Reviews For American Honey
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Reviewer: Gabby Ghigonetto Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 03:10 am Title: Chapter 46

"I can buy another room," I said meekly.
---Seriously Broke?

"I'm a planner," he admitted. "I want everything to be perfect."
---What an answer.. GO TREVOR!

``Mom and dad so did stupid stuff like this when they were younger. I knew it. I was a result of it. Sure, they were older, but mom had been married! It was in my blood to be at least semi-reckless. I sighed. Trevor brushed my hair away from my face.``
---Oh yes, your parents could make a enciclopedia about it.

``My eyes widened in disbelief. Noah stepped into the hall and turned. He reached in and a second later his arm was wrapped around (and caressing) Kay's waist. The door clicked shut.``
---OH LORD!!! The moment of the truth.

``I couldn't believe it. My little brother has just lost his virginity. Before me. To Kay. My best friend.
"How could you?" I asked Kay. Her eyes widened.
"Brooke I--"
"It's not her fault," Noah said defensively.
I looked at him. The protectiveness I had for my siblings kicked into full gear.
"Noah, she just used you. Just like all the others," I said sadly. "What number was he, Kay? Sixteen? Seventeen by now?"
--- FREAKING SCENARIO!!! JESUS!!! We knew that Kay would have her ‘face the World’ moment, but with Brooke… that was the only way to see her future if no one helped…. Lord…. This will be AWFUL!!! I was hurt reading….


Author's Response: LoL yeah for such a short chapter there was a lot going in. Brooke getting turned down, Trevor being valant, Noah and Kay, the argument...phew I'm already tired. :)

Reviewer: bebybsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 02:47 am Title: Chapter 46

This is soooo not what I expected!!!
With Trevor saying no,(poor Brooke) and with Brooke reacting so strongly against Kay!
But, i'm going to be a lil bit patient and see what happens next.
And I feel really bad for Kay, just by cruing you can tell how deeply hurt she felt!

Author's Response: I feel bad for Kay much as I love my Brookey, when I was typing this it was typing her as that stubborn two year old all over again...

Reviewer: colorguard_diva Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 01:35 am Title: Chapter 46

I know that Brooke is mad at Kayleigh and Noah, but I think she is very jealous because of her own situation. I think she should mind her own business because she is only going to cause more trouble. I hope things don't blow up in her face. I smell trouble again.

Love the drama. Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: Brooke's more mad at Kayleigh...but NoNo has to get in the way and argue because that's what brothers and sisters do, haha. Oh there's major trama (trouble and drama mixed together) ahead!

Reviewer: cookies Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 01:19 am Title: Chapter 46

Told ya! I knew this wouldn't end well. I can see why Brooke's pissed. She knows how Kayleigh is with guys, and she thinks NoNo is just another notch on Kay's bedpost. That don't sit well with sisters, no matter IF Kay is her best friend.. I smell a big broohaha ahead. LOL

Author's Response: Ah, but Brooke misjudged Kay once before. You would think she would have more faith, but then again it's her brother. That's a stick situation. I mean she's your best friend and she just slept with your BROTHER. What if it doesn't work out? That makes it hard to retain a relationship. ::sigh:: But then again a lot more of her anger is directed at her own frustrations. So it's not a good situation.

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 01:16 am Title: Chapter 46

Brooke! No! Wait! Stop! Ahhh! Crap! Ugh! More! LMAO

Author's Response: LoL ah, best review of the night! :)

Reviewer: sofdlovesbsb Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 01:08 am Title: Chapter 46

That's a sign of a real good guy that Trevor wants to wait and make it perfect for Brooke ,waiting is great,he is such a gentlemen and oh no why is Brooke telling? I know she is NoNo's sister but she should listen to them before she tells,it's her best friend. aww I hope there is no problem's with the girls.

Author's Response: Brooke's telling because she's not thinking with any logical part of her brain ...she's thinking with emotions like her dad always does. Sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes its a bad thing. I'm leaning towards BAD thing here...

Reviewer: luna610 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 12:34 am Title: Chapter 46

Holy shit!! Was not expecting Trevor to turn her down...or that she would catch Kay and Noah and be so pissed. Can't wait to see how this'll turn out.

Author's Response: ::does a fancy hand wave:: surrrrpriseee! LoL

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 12:30 am Title: Chapter 46

OMG! Brooke is going to squeal on her BROTHER and her BEST friend!?!?!?! How does she know it wasn't Noah's idea?! Okay, WE know it wasn't - but still! Jeez! How would SHE like it, if Noah squealed on her & Trevor!?



Author's Response: Rule 1 if You're a Carter - Most of the time you use common sense. But when you don't, you REALLY don't. Rule 2 if You're a Carter - You don't do anything go big or you go home Rule 3 if You're a Carter - Hell hath no fury when you mess with a Carter sibling. But when the sibling doesn't appreciate your concern, go immediately to Rule 4. And last but not least....Rule 4 if You're a Carter - Squealing's in your blood. So is the urge to beat people up.

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 12:11 am Title: Chapter 46

that what u guy man is our Trevor what he said was so right alot of man alot older then him would not of done that if.

Brooke is really mad well her best friend and her bro she does know Kay and she knows she move on to the next guy yes she was ok do it with Trevor but the difference is she will still talk to Trevor like he means something but Kay would not do it to Noah she will give him the good shoulder

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/07/10 12:10 am Title: Chapter 1

Yup Jen, I expect bumpy, with Noak and Kay you would expect nothing less. I hope that Brooke can pull it together and not let it come between her and Kayleigh. Kay needs Brooke! Damn Sex! LMAO

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/06/10 11:58 pm Title: Chapter 46

Oh shit I knew something like this would happen. But Brooke should remember that she was going to do the same thing. And her little brother wasn't a virgin. I can see her being concerned but damn she is KAy's only friend. This will not end well. Please update soon.

Author's Response: You're right she was going to do the same thing...and that's part of the reason it is blowing up. Brooke's Carter temper is at full steam....

Reviewer: aprilw121 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/06/10 11:57 pm Title: Chapter 1

Reality? I think Brooke's jealous in a sense. She thought that she was going to go all the way, and to be told no......had to hurt the pride a bit. Now....I'm the first to say I'm serious bummed about the whole Noah thing, only cause I wanted to see it go a whole nother way, but I'm still holding out hope.

Author's Response: Absolutely Brooke's jealous! Even though she's much different then she was as a toddler, she didn't lose ALL her stubborness and jealousy. It's like a sixteen-year old version of her screaming everytime she saw baby NoNo. As for the whole Noah thing. I know everyone was dreaming of a perfect relationship before they hopped into a hotel bed, BUT Kay's too damaged to right herself that fast. It's going to be a BUMPY ride.

Reviewer: CarterFanUs Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/06/10 11:01 pm Title: Chapter 45

what gonna happen with these two well it can go loads different ways, i like Trevor but he better be nice either.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/06/10 09:44 pm Title: Chapter 45

Oh lord. Is she really ready? And I hope she doesn't see Noah coming out of the room with Kay. That would be bad news all round. Oh I can't wait for an update.

Reviewer: TheDistantHeart Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/06/10 07:58 pm Title: Chapter 45

Okay, I just read in Fallen Angel about Kay and NoNo in his room and now Brooke and Trevor are going to HER room? Whoa.. and will it happen at the same time as Kay and NoNo? LMAO! Sorry but that would be quite a hilarious situation!

Author's Response: haha, I have it all planned out in my head. It is kind of funny when you think about it. :)