at me. “I think Kyle is kind of cute.”
Kyle was one of the other Grenadine guys. I think dad called referred to him as the AJ knock-off.'' I'm ALL about a AJish! Poor Carter... hehehe

Pey's growing.... wanting to be pretty..... mmmm

“BOOBIES!” Loooooooove these kids moments! My lill 2 years old cousin screams BOOBIES too!! He run and screams.... Lord!

Trevor's Nick all away..... and I think Carter will like this one better than he thinks, not only for the Bucs (nice touch there!), or his great act with his daughter. He KNOWS this process, and he can help. Nick haven't an older person to help. He can be this person to Trevor. The pass pay some visits and you can make a better future.
The dinner was cool and messy, All about Carters fun!
''I knew it would take someone almost superhuman to get through a meal with my family. Trevor had not only survived, but he was laughing.

It seemed like he just might be in that elite group. And maybe, just maybe, my luck was turning around.''

Author's Response: I know, this AC thing is frustrating but they're working on it. I've always got to be the special one that has problems, lol. I figured you would like that Pey has an eye for the 'AJ-ish' one :) What a rebel! LoL Landon gives me a chance to write a Carter kid at one of my favorite ages...that 3-4 year old stage...I love it because you never know what kids are going to say. :)

Reviewer: Poster_Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/22/10 04:28 am Title: Chapter 30

man oh man. this really seems like what i imagine Nick's future family to be like. Landon seems like one awesome little kid. And Trevor seems way awesome too.

Author's Response: LoL Landon rocks...Trevor's awesome just for the fact he got chewed cake spit on him and he could still laugh about it!