Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/10 04:18 am Title: Chapter 15

Okay, pretty bad when I am in the shower & I'm thinking about Grenadine! And Trevor & Brooke & Garret & Nicky & And how this story is gonna pan out. God, I didn't think I'd ever be wondering about a story while showering-lol. You've definitely got me HOOKED.



P.S. Feel better soon!

Author's Response: haha that's pretty bad Lenni. LoL. But that's okay because I love when people are hooked (I almost put 'hookered' but thought twice!)

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/10 03:31 am Title: Chapter 12

Ok I've been behind. What a freak accident! Poor Liv :( And Trevor seems like a nice boy but i crack up thinking of Grenadine. Especially how much Nick can't stand him. Lol

Author's Response: LoL in the house of Carter, every accident's probably a freak accident. haha Grenadine...oh, Nick...

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/15/10 12:27 am Title: Chapter 15

LMAO at this line "Dad's right," mom said. She smiled. "He had already gone through the phone book when it came to dates and girlfriends so he really didn't have much choice. I was the only one left."
I hope the Trevor thing doesn't ruin her chances with Garrett and Yay for Brooke being a girlfriend to him. I am happy for

Author's Response: LoL I love Liv's line. She's still near and dear to my first female lead in my foray back to fanfiction!

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 11:23 pm Title: Chapter 15

I'll be Landon's kindergarten teacher. Those are my favorite type of kids. I have a whole bunch of them now. He would make my day entertaining.

Author's Response: Yeah they have to make the day go fast keeping up with them!

Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 15

"Dad's right," mom said. She smiled. "He had already gone through the phone book when it came to dates and girlfriends so he really didn't have much choice. I was the only one left."

Author's Response: haha I love Liv!

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 11:14 pm Title: Chapter 14

Oh no, I knew Garrett would be jealous of any guy talking or looking at Brooke. It's even worse because the guy is famous. Garrett's true colors are going to show soon.

It was so nice of Nick to take the whole family to the game. Landon is such a little pip. I could see him yelling at the other team. LOL!

Author's Response: Oh yeah Garrett's def. jealous. ::sigh:: LoL Landon's got daddy's competitive side :)

Reviewer: CarterFanUs Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 10:50 pm Title: Chapter 15

Ok now iam 110% think that Garrett it a twit. He just out right said that she was his g/f without asking her that such of a Hunter thing to do. Right now i think Trevor is nice one out the two.

Landon is a cutie, lov Liv n Nick together

Author's Response: Garrett? Trevor? Garrett? Trevor? Hmmmm :) Liv and Nick are my perpetual Romeo and Juliet. I love their life!

Reviewer: TheDistantHeart Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 10:46 pm Title: Chapter 15

Hmm I'm not so sure about Garrett right now. However, Trevor doesn't seem like a snob at all now. I'm really curious what's going to happen. And Noah.. nah I take back what I said in my other review. I don't wanna hit him. He's just the typical annoying brother. But he CAN be frustrating to be around!

Author's Response: LoL that's what Brooke gets for tormenting him when they were little! :) Ah, got to love the Trevor vs. Garrett thing going on...

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 10:30 pm Title: Chapter 1

Woot Woot for Noah!!! I'm loving this story more and more....although I'm looking forward to Kay and Ally's

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 09:04 pm Title: Chapter 1

I think Noah needs something to occup his time, other than his sister! A girlfriend of his own maybe?
It was kind of an assumption on Garrett's part....but if Brooke is okay with it.

Author's Response: Oh don't worry...that's coming (where Noah's concerned that is)...

Reviewer: bebybsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 08:58 pm Title: Chapter 15

Reading about not being asked to be his girlfriend, makes me remember when I was asked at that same age, and I feel so corny!!!
It was through a Floppy Disk!!! Hahaha he gives it to me at school and asks me to read it at home!! Very romantic at that moment, and yes a very long time ago!! LMAO!!

But I think we need to remember the calculated time this story is set, things should be way more forward. And I think due to Nick's songs, the whole family is kinda old fashioned in that sense!!!

Author's Response: Ah I remember the good ol' floppy disks. My hubby (well, now he's my hubby! lol) and I shared a floppy disk in high school and he made me video games on it. We were such nerds. :)

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 08:40 pm Title: Chapter 15

Ha, of course all of this Trevor/Brooke drama is a publicity stunt. Yay, Brooke and Garrett are an item now! :) Of course Noah's gotta start something. *rolls eyes* Great job.

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 08:34 pm Title: Chapter 14

Oh what a turn of events...can you say drama? LMAO

Author's Response: Drama say wha? :)

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 08:08 pm Title: Chapter 15

Amazing job. He should have asked or had some type of convo about the girlfriend/boyfriend thing, I'm beginning to dislike him. Can't wait for more. Loved it.

Author's Response: LoL I love reading everyone's opinions...most are siding with you after this chapter!

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 08:01 pm Title: Chapter 15

dont think Brooke should blame Trevor on this, I know she never really did but just in case. I am not paying this Garrett guy still thing he in it for other reasons. I am also starting to think that Garrett is Brooke's Hunter

You know what be funny if Garrett goes for dinner at the carters seating with three of the Carter boys