Reviews For Perfect Ten
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Reviewer: nickslilmami Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 08:45 pm Title: Chapter 18

FINALLY! Although it's a shame that he finally figured something was up when Brian pointed it out. Hopefully the distance will help and he needs to put Zoe in her place, she knows damn well what she's doing and that it would get a rise out of Liv. I just hope Nick can finally open his eyes and see what and who this girl really is.

Reviewer: Sez Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 07:22 pm Title: Chapter 17

Love this story, read it over the last day and i'm sad to see that i've caught up, I've been so drawn into it.


Your an amazing writer i feel like i'm watching a film when i read it, the attention to detail, how you describe the kids and their likeness to each of there parents.

All was going swimmingly before she turned up. She got under my skin straight away as well, I immideately felt for Liv when she saw Brooke and Noah somewhat entertained by this woman who's forced herself into their life, the whole fight in the gas station made me laugh i mean i was angry and egging liv on the entire time but the scene playing out in my head was too much not to chuckle at.

Zoe should be thankful its not a brake or fracture liv landed her with, i think she deserved far more damage than she accuired! haha

Nick does need to get his act together, how can he have been with her so long and not trust her judgement on things like this, i suppose he's been out of the dating circle a while but surely shit like "can you help me fasten my zipper?" insert seductive smirk here! never fail to get a reaction from a guy especially a married one who should be thinking do it yourself, skank.

I hated the deciet to that she brought in when Liv watched her photograph Nick at his gig and how she was great with the camera, what was the need to lie in the first place? but if were on that subject wheres the reason in her trying to come between a married couple with kids... i rest my case.

Looking forward to more x

Author's Response: Thanks for the fabulous review! I'm glad you're enjoying the story (it's far from over). I'm going to try my best to do at least one update per day so that I don't leave you guys waiting too long! :)

Reviewer: freezenik001 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 12:45 pm Title: Chapter 17

Wow this bitch wouldn't stop great update. It like fatal attraction. I hope nick realize that girl is tearing up his marriage.

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 11:14 am Title: Chapter 17

o-my-god........what A chapter!

Reviewer: ALM Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 10:32 am Title: Chapter 17

Ok Carter you out of order, you just a man never can see what happen in front of you. cant believe you compare Liv to ur mom maybe Zoe took the pic of herself when Nick was not there

Reviewer: mary Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 06:40 am Title: Chapter 17

not okay! ugh carter.

Reviewer: Mrs Emmett Cullen Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 06:13 am Title: Chapter 17

Ooh CARTER!!! i would say you better have a good reason for having that picture in your phone, but there is NO good reason that should be in your phone! You should and would have deleted that pucture if nothing was going on! I am pissed at you carter!

Reviewer: nickslilmami Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 05:10 am Title: Chapter 17

Oh damn she really has no idea who she's messing with. Zoe is SO going down and not gently either. I'm proud of Liv for standing up for herself because Nick is apparantly blinded by that woman trying to weasel her way into his life where she doesn't belong. I just hope that everything blows over cause Nick and Liv flight so hard to be together and for everything to just end after ten years together would be totally fucked up and Nick would only have himself to blame. As always great chapter!

Reviewer: Fernanda Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 04:36 am Title: Chapter 17

I so wanna kick Nick's butt!! What's wrong with him?!?! I hope the picture was there by mistake and not because he saw it and saved it ¬¬

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 04:14 am Title: Chapter 17

Nick needs to stop being such a pussy & realize Zo is a ho. I reallu hope that pic was sent to him & he didn't save it. That fact that he can't understand why Livvy feels that way shows he real is a dumbass. He needs to be more like the others & tell management to fuck off. He has never shied away from telling them off before. I can't wait until the day he realizes what a douchetwat he was. Excellent work.

Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 04:12 am Title: Chapter 17

Nick is an ass!I mean,Seriously?Naked pictures of Zoe?Is he crazy?And he is gonna treat Liv like she's crazy to be jealous and do what she did?WTF?
I guess,It's possible he didn't know it was there but I HIGHLY doubt that.Now I really wanna slap him and Zoe!He really needs to open his eyes and stop being such a dumbass!And Last time I checked family should be more important than his job!And comparing Liv to his mother,That was so wrong!Liv is nothing like his mother!
This has gotten way out of hand and Nick really needs to do something before he loses Liv!Great Job!Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 04:00 am Title: Chapter 17

Oye vey in a half shell. Zoe is such a Bitch. I want to know what the Hell Brian told Leighanne!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 03:40 am Title: Chapter 17

Whoa. This is getting better and better.

Reviewer: rachel21 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 03:30 am Title: Chapter 17

Oh that bitch did not. And seriously Nick? Scared of mgmt? She's your wife. Be more like Brian dude. :p Never thought I would say that! Lmao

Reviewer: AJBrianFan Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/20/12 02:49 am Title: Chapter 16

Holy shit, I was not expecting that. MORE!