Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: elleinad Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 01:57 am Title: Chapter 12

eek!! go brooke!

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/14/10 12:55 am Title: Chapter 13

There's just something about Garrett I don't like. I can't put my finger on it, but think he's a jerk. I hope he doesn't hurt Brooke.

Nick is such a great dad. He cracks me up about not liking guys that kiss on the first date. LOL!!!

Author's Response: LoL yeah he's not s bad as AJ as in not going so totally apeshit over everything, but he's still got those weird double standards. Such is the curse of the top wild BSB's--they have to now raise daughters and see guys like them going out with the girls they LOVE. :)

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 11:16 pm Title: Chapter 13

I don't know if I like guys who kiss on first dates or not - I've never been kissed on a first date - lol. I'd prolly not like it, 'cause I'm so freakin' awkward about it all - lol. Nervous, awkward, sometimes a tad uncomfortable, unsure - the list goes on, & on - lol.



Author's Response: LoL, now in the fictionalized words of the immortal Nick Carter - 'hypogenically', if Brian wanted to kiss you on the first date would you late him? :) LoL

Reviewer: CarterFanUs Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 10:45 pm Title: Chapter 13

oh love to see Nick as the big daddy bear lookin out for his little bears esp his girls. Garrett I do not know about him yet but at this moments he looks nice. It will surpise me if Nick will agree to the homework thing. Just like what i said in the review bc if Garrett is reall thing that he deal with the fact he 3rd on her list

If one to two of the boys r going do something horrable to Brooke they got her fans to deal with that if they anything like her dad fans lol

Author's Response: ooh if Brooke's fans are even half as bad as BSB fans ... good luck boys!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 10:06 pm Title: Chapter 13

Aw, what a cute date. :) I wonder why Brooke went with the "pity" card to talk about Trevor? ;) Hm. lol about Brooke having a story to tell Kayleigh. Can't wait for her spin-off. :D

Author's Response: I think she went with hte pity card because she's smart enough to realize that acting like she had a good afternoon with Trevor wasn't going to go over well. LoL. :) Kayleigh's spinoff should start in the next week or two...

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 09:52 pm Title: Chapter 13

Boy Howdy does she have a story to tell......Go Miss Brooklyn!

Author's Response: Yeah Kayleigh doesn't have to have all the fun now does she? LoL

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 09:40 pm Title: Chapter 13

I'm like Garrett more and more by the chapter.
I also love how protective of Brooke Nick is, it gives me the warm fuzzies. :)

Author's Response: :) Aw I love warm fuzzies! Of course Nick is full of them. lol

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 09:32 pm Title: Chapter 13

I know u not gonna say anything about Garrett but he just to nice to be nice. I think Trevor is the one acting more himself but when r the boys true colours comething though.

oh Nick he having really hard time dealy with this lol oh man

Author's Response: LoL Nick's just being a dad :)

Reviewer: FricksBabyGurl Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 09:18 pm Title: Chapter 12

lol Landon, he's a little troublemaker. :)
And yay for kisses, they are so cute together.

Author's Response: LoL I love Landon. Give me a little Carter boy any day!

Reviewer: BiLittrell Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 08:36 pm Title: Chapter 13

First of all i wanna say sorry for lack or reviews. I had a bad weekend and didn't get online at all. That said i did read your updates, but i can't review from my phone for some reason.

Ok so some things I've noticed.
1, Garrett seems TOO nice. I still stand by my theory that he's using her. But i think he will drag it out as long as possible to get what he wants, which is something i can't quite guess yet. Either its fame, popularity (but then he's popular in school already) or money.

2. I'm sensing some tension between Brooke and Trevor. She obviously doesnt like it. Buut... i have a theory. She didn't seem to dislike him as much when he spoke to her, even if she said to herself she would throw his number away. She seemed to feel sorry for him, and that is a emotion not many people feel for others they don't like. Maybe she dislikes him, yet secretely likes in but hates that she does.

3. I'm sensing a Brooke, Garrett and Trevor love triangle. And that makes me think Brooke will get hurt. And i dunno why but i have a feeling Kayleigh will hurt her as well.

Aaaaanyways... i also noticed you wrote Kenzie instead of Kayleigh at the end. haha

Author's Response: Aw I'm sorry you had a bad weekend. I was sick, so I agree it was a crappy weekend all around. Glad that you're back! Most of the stuff I can't comment on though because that would ruin the whole point of at least part of Brooke's story. LoL so all I can say is time will tell. But thanks for pointing out the Kenzie error...Brooke's now calling the right character, lol.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 08:34 pm Title: Chapter 13

Awesome job. Hehe nick is way to funny he didn't wait for liv to leave hunter before he made any move hehe. Can't wait for more.

Author's Response: LoL yeah I tend to recall some very drool inducing scenes with Liv against the bus and trapped in a tub and her on his bus...and...and...and lol

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 08:22 pm Title: Chapter 13

Liv is right Nick there is no way in hell you waited until the second date to kiss. Plus you fooled around with a married woman. So get off of your high horse. I wonder what will happen with the whole Garrett/Trevor thing?
Keep up the amazing work.

Author's Response: LoL yeah he totally broke all the rules of dating 101. :) But that's why I love Nick. He's such a rebel!

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 06:48 pm Title: Chapter 12

I don't really know what to think about Trevor just yet. Hm, I feel like Brooke and Garrett are moving a little bit fast, but he did kiss her cheek on the first "date". And Nick again with the bear comments. *rolls eyes* LMAO

Author's Response: LoL I love Nick and his bear comments. :)

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 04:41 pm Title: Chapter 12

Aww Perfect date with Garrett so far,very nice. The Convo with Trevor was interesting,maybe they will be friends and she will have the song on the album.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/13/10 03:45 pm Title: Chapter 12

That poor kid doesn't have a tutor yet? Isn't that against the law? Slimy recored executives. And I think the play doh in the head was Nick's idea. You know he would do something like that. Poor Liv. OK maybe no more kids for them. Well maybe one more. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response: Would Nick do that? I didn't think about that but, haha that would SO be Nick! LoL and you're still rooting for Liv to have another kid after getting mutilated? oh gee!