Reviews For Love Interrupted
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Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/18/13 05:15 pm Title: The Little Boy

Im sooo lost. What happened? Did Nick died? OMG!

Author's Response: Stay tuned! More OMGs to come!

Reviewer: Tweetersweet Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/18/13 05:02 pm Title: The Little Boy


I just read the last two chapters and I am stunned!  Please update soon!

Author's Response: I promised all applicable warnings applied! :p

Reviewer: JennayHeartsNick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/18/13 04:57 pm Title: The Little Boy

What the hell? That's probably one of the biggest twists in a story I've ever read...what the HELL did you do? Reincarnate the guy into a little boy???

Author's Response: :twist::twist::twist:

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/18/13 03:22 pm Title: Walking on Broken Glass

OMFG so need more now. Amazing 

Author's Response: TFTR! More coming later today!

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/18/13 02:56 pm Title: Walking on Broken Glass

WHATTTT??? Come on. I need to know what happens. :-/ please update soon.

Author's Response: I'll be updating soon :)

Reviewer: riotgurl3278 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/17/13 01:18 pm Title: Fly

Wow!I am pretty much at a loss for words.That never happens lol. Anyway,Very sad but great chapter!Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: LoL wow I'm proud to void you of words! haha

Reviewer: Im_A_NKOTBSB_Chick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/17/13 09:45 am Title: Fly

Oh poor babies! I feel so bad for them both. When something like this happens your first thought is usually to blame yourself. But sometimes things just aren't meant to be. I always believe things happen for a reason. I hope they can both get through this together, because they are definitely going to need each other. And I am glad Yaz can still have babies :)

Author's Response: I agree - things do always happen for a reason. :)

Reviewer: Yara Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/13 02:44 pm Title: Fly

poor Yazzy. Cant wait to read more.

Reviewer: JordansLady Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/13 04:24 am Title: Fly

Holy shit poor sad

Reviewer: LenniluvsBrian Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/13 03:10 am Title: Fly

Oye vey in a half shell. Why must things keep getting worse for these two? Why? They deserve a happy ending!



Author's Response: LOL why must things get worse? Because I'm at the pen of course! :p

Reviewer: blueleeryan Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/13 02:10 am Title: Fly

OMG poor yazzy :( more please. Amazing job. 

Author's Response: TFTR :)

Reviewer: DelphinaCarter Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/16/13 02:08 am Title: Fly


Author's Response: Word. :)

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/11/13 10:41 pm Title: You're Like Coming Home

oh man he had the baby's room ready and then when he found out she cheated! man... you are making me dislike people I like normally... Adam, Lauren...geesh.  I know it's fiction ... lol

Author's Response: LoL I love Adam but every time he tweets now I'm like...UGH!!! haha

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/11/13 10:18 pm Title: Fighter

good thing a vast majority of courts still side with the mother! though California and him being famous... *sigh*  ooooh the drama to ensue.  Wait and I didn't think Yazzy wasn't going to give parental rights to Adam, just that she didn't want to be with him anymore... AJ needs to tell him to get the rag out of his ass too! heehee

Reviewer: Purpura Lipstick Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/11/13 09:25 pm Title: I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You

aw I love how they are texting each other, though yes, normal people would call but this is just cute! LOL   I like how he told the guys Yazzy was preggers and oooh Adam, I'll comfort you even if you are a douche in this story I can't ignore your hotness. LOL