Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 06:28 am Title: Chapter 24

Oh Kay!! Poor girl, that's why she says that if death happens her parents wouldnt notice. When that happens a part of you dies. Oh Leighanne and Brian SEE YOUR GIRL!!! The world isnt pink roses! Kay needs help. Oooohhh I see tears coming! Downpour!
Oh Nick and Noah GO FOR THE HUNT!! I've cried when Liv said she would kill the mini rat.
Oh Lord, Jen! And I need to sleep now! TELL ME HOW??

Author's Response: I'm sorry! I'm awful! And I don't know about updates today because I had tons of exams to study for....we'll see if I can beta up a chapter today.

Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 06:17 am Title: Chapter 23

Told about the mini rat! *italian genes kicking - hands up and shaking* are a young Nick Carter! All the fight and stupid mooves.
Poor Brooke! This girl is all about issues!
Lord Jen!
Now Carter will hunt and kill.

Author's Response: rotfl...yes someone pointed out Trevor's stupid move head-butting...kind of like Nick breaking his hand punching Hunter, huh? :)

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 04:55 am Title: Chapter 24

i love kay, she needs brooke as much as brooke needs her, there is nothing like trouble to bring two friends closer together. kay did the right thing calling nick and taking care of donnie! she might be a little nuts but shes a great friend. i hope garrett gets his!

Author's Response: LoL I love Kay specifically because she's a little nuts. That's what happens when you conceive under the influence of NyQuil...haha j/k. But, I like your comment about Brooke needing Kay just as much as Kay needs her. :) Warm fuzzies right there!

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 04:14 am Title: Chapter 24

I can picture Nick running through town with a gun, a bat, and a knife of some sort while Noah follows with another bat and like a guitar to smash Garrett with. GO CARTER MEN! If only Landon was old enough, Nick would've had him out there too.
And omg Kayleigh, poor thing. Poor little baby, I get her now. She's gotta be messed up from that. How do Bri and Leigh not know?

Author's Response: Oh Landon probably would have joined in anyhow...i love the small fry, lol. All these Kayleigh questions that I'm dying to answer.....

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 04:09 am Title: Chapter 23

WOHOO TREVOR! I knew I liked this guy! somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind, I knew it. lol I said he was Nick reencarnated. :)

Author's Response: LoL Trevor might be a pretty boy but he's got a lot of other secrets...

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 03:21 am Title: Chapter 24

OH BROOKE AND KAYLEIGH...Dear God. Kayleigh...maybe her promiscurity is a cry for help because no one knows what happened to her. :( I don't know what to say, this is so sad but so well-written.

Author's Response: Man, I know how to bring down the party on the weekend don't I? Maybe I'll have some happier chapters for the work week... :)

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 03:14 am Title: Chapter 23 I'm sure Nick will change his tune about him. Thank God he saved her.

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 03:10 am Title: Chapter 22


Was gone all day and am reading your updates now, how could you do this? Has she not been scarred enough?

Author's Response: Oh she's been scarred enough..but, well....I did it lol. I think my favorite part of your review is the FIGJGIGG...haha

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 02:23 am Title: Chapter 24

Poor Brooke. My heart goes out to her. At least she has a loving family and a great best friend to support her.

I knew there was more to Kay's wildness. I hope that she can talk to someone about her issues.

Author's Response: Yeah if Brooke didn't have such a loving family, she probably wouldn't be 'here' today to even get a 'teen' story...she is a lucky girl in that respect!

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 02:17 am Title: Chapter 23

Trevor seems like a good guy. Thank goodness he was in the park and could help Brooke. I could kill Garrett. He is such a scumbag.

Reviewer: sbrown21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 02:15 am Title: Chapter 24

People have to believe her because Trevor witnessed it and she has bruises on her body. Can't fake that. Nick and NoNo handling business! No wonder Kay acts the way she does. Acting out because of her rape and wants attention from parents. It does seem like they pay more attention to Baylee than her. She needs to confront them about it. Great chapter. Can't wait for more

Author's Response: Yeah there's so faking those bruises...poor thing. And all this talk about Kay is really making me want to start her story! ack lol

Reviewer: FrickFrackGirl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 01:08 am Title: Chapter 24

I hope Nick and Noah find the little bastard and castrate him. And now I think we kinda know why Kay acts the way she does. Great, dramatic chapter!

Author's Response: Sometimes I think drama's my middle name :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 12:50 am Title: Chapter 24

O-M-G!!!! Kay was raped!?!?!?! Who's the mother fucking Bastard I have GOT to kill!?!?!?!? She's prolly a slut 'cause she prolly figures she worthless thanks to the jackass who raped her. *growls angrily* I'll KILL him!!!!!! It's one thing to mess with a Carter...but to mess with a Littrell!?!?! *yells for TMNT to follow me in the hunt*

I'm SO glad Brooke got away okay. And they ought to immediately press charges. Otherwise, the little shit might try & rape someone else.



Author's Response: Uh oh I forgot Lenni's wrath--someone messed with the wrong BSB family! Our LIttrells! (yes I will claim them too, lol) Yikes! haha I guess you'll just have to wait for the info to leak out once I start Ms. KayKay's story. You're already getting a nice earful thanks to her being Brooke's BFF. Annddddd....we'll see what happens about Garrett next chapter.

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 12:39 am Title: Chapter 24

oh poor Trevor getting the blame first,

I what Noah n Nick to find him but the same time do not want them getting into trouble :(

sweetie i know it is hard but the ppl that will believe Garrett is not worth ur time just as longs as the ppl that love you believes you that all that matters.

PS thank y for upfating this story lov the other story but would of keep worry about Brooke

I am happy that Kay & Brooke are OK and that she did not loss her friend then same time she found out the b/f is ass. WOW that shocker the same thing happen to Kay.

Author's Response: I decided ya'all have been reviewing like crazy so you deserved an extra chapter! Yea if Nick kills Garrett he's going to be in big trouble for murdering a minor, lol. Just saying! I'm itching to start Kay's story but I can't just yet...maybe in a week though...

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/19/10 12:21 am Title: Chapter 1

Jen you are incredible!!!! Just the best!
My heart is aching for both girls for the same reason!
Wow, I really didn't want to like Trevor, but I think he's really Clark Kent/Superman! Can't wait too see what happens when Garrett is found!!!!!!

Author's Response: LoL I swear I'm cracking up when I see people calling Trevor Superman...oh Nick has ruined superheroes for me forever. :) I'm thinking next chapter is going to be a fun one from our Nickers POV. :)