Reviews For Perfect Ten
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Reviewer: freezenik001 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/12 03:52 am Title: Chapter 25

Please god no i hope Zoe isn't preggers with it just can't be. Please more update soon.

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/12 03:51 am Title: Chapter 25

WOW!! Cuntzilla is defiantly bat shit crazy. She needs to be locked up & have the key thrown away. And her dumbass father needs to have his head examined since he knows how nuts she is yet hired he anyway. I seriously hope she isn't pregnant. Excellent work.

Reviewer: nickysgurl520 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/12 03:43 am Title: Chapter 1

Ok, so I love this story and how often you update HOWEVER I'll be really upset if this crazy hoe gets pregnant with Nick's baby...I just think they've been through enough and if he was passed out, he wouldn't have been able to get her pregnant, right?!?  I know it's fiction but it's PISSING ME OFF LOL...obviously, I love this story and you're an awesome writer!  Please keep the updates coming!

Reviewer: Mrs Emmett Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/12 02:04 am Title: Chapter 25

oh one more thing if her dad KNOWS she has a problem and needs to be medicated why in the HELL WOULD HE HIRE HER!!! he needs to let everyone else know that umm his daughter is a more than a little UNBALANCED!!!

Reviewer: nickslilmami Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/12 01:57 am Title: Chapter 25

lol at Mrs Emmett Cullen I totally agree with you! Let's lock this bitch up!

Reviewer: Mrs Emmett Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/12 01:53 am Title: Chapter 25

can we say PSYCHO! wait she's worse than just plain Psycho she's bat shit psycho! can i shove her in front of a bus! please!? someone please shove her into on coming traffic or off a building! please let that be all in her head about the pregnancy! put her in a straight jacket, in a padded room, throw away the key, and NEVER let her out no matter what!

Reviewer: nickslilmami Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/12 01:45 am Title: Chapter 25

What the hell? She really IS twisted! I knew something wasn't right with her if anyone is going down it's gonna be her cause once everyone catches wind of what she did she'll go down, WAY down! I hate her.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/23/12 02:09 am Title: Chapter 24

Nickolas Carter, Brian is your BEST friend. Chillax in that department.

And I agree with Brooke - why was she grounded, for not wanting to talk? Why was Noah not in as much trouble as her?



Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/23/12 01:57 am Title: Chapter 24

Nick is finally realizing how badly he screwed up. He needs to get home. ANd I agree with Brooke Livvy should have punished grounded Noah too. She is playing favs but most parents do. Nick's reaction to Brian being there was normal. Now hopefully he will do something about it.

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/23/12 01:55 am Title: Chapter 24

Nick, it's not what you think. Don't go off the deep end. Thanks for all of the updates.

Reviewer: nickslilmami Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/23/12 01:52 am Title: Chapter 24

I love the comparison of Spam to Filet Mignon that was SO Nick. For his sake he better pray that he didn't knock her up and why is he getting pissed about Brian being there? Put on your big boy pants and deal with it.

Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/23/12 01:22 am Title: Chapter 24

Nice one Brooke!I really hope that Nick is not thinking that something is going on between Liv and Brian because, Despite that one time in Vegas...Which was his psycho brother's fault...,Brian and Liv are the 2 people who I would think he could trust most in this world!
And I know he has been through alot and he is probably not thinking very clearly about things but I really don't think they would do that to him.Of course,Before this story there was alot of things I didn't think would happen with all of them and it has...Anyway,I am on the edge of my seat,Waiting for more!Great Job!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 11:30 pm Title: Chapter 23

Uncle Brian is not allowed to be the bad guy. Uncle Brian is supposed to spoil them rotten. Lol. And personally, I don't think Liv was being all that fair to Brooke anyway.



P.S. I'm waiting for Brooke to run away to Nick - lol.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 11:24 pm Title: Chapter 22

Lmao. I love how Brian can make kids happy without even trying.


Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/22/12 09:59 pm Title: Chapter 23

I think Liv should be nominated for sainthood,Seriously!I think if I was going through what she is going through and then I had to deal with kids trying to kill each other,It would be time to get fitted with a straight jacket right about now lol.Although Brian being there helps,But it should be Nick!I really hope that they work all their stuff out because I do love them together.Anyway,Great Chapter!Can't wait for more!