Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: kaiah Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 04:31 pm Title: Chapter 29

This was just what we needed, a happy, easy family chapter.. loved it :) and too bad i didn't get to go to the Willis Tower when i went to Chicago this summer, thats sounds cool :) But i only got to see the airport =/

Author's Response: Aw that sucks! I live right by Chicago and haven't been up in the Willis Tower, so I guess I don't really have an excuse. LoL

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 04:00 pm Title: Chapter 29

Good she finally has some family time without drama. She deserves it. I still say the Carter family may be crazy but that is the good crazy full of love. Excellent work.
I hope Garrett is enjoying his little vacation.

Author's Response: They are def. a family full of love :) I don't care about crazy if you have that. I hope Garrett's having a miserable time myself, but your sarcasm is duly noted!

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 03:30 pm Title: Chapter 29

oK frist of AC is acting little crazy with ur stories bc it is not at the top where it should be did not know intil i checked my mail :)

anyway this is nice chapter drama free :). lol at Nick packing that something that would not like to think about. oh bless little Landon was only one happy about what Nick packed for him

Nick do not hate on MY Trevor giv the boy a break he did save Brooke you are so lucky you agree to that. I think Trevor will be a really good friend to Brooke and I think that Nick will end up likey Trevor :)

PS are we going see anymore the other carters

Author's Response: I know - I've let the powers that be know about the problem. For now just keep checking your mail for updates. Liv has bad memories of Nick's packing abilities...he packed for Liv when he took her on vacation that one time....he NEVER does a good job, lol. As for the other Carters - Peyton's going to get her own story. Angel and Logan will appear periodically. Um...and we'll see what else happens. :)

Reviewer: CarterFanUs Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 01:10 pm Title: Chapter 28

YES Garrett in juvie and Noah is not :o) that really good thing by not putting both boys in the same place. WOW he did it be4 but if the girls did told Brooke about it will she believed them I think not.

Wonder what up with Trevor really hope northing bad is happen to him. I got feeling he will need I hero soon

Reviewer: Poster_Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 08:02 am Title: Chapter 28

I'm loving this story so far. Landon seems like a kid Nick would have. Noah seems like a great brother too.

Author's Response: Yeah Landon is definitely THE little Nick...adorable, smart, and completely crazy. Liv has her hands full. :)

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 06:20 am Title: Chapter 28

Whew! So glad that everything worked out for the guys. And extremely glad that the other girls came forward. I was scared they wouldn't.

Author's Response: I don't think they would of had they been right that Brooke's one complaint was going to be enough. Sometimes force by number is the only way...

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 06:09 am Title: Chapter 25

This is so intense. I love these guys. Poor Noah for feeling so guilty...I love how you incorporate those feelings.

Author's Response: I love these guys too :) I feel sexure in the future generation of Carter men leaving it in the hands of Noah!

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 04:42 am Title: Chapter 28

YES YES AND HELL FUCKING YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The slimebag goes to juvie. I hope he gets a horny cell mate that wants his ass. Thank god for the media for once they were useful and the other girls coming forward plus Trevor sealed slimefucks fate. I worry about the rest of the girls that were violated by the basketball team. They should come forth. Why in the hell was Noah suspended & asstwat wasn't? Oh I can see when Noah goes back to school Donnie will pay. And Yahoo no jail time. Good. I am glad she called Trevor they would be good together. He needs to get away from his home citation. Sounds dangerous. As I said before Nick needs to become his guardian. Yeah I know I wish. Keep up the excellent work. This is as good as the Coaster Series and that's saying a lot. Keep em coming.

Author's Response: Well, I have a feeling momma Liv is making Noah be on best behavior. After all, by the time this chapter was over there was only a week left of school and Noah hadn't killed anyone, lol. I have a feeling after their buddy Garrett ended up in juvie that all of those guys are laying low anyhow...

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 03:41 am Title: Chapter 22

Sweet Jen, it's always my pleasure to help and feel free to email me! God Bless!

Reviewer: Helz1987 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 03:30 am Title: Chapter 1

will there be another story? I was hoping you would do another one told by nick or liv, when the kids where still little. Maybe just before or after brooke was kidnapped?

Author's Response: Not at this time. Maybe after I'm away from the series for awhile I'll come back and do a couple little things :)

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 02:39 am Title: Chapter 28

amazing job. cant wait for them get together. loved it

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 02:28 am Title: Chapter 28

Glad that Garrett got what he deserved. I hate guys like him who thinks he can treat women as his conquests. He is lower than dirt.

I am happy that Brooke is able to move on. T think she will do a lot better with Trevor as a friend or boyfriend. Isn't it funny how we judge people and they turn out completely different.

Author's Response: First impressions aren't always the right ones for sure. Garrett did get what he deserved and I put those girls in for two purposes - one to give Brooke more of a voice and secondly to show that sometimes if you don't speak up then you're contributing to putting other women in danger. ::sigh::

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 02:24 am Title: Chapter 28

Thank goodness those other girls decided to step forward, they all need to stick together!
It's also a good thing that Nick and Noah didn't get into too much trouble. Two Carter boys in jail would not be good. Landon would have to protect the ladies. lol
I can't wait for Brooke and Trevor to hang out, they're adorable. :)

Author's Response: LoL oh no Landon protecting the ladies would be BIG trouble. He would line up his plastic dinosaurs for attack! :)

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 01:59 am Title: Chapter 28

"Carters don't run," mom said. She looked at me with a gentle smile. "Right?"
''By Wednesday, Garrett was back in school. He had only spent two days in juvie and the school hadn't bothered to suspend him at all.'' WHAT THE FUCK???
The second good thing to happen was that the girls that had pulled me aside finally decided to step forward. Their testimony combined with my photographic evidence and Trevor's eyewitness account sent Garrett back in front of the judge.

By the last week of school, rumor had it that Garrett would be spending at least a year in juvie. A call to my grandpa confirmed the information as true.

"It was great to have connections." THIS is everything in life!

I wanted to release new music. I wanted to get back out on the road.

It was time to get back to life.

WOW! Finally these girls could talk about without fear. Sadly that another girl had to suffer. Well, he got what he search!
Never liked this lill rat..
Now Trevor.....
OOOOHHHH and Kay and the Littrells!!!??

Author's Response: Kay and the Littrells are coming soon! :) Probably by Wednesday...

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/21/10 01:51 am Title: Chapter 27

Even though he was in his late seventies, he moved like a man half his age.
I guess criminals aren't morning people.
The sight of their tired faces made my heart ache. I ran over and threw my arms around Noah. He hugged me tightly.
Identical trouble makers. He gave me a crooked smile. I wanted to punch him. Then I wanted to hug him.
"And I'm still a minor," Noah said. He paused. "Maybe I'll have to go to juvie."

He made it sound like a reward. I regretted the day my son's testosterone ever kicked in.
"NoNo, you're the best brother in the whole world."
I thought back to all the dirty stuffed animals and that poor little baby doll...

But she had grown up to become the girly girl.

Peyton was the exact opposite. She had started life as a girly girl. She had begged me for bows and ribbons and barrettes. Then about two years ago, she had become a tomboy. She swapped her dresses for jeans and t-shirts. She would rather be out on the boat than painting her nails.

And I loved it.
We sat down and I told her the truth. In just a few years she was going to be sixteen. Nick and I had decided a long time ago that we were going to be open and honest with our kids.
But, at the end of the day, the most important thing was that we were all together. Sure we were loud, crazy, and irrational...

But we also had a whole lotta love.

Oh Pey.. sweetheart!!! You're beautiful too!
Lord.... love these Carters!
Sooo many things to comment... IDK!!!

Author's Response: LoL I love the Carters too :) Lots of memories in this chapter...