Reviews For Love Interrupted
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Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 05:26 pm Title: Help Me

hrm interesting how are they going to get Nick back and is Nick going to flip out through Niall before they can?

Reviewer: PaulaKTBPA Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 02:35 pm Title: Everything Changes

yeaaaah he woke up!!!

Author's Response: :)

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 08:30 am Title: Everything Changes

Well I see the big pervert that Nick is hasn't gone anywhere. He can't talk or walk and he is worried about his MOJO. hahahahaha. I love you Nick. I know Yazzy wanted to punch Sweet D in the throat for interrupting her first kiss with her Man. I would've. I am looking forward to reading more. And Kevin better suck it up and bring his sorry ass to the hospital to see Nicky. :)

Author's Response: Holy reviews, Batman! Thanks for catching up! I've enjoyed reading your reactions along the ways. It's such a Nick thing that he'd be worried about his mojo rather than walking and talking. I mean sure those are worries, but not the MAIN one. :)

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 08:21 am Title: Bring Me to Life

You made me cry! LOL but they were happy tears so I guess I can forgive you. I loved this chapter. Never doubt the impossible. Wish I could believe in that in reality.

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 08:14 am Title: Jesus Take the Wheel

What! What do you mean it's time to go? Omg. I am having a mini stroke right now! I don't wanna read the next chapter but I have to...UGH.

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 08:08 am Title: Help Me

Oh boy! Nick and his emotional outbursts are going to drive poor Niall crazy. You know how jealous Nick got when ever Yazzy flirted or touched other guys. Can't wait to see what happens!

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 08:02 am Title: Whispers

I totally freaked out and shouted and I quote 'oh fuck he's saying Nick and hospital' this woke up the baby. I am bad. But I was so proud I figured it out before Yazzy said it in the story. LOL I'm a geek. Love this story. Even though you drive me up the wall with these CH!

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 07:54 am Title: Reflection

LOL at Brian losing Niall in the hospital cause he had to go the bathroom to clean up the taco disaster. I wonder why Niall kicked him in the gut anyways? I know, weird question to ask. I'm glad he was in Nick's room and not found a way out of the hospital. I so wanted him to touch Nick to see what would happen. You are definitely the Queen of Cliffhangers. I don't know why I keep reading. It's an addiction that I keep scratching because the itch is worth it in the end. hehehe I'm a nerd.

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 07:44 am Title: Crash

That's interesting. Niall spazzed out when Adam started singing on the radio. He tried to murder the radio and the picture is connected to Adam some how. I am totally figuring it out and so confused. I wonder why Nick started spazzing out too?

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 07:36 am Title: Draw Me a Picture

Awww feel sorry for Brian and his wife. But fostering/adoption is another great route to go also. I'm very curious about Niall's pictures. I wonder what he is trying to explain to Yazzy? I'm seeing Nick in him more and more every time. Like the fact he refused to go to sleep with wet hair, so Nick!

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 07:28 am Title: Every Storm Runs Out of Rain

This chapter was so cute. I loved Brian's stupid joke. And I'm glad that Niall is really starting to warm up to Yazzy. I'm glad that they have each other to rely on when it stormed. I was wondering if Yazzy still got scared when it stormed.

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 07:21 am Title: Can't Let Go

Oh boy I'm starting to make some connections. I didn't want to believe them in previous chapters but I'm starting to agree with Yazzy. Especially after Niall's head started feeling funny after they visited Nick in the hospital. I don't know what to think, but I'm glad that Nick isn't completely gone. At least his body is still physically there. I don't know if I would be able to make the decision to pull the plug on him or not. Where is his family? Where are the other guys?

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 07:09 am Title: Your Cloud

Oh I want to cry my freakin eyes out right now. Yazzy talking to Brian made me want to cry. Then just the whole Niall thing makes me wanna cry. I feel like I might need to carry around a box of tissue for the rest of this story. Darn you!

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 07:00 am Title: Safe

Niall seems very precious. He's been treated so horribly before and now Yazzy is there to make it better. I'm still confused but hoping time will answer my questions.

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/25/13 06:52 am Title: The Little Boy

This is freaking me out o_0. What happened to Nick?