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Reviewer: bsbgurl_1990 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/11/12 11:21 pm Title: Chapter 86

loved the update. ha ha at nick singing spongebob. cant wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Thanks. Nick was so cute with Jayden.

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/11/12 01:20 pm Title: Chapter 85

This is some kind of family huh haha

Author's Response: I don't think I would want to part of this family, at least at this moment. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Simple Sue Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/10/12 03:07 am Title: Chapter 85

I know AJ went about things the wrong way but Leah practically went postal on his ass. Then Nick and Eden. I hope they make it through this

Author's Response: AJ isn't innocent, but Leah is out to get him. She's made plenty of mistakes, so AJ isn't the only one to blame. I think Nick and Eden will make it through or at least try their hardest to remain together. Thanks for readinga and reviewing.

Reviewer: nickslilmami Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/09/12 07:10 pm Title: Chapter 85

Ok Leah is a total BITCH! She did the same thing to him like she's any different. And I hate the way she's treating the kids especially Eden, you can't help who you fall in love with. Hopefully things will get better soon. Great update! :)

Author's Response: I agree about Leah. She acts like she can do no wrong. I wish Leah treated Eden better, but I doubt things will change. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/09/12 06:26 pm Title: Chapter 85

Oooooooo can't wait for more

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/09/12 05:31 pm Title: Chapter 85

Wow!I dont even know what to say...
What a mess.Great Chapter though and I can't wait for more!

Author's Response: So, the drama begins for the McLean family. Hopefully things will straighten out. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/09/12 04:23 pm Title: Chapter 85

Wow... What a mess!! I'm anxious for more!

Author's Response: Yes, a very big mess. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Simple Sue Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/05/12 04:12 am Title: Chapter 84

That was HOT! I know AJ's conflicted about his life right now but he and Lila seem to fit to me. I hope he comes to the right decision.

Author's Response: Thanks! I like AJ with Lila. It's going to be hard, but I think he'll do the right thing in the end.

Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/05/12 03:30 am Title: Chapter 84

Well Damn!That was pretty hot!But it sucks how conflicted AJ is because of Leah.Not that he shouldn't be conflicted,I mean he is married to her and they have been together forever plus they have children together but if he isnt happy with her and he is happy with Lila which I think he is,Maybe it's time to let go of Leah and move on.
Great Chapter!Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Yeah, AJ and Lila are hot together. I think it's hard for AJ. Leah doesn't seem the type ot want to work on things. AJ and Lila seem to get along great, but things are still new between them. Only time will tell where his heart belongs.

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/05/12 02:56 am Title: Chapter 84

Oh wow... I'm wondering if AJ's going to end up choosing Lila and Leah's gonna be left alone by the end of this. She definitely deserves loneliness. Update soon!

Author's Response: I hope that AJ does something. I bet once he gets tired of Leah's crap, he'll get rid of her. She's evil.

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/05/12 02:45 am Title: Chapter 84

Amazing job can't wait for more. Aj needs to leave Leah. 

Author's Response: Thanks! I think he will once he's had enough of Leah's crap.

Reviewer: ThatGuy Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/05/12 02:43 am Title: Chapter 13


Author's Response: Thank you. Nick and Eden are pretty hot together.

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/04/12 06:03 pm Title: Chapter 83

Good for her! (Eden)'s better this way.

Author's Response: I think Eden will be much happier without Leah in her life. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Simple Sue Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/03/12 03:56 am Title: Chapter 83

Leah is honestly the best villain ive read in a long time. The woman has no soul. No wonder AJ s turning to another woman. I'm glad Eden has Nick as her strength

Author's Response: Thanks for the compliment. I'm enjoying writing Leah as the evil bitch. I don't blame AJ for being with Lila. Eden is lucky to have Nick. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Tri Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/02/12 04:28 am Title: Chapter 83

Loved it... Brian's such a great guy, Nick's so sweet... And Eden finally told Leah off. I can't wait for the next update! :)

Author's Response: I love Brian. He's a great role model in Eden's life. Nick is a great boyfriend. I was so happy that Eden told Leah off. Thanks for reading and reviewing.