Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 06:58 pm Title: Chapter 26

Amazing job so can't wait for the next chapter.

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 06:30 pm Title: Chapter 26

more please!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 06:16 pm Title: Chapter 26

Aw, poor Brooke. Poor Trevor. POOR EVERYONE! *sigh* There, had to cover everyone. Now I get what you mean by there being more to Trevor. Can't wait for more.

Author's Response: LoL yup we're just going to spread around a big ol' heaping of 'poor' -- I don't know how much longer I can stay depressing though, lol

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 04:52 pm Title: Chapter 26

just like to add someone should really tell Pey bet she really worried about her big sis and the silly adults is treating her like she Landon age

Author's Response: I completely agree...of course since everything happened in the span of a few hours, I have a feeling they won't completely keep Peyton in the dark.

Reviewer: Howies Girl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 04:41 pm Title: Chapter 26

once again you have me so addicted that i am refreshing the page every 5 minutes lol. Love it Love it Love it. You would think that trevors father would be proud that he saved someone but man i hope Trevor is ok. I only hope that at school she gets some Female support or just got to a better school.

Author's Response: LoL well hopefully I can post another chapter SOMETIME today to fuel that addiction of yours. :)

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 03:53 pm Title: Chapter 26

Now that Olivia has calmed down,I wonder how she will react to her son and husband being in a jail cell. I hope Garrett gets what's coming to him and the media doesn't protray brooke badly,I am liking trevor even more and maybe Nick can bond with his almost replica of

Author's Response: You'll see Liv's reaction NEXT chapter... :) haha Nick's mini-me...

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 03:23 pm Title: Chapter 26

Poor Trevor......why is it the good guys have to have crappy lives? I will just hope that he gets out of there soon!
I can imagine Nick and Noah sitting in a cell! I know that what they did was "wrong" in the law's eyes, but I'm sure most of the cops/judge will have to have a soft spot as a parent or a brother! Can't wait for more.
And Jen....I have to say it......your making me really anxious for Kay's story!! :)

Author's Response: Well, I'm going to work on Kay's story tonight. I'm thinking I might redo the banner and rename it slightly (long story, lol) I can imagine that a lot of the cop 'daddies' are on Nick's side

Reviewer: CarterFanUs Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 03:01 pm Title: Chapter 26

So the paps turn up now :( why cant they been there hours be4 when she needed them. Nick and Noah are in jail cant wait to find out where that ass is.

Something tells me the our hero needs his own hero too :(

Author's Response: Of ccourse...they always show up when you DON'T want them!

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 02:54 pm Title: Chapter 26

Oh poor Brooke. I was were she was at that age & you got it right. It really does suck. I feel sorry for Nick & Noah but I am betting they don't regret any of it. ANd poor Trevor his father sounds like a real asstwat slimefaced fucktard. Please tell me he gets out of that citation. As in maybe Nick & Liv become his guardians. What I can dream. I hope they did really damage to Garrett. Pimpledick worthless nut sack deserves it. I also hope the press doesn't blame Brooke for it and that she doesn't get any grief at school. Keep up the amazing work.

Author's Response: This was the perfect review to read after a long morning in class, lol. And you're right - you'll find that Nick and Noah don't regret it. It's in their male code of justice!

Reviewer: bebybsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 01:56 pm Title: Chapter 26

I would love to see Olivia talking to Nick and Noah through their cell bars!!! I just want to know what goes through her mind when she sees her baby boy in there !!
I so want the media to give Garret a slow and painfull death. Hahaha including fabricating cases and treating him like a serial rapist!!! It's only fair to Brooke!!!
And Trevor is my hero!!!

Author's Response: LoL yeah I don't think Liv's going to take seeing NoNo in jail very well. I think she's almost used to it for Nick. :) Trevor is my hero too, btw

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 01:36 pm Title: Chapter 26

I figured they'd be arrested & stuck in jail for a bit. And why the Hell is Garret not rotting in his own fucking cell, huh!?!?! Did I beat him beyond recognition or something??? And I do NOT trust Trevor's Dad AT ALL. I bet the sonofabitch beats his son!



Author's Response: Yeah Liv got lucky bailing Nick out of jail years ago but that was a small town and she didn't have two teenagers along. LoL and don't worry, we're not done with Garrett yet...

Reviewer: No_Angel Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 11:54 am Title: Chapter 26

It's a good thing grandpa has that 'mask' otherwise, seeing him cry... i woulda completely lost it for some reason....
Aw, now she's feeling guilty for her dad & NoNo protecting her.
:::gathers BooBoo into my arms, and holds her tight:::
Man... i get a real bad feeling about Trevor's dad...
Thank God Brooke didn't run into Butt-Monkey, or his dad
Oh damn... hope there isn't paparazzi already... tho seeing as not one, not two, but THREE famous people are at the popo station... i don't see a way to avoid the vultures....

Author's Response: Yeah I don't think I could stand to make Mike cry...he's the strong one. I hate even making Nick cry really. Three famous people at the police station is every pap's dream...

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 11:34 am Title: Chapter 26

oh Trevor done is bit to :) oh his dad sounds like a jerk any father should be proud for what Trevor done but take it his dad not like other fathers :(.

So Nick and Noah will get in to more touble by the law then Garrett :( that is sick. Maybe Garrett will get more trouble by the public to me that worse then the law. If Garrett wants to be popular maybe they should give 2 him but with all the WRONGS reasons. I hope it will turn around for the Carters it has to

Poor Brooke she must feel really bad but she not to blame GARRETT is

Author's Response: Well, don't assume Garrett's getting off totally scott fre...the statements and junk have to come before any repercussions...

Reviewer: Basilia Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 08:49 am Title: Chapter 25

Awesome!!!!! PURE GENIUS!!!! Now if you had included the other guys it would of been deja vu!!!!!

Author's Response: Yeah like Kevin...he would have tracked Garrett down just by sniffing the air cause he's awesome like that :)

Reviewer: bebybsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/20/10 06:23 am Title: Chapter 25

You have no idea how much I enjoyed this chapter!!!!

Author's Response: Glad you did!