Reviews For Just One Kiss
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Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/31/11 11:29 am Title: Pixie

I wonder how lunch turns out ;)

Author's Response:

It's posted up already! Thank you love!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/31/11 10:33 am Title: Pixie

gotta love Pixie... :) oh, and a lunch, wonder what would happen there. :)

Author's Response:

AW, yes. She will become more important in the future. Posted the lunch. woohoo. Thank you Ritz!

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/31/11 10:20 am Title: Pixie

Pixie??? Oh my lord this cracked me up. Nick with a arm dog and a man purse. This would make one hell of a movie. I can't wait to see what happens when they discover they like each other. And $8,000 for a cake. HELL NO!! He worked hard for that money and should grow a set of balls and tell Tiffany NO. Keep up the excellent work.

Author's Response:

LOL!! I had such a hard time thinking of what kind of dog he could have. lol. The man purse reminded me of Brian. I wouldn't buy that cake either...I'm just gonna eat it. sheesh. OMG your reviews cussing out Nick crack me up. Thanks love.

Reviewer: Carter-Orange Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/26/11 09:43 pm Title: Calla Lilies

I wonder what's going on with Tiffany and the boss?  Maybe it's innocent.  The flowers sound lovely!

Author's Response:

I'm not so girly, so it was a bit hard to describe flowers. My buddy Patti helped me out. lol.

Hey you are the first to say that it could be innocent. hahaha Thanks Steph.

Reviewer: Negris Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/26/11 06:21 pm Title: Calla Lilies

ooohh thats ok abby ... and if you want kick his ass if that make you feel better

Author's Response:

hehe...we will help her kick his ass, right! Glad to see you girl! Thank you.

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 09:48 pm Title: Calla Lilies

I bet Tiffany's cheating on him with her boss.



Author's Response:

NOoooo!!! have to have faith in Tiffany. What if she is a good girl? Thank you love!

Reviewer: summer03 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 05:17 pm Title: Calla Lilies

Nick jealous of the Boss? hmmm lol nicely done. Yep abby and Nick planning started not so great hopefully the can make it better for the both of them and their sake its 2weeks! awesome Job!

Author's Response:

Oh I know. Two weeks of bickering, maybe some flirting and um...I don't know what else. Well we kinda do, don't we. Thanks so much babe for all your help. love ya!

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 04:53 pm Title: Calla Lilies

Nick really? You have no right to be jealous, you are meeting girls you met ONLINE with the purpose of finding someone better or possibly on the side after you are married. Geez!  Can I be in a room with Kevin as he makes ME giggle like a teenager? LOL.

Author's Response:

LMAO!!! Your reviews tend to crack me up. ON a blue day I can just read them and feel better. You are so funny! Sure, hey I wanna giggle like a teenager too. Thanks Lore!

Reviewer: twofaced Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 04:19 pm Title: Calla Lilies

I look forward to your updates every time! Good job!

Author's Response:

Aw thank you that made my like morning. Thanks again.

Reviewer: tiggerc128 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 02:20 pm Title: Calla Lilies

poor abby.  i feel sorry for her.  great job!

Author's Response:

Aw...well she will get back at him tho. At some point. Thank you!

Reviewer: Alexsgirl_ritz Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 01:32 pm Title: Calla Lilies

awww start of the wedding planning.... *grins* I really hope Tiff would fall in love with her boss, and Nick and Abby are planning their own wedding all along.... that would be nice! lol

Author's Response:

Hahaha hey that would work out wouldn't it. Not a bad idea. lol. Thanks so much!

Reviewer: Southern_Sweetie Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 01:13 pm Title: Calla Lilies

Tiff flirting with the boss?   Could be trouble. Wonder if Nick and Abby will make it through the next 2 weeks.

Great work... Can't wait for more.

Author's Response:

Was she really flirting...or is it what the jealousy makes one think?!?! hehe It could be trouble. So true. Thank you so much, hope you continue reading!

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 10:18 am Title: Calla Lilies

So Tiffany is cheating on Nick with her boss. Nasty wench. I wonder how she will feel when he cheats with her sister? keep up the great work.

Author's Response:

OMG your reviews crack me up. Seriously! Thanks Mar, means a lot to me!

Reviewer: catseye1769 Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/25/11 10:09 am Title: In Two Weeks

Oh I love who her boss is. And I bet she ends up with him in the end. Keep up the excellent work. Good to see you writing again.

Author's Response: and me both. Hmmm...I dunno if she will end up with him. What if she has more bosses? haha. Thanks Mar and thanks for the inspiration for the next chapter. I needed it.

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/23/11 04:15 am Title: In Two Weeks

ooh Kevin is the boss?? I say she runs away with him and Nick and Abby will fall in loooooove! :-D 

Author's Response:

I'm going to have to start wearing something to cover my brain from you reading some of my thoughts. Seriously. lol. Thank you Lore.